Diferencia entre revisiones de «Alezkar»

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==== Fauna ====
AlethkarAlezkar alsotambién hascuenta acon largeuna varietyfauna ofmuy faunavariada. Large wildLa Faunasalvaje includesincluye [[Whitespineespinablanca]]s,{{book ref|sa1|44}} [[Chullchull]]s,{{book ref|sa1|45}} [[axehoundsabueso-hacha|sabuesos-hacha]]s{{book ref|sa1|45}} andy moremás. AlethkarAlezkar istambién alsoes homeel tohogar multiplede herdsmúltiples ofmanadas de [[Ryshadiumryshadio]]s, whichque viven liveen mostlysu inmayoría theen easternla partzona oforiental thedel countrypaís.{{book ref|sa3|26}} [[Diggerworm]]s are also common in Alethkar, and much work goes into protecting crops from them.{{book ref|sa1|10}} Another common species found across Alethkar is the [[lurg]], a small amphibian.{{book ref|sa1|16}} Alethkar isn’t home to any [[sarpenthyn]], but [[skyeel]]s are common near the coast.{{book ref|sa2|55}}{{book ref|sa2|40}}
The Alethi have also domesticated a wide range of animals. While most of them live as farmers, occasionally keeping animals alongside their plants, some Alethi also live as herdsmen.{{book ref|sa3|10}}{{book ref|sa1|1}} Domesticated fauna includes [[Lobberbeast]]s, a large grazing animal,{{book ref|sa4|15}} [[Sow]]s, which are kept for their milk,{{book ref|sa3|5}} [[Gumfrem]]s, which are usually kept for their [[gemheart]]s,{{book ref|sa3|10}} and chulls, which are used as beasts of burden.{{book ref|sa1|46}} The Alethi also keep hogs, which originally came from [[Ashyn]], for their meat and leather.{{book ref|sa3|10}} Besides these large pastoral animals the Alethi also keep a number of animals as pets, such as [[axehound]]s, some birds, and mink.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
