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{{Translatedin pageprogress}}
|books=[[El archivo de las tormentas]]
|Tenemos una noble herencia, Kal, ojos oscuros y ojos claros por igual. Por eso los mejores guerreros han sido siempre de Alezkar.
|[[Laral]].{{book ref|sa1|16}}
<!--'''Alezkar''' es la más grande y prominente de las cinco naciones [[Vorinismo|vorin]] en [[Roshar]]. La gente de este país es conocida como '''alezi''', siendo sus regios colores el azul y el oro.{{book ref|sa1|69}} El nombre que los [[cantor]]es le dan a Alezkar es '''Avendla''', que significa Tierra del Segundo Avance.{{book ref|sa4|14}} Antes de la [[Auténtica Desolación]], los alezi se encontraban envueltos en la [[Guerra de la Venganza]] contra los [[oyente]]s.{{book ref|sa1|23}} En la actualidad, la mayor parte de su territorio está bajo el control de los [[Portadores del Vacío]].{{book ref|sa3|120}}-->
'''Alethkar''' is a country in eastern [[Roshar]]. It borders [[Jah Keved]] to the west, the [[Unclaimed Hills]] to the east, and the [[Frostlands]] to the south. Alethkar is the largest country on Roshar, and is the largest and most prominent of the five [[Vorinism|Vorin]] nations, with a population in the hundreds of thousands.{{book ref|sa4|50}} People from Alethkar are known as '''Alethi''', and their royal colors are blue and gold.{{book ref|sa1|69}} In [[Azir]], they are known as the '''Tagarut'''.{{book ref|tsm|26}}
The [[singer]]s' name for Alethkar is '''Avendla''', meaning Land of the Second Advance.{{book ref|sa4|14}} Prior to the [[True Desolation]], the Alethi were engaged in the [[War of Reckoning]] against the [[listeners]].{{book ref|sa1|23}} At the present, the vast majority of their territory is under the control of the [[Voidbringer]]s.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
== Etymology ==
The name ''Alethkar'' is of unsure meaning, but it stems from the name of the Silver Kingdom of ''Alethela'', which later became what is now known as Alethkar.{{book ref|sa1|19}}{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}}
== Geografía ==
=== Fronteras y Territorios ===
Alezkar se encuentra en el este de [[Roshar]], extendiéndose por el continente desde el [[Océano de las Aguas Hirvientes]] en el norte hasta el [[Mar de Tarat]] en el sudoeste. Hacia el este la frontera se curva ante las [[Colinas Irreclamadas]], mientras que por el sur alcanza zonas no pertenecientes a nación alguna. Estas son conocidas como las [[Tierras Heladas]] y las [[Llanuras Quebradas]], habiendo sido esta última zona recientemente proclamada territorio del país. En el oeste, Alezkar cuenta con una larga frontera (en disputa desde hace mucho) con [[Jah Keved]], que actualmente sigue dos ríos y se curva hacia los [[Montes del Hacedor de Soles]]. En el noroeste la frontera da con [[Herdaz]] en un pedazo de terreno que se obtuvo tras unosvarios años de guerrasconflictos fronterizasfronterizos.{{map ref|Roshar}}{{book ref|sa3|52}}
Tiene un área de unos 7.134.000 km<sup>2</sup>{{17s ref|blog|634-roshar-physical-characteristics-and-areas|text=Áreas y Características Físicas de Roshar|date=2018-08-30|name=RosharAreas}}. En comparación con una nación del mundo real, es un poco más pequeño que el área total de Australia.
