Diferencia entre revisiones de «Alezkar»

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The Alethi have also become adept at countering Shards. They have learned that the best way is to send another Shardbearer against them.{{book ref|sa1|24}} By leveling the playing field in this way, the overwhelming power of a Shardbearer is negated and victory is left to the most skilled of the fighters.{{book ref|sa2|54}} Aside from that, they use heavy weapons such as war hammers and axes in an attempt to shatter the plate.{{book ref|sa1|56}} The most common tactic employed by the Alethi is to simply drown a Shardbearer in enemies.{{book ref|sa2|85}} There are also soldiers trained specifically to deal with Shardbearers. They utilize ropes and hooks to try to unbalance or trip the shardbearer, though this isn't always successful as shardplates are extremely heavy.{{book ref|sa2|81}} Some Alethi Fortifications are built to withstand Shardbearers. These fortifications are built with narrow corridors to prevent a bulky Shardbearer from maneuvering.{{book ref|sa3|66}}
==== BridgeCuadrillas Crewsde los puentes ====
{{for|BridgeCuadrilla crewdel puente}}
{{image|Sadeas bridges.jpg|side=right|width=300px}}
Las cuadrillas de los puentes eran una parte muy importante del ejército durante la guerra de la Venganza, ya que servían como mano de obra reemplazable que cargaba puentes para ayudar a los soldados a cruzar los enormes abismos entre mesetas. También servían como carne de cañón para los arqueros parshendi, evitando así que fijasen como objetivos a soldados más entrenados y valiosos.{{book ref|sa1|32}} Debido a esto, los hombres de los puentes tenían una alta tasa de mortalidad: aproximadamente fallecía la mitad de la cuadrilla por carrera.{{book ref|sa1|9}}
Bridge Crews were a very important part of most of the Alethi armies during the War of Reckoning, serving as an expendable workforce that carried bridges to help soldiers cross over the large chasms between plateaus. They also acted as canon fodder for Parshendi bowmen, as to direct attention away from more trained and valued soldiers.{{book ref|sa1|32}} Due to this, bridgemen had a very high mortality rate, with around half a crew dying per run.{{book ref|sa1|9}}
EachCada Bridgecuadrilla Crewestaba wascompuesta madepor upentre of35 y 35-40 men,hombres whichy weredirigida leadpor byun asargento Bridgedel sergeantpuente, whoque reportsrespondía directlydirectamente toante theel Brightlordbrillante inseñor chargea cargo ofde thelas crewscuadrillas.{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|17}} EachCada crewcuadrilla hastiene anun internallíder leaderinterno electedelegido amongstentre themselvesellos knownmismos asy theconocido bridgecomo leader,líder whodel haspuente; no officialtiene authorityautoridad outsideoficial ofmás thatallá whichde hisla crewmembersque choosesus tocompañeros givedeciden himdarle.{{book ref|sa1|14}} MembersEl ofsueldo bridgeera crewsnormalmente werede typicallycinco payedmarcoclaros fivea clearmarksla asemana weekpara cada miembro de la cuadrilla, giveny lo onrecibían theel thirdtercer daydía ofde everycada weeksemana.{{book ref|sa1|11}}{{book ref|sa1|14}}{{book ref|sa1|27}}
TheLos bridgespuentes usedempleados bypor el ejército de Torol Sadeas's armysolían aremedir eightocho feetpies widede andanchura twoy feetdos thickde grosor, withcon supportsapoyos onen bothambos sideslados extendingque itsextendían widthsu toamplitud sixteena feetdieciséis pies. TheyMedían aretreinta alsopies thirtyde feet longlongitud, andy alloweden oneun topuente setpodían uporganizarse 8ocho menhombres perpor columncolumna andy 5cinco menpor per rowfila.{{file ref|Sadeas_bridges.jpg|BridgeArte interior de una carrera Runde Interiorlos Artpuentes}}
Mientras no hacían carreras de los puentes, solían ser utilizados como mano de obra barata para tareas desagradables en los campamentos de guerra, como el servicio en los abismos o en las letrinas.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
While not on bridge runs, they are typically used as cheap manpower to perform undesirable duties at war camps, such as chasm or latrine duty.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
NotNo alltodos highprinceslos madealtos usepríncipes ofempleaban bridgecuadrillas crews,de withlos Dalinarpuentes; Kholines notablyde refusingdestacar toque makeDalinar directse usenegaba ofen them.redondo Hea insteadusarlas. madeEn usesu oflugar, largeutilizaba bridgespuentes oncon wheels,ruedas pulledtirados bypor chulls. DueDado toque beingeran heaviermás andpesados pulledy bylos cargaban chulls insteaden ofvez peoplede personas, movementsus ismovimientos significantlyquedaban slowermás ralentizados, butpero Dalinar makeslos useprefería ofdebido ita regardlessque asresultaban iten resultsuna inenorme areducción majorde reductionbajas ofdurante casualtieslas duringcarreras plateauentre runsmesetas.{{book ref|sa1|26}}
==== Communication on the battlefield ====