Además del territorio principal, los Alezi tienen una serie de territorios en ultramar. En el [[Océano de las Aguas Hirvientes]], Alezkar tiene [[Akak]] y otras islas, lo que le otorga un control completo de la [[Bahía de Elibath]]. En el [[Mar de Tarat]] —en concreto, una región llamada [[Bahía de Mevan]]— domina también una serie de pequeñas islas en el delta del [[Río Curva de la Muerte]], cerca de [[Karanak]].{{map ref|Alezkar}}
=== Interior ===
Al final de la [[Era de la Soledad]], Alezkar es el estado más grande en Roshar, cubriendo cerca de siete millones de kilómetros cuadrados de territorio.{{ref|name=RosharAreas}} Pese al hecho de que está mucho más expuesto a las [[alta tormenta|altas tormentas]] que cualquier otro país más al oeste, cuenta con grandes franjas llenas de animales y de frondosa vegetación.{{book ref|sa3|5}} Tiene multitud de ríos que lo atraviesan, siendo los dos mayores el [[Río Corredor del Viento|Corredor del Viento]] y el [[Río Curva de la Muerte|Curva de la Muerte]]. El río Corredor del Viento pasa de este a oeste, desde las Montañas Irreclamadas hasta la Bahía de Elibath, y posee multitud de afluentes a lo largo de la mitad norte del país. El río Curva de la Muerte también nace en las Montañas Irreclamadas, salvo que en su caso circula hacia el sur, donde va a desembocar a la Bahía de Mevan, siendo uno de sus mayores afluentes un lago llamado [[Mar de las Lanzas]]. El norte y sur de Alezkar están divididos por un macizo rocoso en forma de cruz llamado los [[Montes del Hacedor de Soles]].{{map ref|Alezkar}}
=== Climate ===
Due to how far east it is, Alethkar is buffeted by particularly heavy highstorms. This forces settlements to primarily be built on the leeward sides of laits.{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{cite}} These leeward sides are also far more lush with plant life, due to the protection the liats provide from powerful highstorm winds.{{file ref|Lait.jpeg|Lait study}}
=== Ciudades notables ===
<!-- Que la ciudad tenga nombre no la hace notable, así que evitemos mencionar todas y cada una de las ciudades del mapa -->
{{for|Alezkar#Principados conocidos|un listado más completo|aquí}}
* [[Kholinar]] - El hogar de la [[Casa Kholin]] y la capital nacional tras la unificación de Alezkar. La [[Puerta Jurada]] de [[Alezela]] se encuentra aquí.
* [[Rathalas]] - Ciudad en ruinas una vez conocida por haber sido construida en un gran cañón buscando seguridad. Fue incendiada por [[Dalinar Kholin]] tras la rebelión del [[alto príncipe]] local, [[Tanalan]].
== Historia ==
<!--Alezkar fue fundada como [[Alezela]] durante la época de los [[Reinos Plateados]]. Sobrevivió a las Desolaciones pero cayó bajo la influencia de la [[Hierocracia]] hasta que el [[Hacedor de Soles]] guio al reino a una victoriosa revolución contra el régimen [[vorin]]. Tras la muerte del Hacedor de Soles, sus diez hijos no se pusieron de acuerdo para decidir quién sería su sucesor. Dado que ninguno de ellos estaba dispuesto a renunciar a su derecho al trono, decidieron dividir el reino en diez principados gobernados por cada uno como [[Alto príncipe|altos príncipes]], sin un gobierno que los unificase.
Varios siglos después, aproximadamente en {{Rosharan date|1158}}, [[Gavilar Kholin]] —inspirado por el Hacedor de Soles— deseaba conquistar y unir a los altos príncipes, hecho que consiguió en torno al año {{Rosharan date|1163}}. Fue coronado rey y su hermano [[Dalinar Kholin]] se convirtió en el alto príncipe del Principado [[Casa Kholin|Kholin]]. Sin embargo, dado que el linaje de cada principado se remontaba al Hacedor de Soles y sus hijos, los altos príncipes se mostraron reacios a entregar la autonomía de su poder a un gobernante supremo. La unidad e integridad del reino de Gavilar es por tanto cuestionable, como demostró la ferocidad con la que los altos príncipes se resistieron a su acercamiento militar para alcanzar la unificación y cómo siguieron oponiéndose durante su mandato. El más severo de estos casos fue la rebelión en [[Rathalas]], a donde Gavilar terminó por mandar tropas lideradas por [[Dalinar]] y [[Torol Sadeas]] para sofocar la revuelta tras el fracaso de los medios diplomáticos.
Cuando los [[Parshendi]] asesinaron a Gavilar en {{Rosharan date|1167}},{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} su hijo [[Elhokar Kholin]] se convirtió en rey y declaró la guerra a los asesinos. Cada uno de los altos príncipes se unió en el [[Pacto de la Venganza]] y fueron a las [[Llanuras Quebradas]] para asediar a los parshendi en la [[Guerra de la Venganza]]. El asedio se alargó mucho más de lo esperado, no obstante, y todavía seguía en marcha en {{Rosharan date|1173}}. Llegó a su fin cuando los parshendi invocaron la [[tormenta eterna]], dando comienzo así a la [[Auténtica Desolación]] durante la [[Batalla de Narak]]. Tras ello, algunos de los altos príncipes —[[Dalinar]], [[Aladar]] y [[Sebarial]]— junto con las fuerzas restantes se refugiaron en [[Urithiru]], mientras que otros se quedaron en las [[Llanuras Quebradas]], donde poco a poco fueron tomando el control de los campamentos de guerra de aquellos que se marcharon, estableciendo sus núcleos de poder allí.
Un año después de la batalla de la Explanada Thayleña, Dalinar había logrado reconquistar el rincón sudoriental de Alezkar bañado por el mar de Tarat. Dalinar consideró la posibilidad de lanzar una gran ofensiva a Alezkar, pero el [[Dieno|Visón]] logró convencerle de que sería más sabio tratar de recuperar Emul.{{book ref|sa4|17}}-->
Mientras tanto, el territorio de Alezkar era asediado por las recién despertadas fuerzas de [[cantor]]es guiadas por los [[Fusionado]]s, culminando con el [[Asedio a Kholinar|asedio]] y eventual derrota de [[Kholinar]].{{book ref|sa3|85}}
=== Pre-Human Arrival ===
Tras el asesinato de Elhokar por mano de [[Moash]] durante el asedio, y que [[Adolin Kholin]] rechazase un ascenso al trono tras la [[batalla de la Explanada Thayleña]], [[Jasnah Kholin]] se convirtió en la reina.{{book ref|sa3|84}}{{book ref|sa3|122}} El actual heredero al trono es el hijo de Elhokar, [[Gavinor]]; aún así, era tan solo un niño y se acordó que un regente en su nombre sería algo demasiado inestable y peligroso ahora que había llegado la [[Auténtica Desolación]].
Before humanity arrived on Roshar from Ashyn, the land that would come to be known as Alethkar was inhabited by [[Singers]].{{book ref|sa3|113}} After an uncertain period of time after human arrival and settlement in present-day Shinovar, they headed an invasion, slaughtering them and expelling them from their land; claiming it as their own.{{book ref|sa3|113}} This history was lost to time until the discovery of the [[Eila Stele]].{{book ref|sa3|113}}
=== The Silver Kingdoms ===
Un año después de la batalla de la Explanada Thayleña, Dalinar había logrado reconquistar el rincón sudoriental de Alezkar bañado por el mar de Tarat. Dalinar consideró la posibilidad de lanzar una gran ofensiva a Alezkar, pero el [[Dieno|Visón]] logró convencerle de que sería más sabio tratar de recuperar Emul.{{book ref|sa4|17}}
{{image|Silver Kingdoms.jpg|side=right|width=450px|Mapa de los Reinos Plateados}}
Alethkar was founded as [[Alethela]] in the [[Silver Kingdoms]] Epoch, settled by Ashynite emigrants who arrived on Roshar in Shinovar, before eventually expanding outward and settling all across Roshar. They were an extremely militaristic nation which remembered and studied the arts of war so that they would be able to teach it to new generations whenever a Desolation comes.{{book ref|sa1|19}} Due to this, the Knight's Radiant primarily lived in Alethela, even if their operations were based in [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa1|19}} This militarism laid the foundation for modern Alethi militarism and military strength.
Its territory during this era was larger than its current territory, including the [[Unclaimed Hills]] in the Rosharan far east.{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}}{{map ref|Roshar}}
Due to the Desolations, they were constantly returned back to primitive technological levels, often to the point to making use of stone tools. Though they advanced each time with the help of the Heralds whenever they returned, often helping them to enter into the bronze age, often receiving this assistance from [[Kalak]] and his [[Willshapers]].{{book ref|sa2|i|7}}{{book ref|sa1|part=prelude}}{{wob ref|13779}}
Very early in the nation's history, the Dawncity of [[Kholinar]] was created and made into its capital.{{book ref|sa1|60}} It eventually was made into the home of the Alethelan Oathgate.{{book ref|sa3|87}} Despite its age, it still stands as of {{rosharan date|1175}}, making it one of the oldest cities on Roshar.
It was the place that many people wanted Urithiru to be built, likely due to Alethkar being the home to the Knight's Radiant. Despite this, for a reason obvious to many others at the time, it could not be, instead being built in the mountains near [[Makabakam]].{{epigraph ref|sa1|35}}
==== The Rule of Nohadon ====
At some point early in its history, it was ruled over by King [[Nohadon]].{{book ref|sa1|60}}{{book ref|sa1|24}} During one Desolation during his life, they fought for over eleven years and nine-in-ten Alethelan citizens were killed.{{book ref|sa1|60}} [[Eiliz]], [[Tarma]], and [[Sur]], likely sub-divisions of Alethela, fell during this Desolation. They are no longer remembered in modern historical memory by {{rosharan date|1173}}.{{book ref|sa1|60}}
Nohadon wanted to abdicate due to the tragic events of this Desolation, however, he kept his throne and tried to rebuild. Over the decades, he successfully managed to rebuild Alethela into a bustling and colorful place.{{book ref|sa3|103}} Eventually, he went to war with [[Makabakam]] over trade routes, the full effects this had on both kingdoms are unknown.{{book ref|sa3|103}}
Nohadon was a very influential figure on the ideals that form the backbone of the Knights Radiant.{{book ref|sa1|18}}
One of the many Desolations that struck the nation, along with the rest of Roshar, arrived in the year {{rosharan date|337}} of the Eighth Epoch. This Desolation was heralded by the release of [[Midnight Essence]] in a small settlement in [[Natanatan]].{{book ref|sa1|19}} The length of this Desolation is unknown.
==== The Last Desolation ====
The Last Desolation was a large scale Desolation which occured around 4500 years before the arrival of the [[True Desolation]]. This Desolation was particularly devasting due to the fact that it happened only a year after the previous Desolation, and thus society was weakened and still recovering. Tired of the Desolations and their torture on Braize, the nine Heralds still on Roshar refused to return to Braize, leaving Taln as the sole Herald on the planet for millennia.{{book ref|sa1|prelude}}{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}
After the Last Desolation, Desolations ceased to ravage the nation. Due to this, society was able to advance much further than ever before, giving them the strength to potentially resist any potential Desolation without complete societal collapse.{{book ref|sa3|119}} The era heralded by the Last Desolation came to be known as the Era of Solitude.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
==== After the Aharietiam ====
At some point before the [[Hierocracy]], and likely before the [[Recreance]],{{wob ref|14106}} the ancestors of the [[Oldblood]]s acted as the monarchs of what would become Alethkar. Little is known about them, but they are known to have been a dynasty, implying that they had ruled for a long time. It is not known how, when, or why, but they eventually lost their authority, but it would be remembered by their descendants for many generations.{{book ref|sa2|51}}{{wob ref|7245}}{{wob ref|14106}}
At some point following Aharietiam, the kingdom splintered apart into many different smaller nations, and would not reunify for centuries following the splintering.{{cite}}
=== The Hierocracy and Sadees the Sunmaker (??? - c.{{rosharan date|673}}) ===
==== The Hierocracy ====
Alethela survived the Desolations, but fell under the sway of the [[Hierocracy]] some point after the Recreance. This was occurred as religion permeated every aspect of life and Ardents were allowed to own poperty and political office, and were seen as the only figures capable of interpreting scripture. This allowed them to, at some point, overthrow the power of the government and make themselves into a powerful theocracy, claiming the divine right to rule over mankind.{{book ref|sa3|34}} They further controlled the populace through their access to information, both religious and secular.{{book ref|sa2|3}}
While ruling, they sought to expunge historical information regarding [[Shadesmar]], the Knights Radiant and the Recreance, from the records as best as they could. They did not just expunge information, but also tampered with text to create their own revisionist history of Roshar.{{book ref|sa2|3}}{{book ref|sa2|6}}{{book ref|sa1|45}} This left knowledge about the past clouded by propaganda and censorship.
They did not just control Alethelan territories, but expanded to become a wider Vorin coalition, including the likes of what would come to be known as Jah Keved, Kharbranth, and Thaylenah.{{book ref|sa1|18}}{{book ref|sa3|59}} But as it grew larger, it become more and more difficult to keep it itself stable and consolidated, thus their power began to become unstable, laying the foundations for the War of Loss.{{book ref|sa3|19}}
==== The War of Loss (c.{{rosharan date|673}})====
{{for|War of Loss}}
This lasted until the [[Sunmaker]] led the kingdom in a successful revolt against [[Vorin]] rule circa {{rosharan date|673}}, known as the [[War of Loss]]. Following his successful reunification of Alethela under the name of Alethkar, he set his eyes upon the rest of Roshar.{{book ref|ob|2}}
Many cities were sacked and destroyed in this war and the chaos of its aftermath, with Kholinar being one of the few eastern cities to survive.{{book ref|sa2|12}}
After overthrowing the Hierocracy, Vorinism was split into many Devotaries, leaving it heavily decentralized. Furthermore, ardents had their rights to own property and political office stripped away, they were no longer allowed to amass wealth, and they were reduced into being little more than slaves. However, they were stilled allowed to excommunicate people without political consultation.{{book ref|sa3|100}} Furthermore, they had their claims of seeing visions of the future thoroughly debunked, questioning their authority as unquestionable religious figures even further.{{book ref|sa1|36}}
This was all done by Sadees in the attempt to prevent another Hierocracy from rising in the future.{{book ref|sa1|18}}{{book ref|sa1|33}}{{book ref|sa1|36}} The Hierocracy and its fall served to shape modern Vorinism.
Despite its collapse many centuries ago, various groups during the War of Reckoning and the True Desolation, such as the [[Sons of Honor]], still seek for the return of the Hierocracy.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}}{{book ref|sa2|88}}
==== The Rule of the Sunmaker ====
His first conquest was over the northern nation of [[Herdaz]], which was successful.{{book ref|sa3|19}} At some point following the occupation of Herdaz, he marched upon [[Azir]],{{book ref|sa3|42}} then under the rule of Prime Aqasix [[Snoxil]].{{book ref|sa3|65}} He successfully conquered the capital city of [[Azimir]], claiming to have come to "civilize" them. With a powerful army stationed in the nation, he instituted a policy of genocide against their people, it is said one of every ten Azish people died under the tyranny of Sadees.{{book ref|sa3|42}}
After the Sunmaker's death, his ten sons could not agree on one of their number as his successor. With none of them willing to forego their claim to the throne, they split the kingdom into ten princedoms, which they ruled individually as [[Highprince]]s, with no unifying government. This loss of central government in the empire led to the Azish regaining their independence.{{book ref|ob|19}}
The legacy of this era would live on, with the Alethi seeing him as a great conquerer and a hero to his people, while many other people across the world saw him as a genocidal tyrant, causing other leaders to be hesitant to trust Dalinar and the Alethi.{{book ref|sa3|42}} However, Alethkar's conquests forged trade routes to other regions including Azir, Herdaz, and Jah Keved; these routes persisted into the modern era, bringing great wealth to the nation.{{book ref|ob|100}}
=== Alethi War of Unification ({{rosharan date|1140}}-{{rosharan date|1163}})===
{{anchor|Alethi War of Unification}}
Several centuries later, in approximately {{Rosharan date|1140}}, [[Gavilar Kholin]]--inspired by the Sunmaker--sought to conquer and unite the highprinces, which he achieved by about {{Rosharan date|1145}}. He was then crowned king and his brother [[Dalinar Kholin]] became highprince to the [[House Kholin|Kholin]] Princedom. However, due to the lineage of each Princedom going back to the Sunmaker and his sons, the Highprinces were loathe to surrender their autonomous power to a supreme ruler. The integrity and unity of Gavilar's kingdom is therefore questionable, as evidenced by the ferocity with which the Highprinces resisted his military approach to unification and continued to strain against his rule. The most severe instance of this was the rebellion in [[Rathalas]], where Gavilar eventually had to send troops led by [[Dalinar]] and [[Torol Sadeas]] in order to quench the revolt, as political means had resulted in a failure.
==== Brightlord Yezriar ({{rosharan date|1140}})====
One notable battle during the war was the battle against Brightlord Yezriar.{{book ref|sa3|3}}
==== Conquest of Rathalas ({{rosharan date|1141}})====
They led a conquest against Rathalas in {{rosharan date|1141}}, the seat of Brightlord [[Tanalan's father|Tanalan]]. During this fight, Dalinar slew Tanalan, but his body was taken away before his shard manifested. Thus he tracked it down and found his family, where he observed as the Brightlord's son took up the Shardblade [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]] in an attempt to protect the rest of his family. Ultimately, he couldn't bring himself to kill them, so he simply took the blade and left.{{book ref|sa3|11}}
The conquest was ultimately successful, placing Rathalas under Kholin hegemony, although the rule was not peaceful. The ruling family was enraged by the conquest and the death of Tanalan, and was even further enraged by the loss of Oathbringer, which they demanded be returned to the rightful heir.{{book ref|sa3|36}}
This battle was notable for laying the foundations of the Burning of Rathalas, and with the Kholin family obtaining the Shardblade Oathbringer.{{book ref|sa3|36}}
==== Conquest of Kalanor's Territory ({{rosharan date|1145}}) ====
Gavilar and Kalanor were major enemies during the Unification War, with Kalanor acting as one of the major stonewalls in Gavilar's quest towards the complete unification of Alethkar. They have both been politically maneuvering around one another for two years before the start of the conquest.{{book ref|sa3|26}} Gavilar believed that he needed to fall at all costs.{{book ref|sa3|26}}
In {{rosharan date|1145}}, the Kholin army attacked myriad small cities in Kalanor's region in an attempt to undermine his authority and pull him out of hiding, provoking him into a large scale battle in which they could secure a decisive victory.{{book ref|sa3|26}} This strategy was successful, leading to the two armies into a large-scale battle on a large, open plain. This was the largest battle the Kholin army engaged in during the Unification War, and ended in a decisive Kholin victory and the death of Kalanor.{{book ref|sa3|26}}
Kalanor's shards were given to Gavilar by Dalinar, and Kalanor's territory was given to [[Loradar Vamah]], thus it was officially named the [[Vamah princedom]]. This battle marked the official end of the Alethi war of unification, however battles and skirmishes could continue for decades afterward.{{book ref|sa3|26}}
==== Alethi-Herdazian Border Conflict ({{rosharan date|1150}} - {{rosharan date|1154}}) ====
A violent war between Alethkar and Herdaz occurred starting in {{rosharan date|1150}} and lasting up until {{rosharan date|1154}}. It was intended primarily as a show of Alethi strength, and as a way to ensure security at the border and expand Alethi territory.{{book ref|sa3|49}} Dalinar Kholin was a major general in the conflict.{{book ref|sa3|49}}{{book ref|sa4|16}}
This conflict led to the deaths of many on both sides, and defined the modern Alethi-Herdazian Border.{{book ref|sa4|16}}
==== Conquest of Akak ({{rosharan date|1155}}) ====
At some point in {{rosharan date|1155}}, Dalinar Kholin led a military conquest of the [[Reshi]] island of [[Akak]].{{book ref|sa3|52}} The conquest was ultimately successful as he destroyed the Akak Reshi, and claimed the island for Alethkar.{{book ref|sa1|56}}
==== Alethi-Veden Border Conflict ({{rosharan date|1155}} - ???)====
Around {{rosharan date|1155}}, a war broke out at the border between Alethkar and Jah Keved. Dalinar also acted as one of the major generals in this conflict as well.{{book ref|sa3|52}} Part of the motivation for the conflict was Jah Keved taking land from Alethkar in around {{rosharan date|1143}}.{{book ref|sa3|66}}
==== Burning of Rathalas ({{rosharan date|1163}}) ====
{{image|The Rift by greatunknown.png|side=right|width=400px|The burning of Rathalas}}
In {{rosharan date|1163}}, due to increasing hostilities and calls for rebellion in Rathalas, led by Brightlord Tanalan's son, also named [[Tanalan]],{{book ref|sa3|36}}{{book ref|sa3|49}} Gavilar Kholin sent Dalinar Kholin and Torol Sadeas back to the Rift in order to quell them. Dalinar attempted to peacefully negotiate, offering Tanalan the position of Highprince if he surrendered. His offer was refused and his contingent, including himself, were struck by a landslide orchestrated by Tanalan, killing all of his men and leaving him injured, but alive.{{book ref|sa3|71}}
Enraged, Dalinar slaughtered his ambushers, and ordered his surviving men (stationed outside of the Rift) to douse the city in oil and set it alight, as to slaughter all of its people and leave the city in ruins. Panicked at what Dalinar ordered, Evi went into the city in secret and attempted to negotiate with Tanalan herself, in order to prevent the massacre from being carried out. Tanalan came to agree, and decided to send out a plea for surrender.
When messengers were sent out waving a flag of surrender, he ordered them shot dead, and demanded that the burning be continued without any deferment.{{book ref|sa3|75}} The attack went through at night, and the attack left all inhabitants of the city dead with the exception of Tanalan and his family, who Dalinar killed without hesitation. However, it soon came out that Evi was in the city during the burning, and was killed in the fire.{{book ref|sa3|75}}
The guilt of killing Evi and thousands of innocents weighed heavily on Dalinar's mind, and ultimately led to his seeking of the Nightwatcher and fundamental change as a person, and in the manner he runs his political office as Highprince.
=== Wastescum Skirmishes (???) ===
{{for|Wastescum skirmishes}}
A collection of skirmishes in the northern section of Alethkar which occurred some time before {{rosharan date|1166}}, and some time after the crowning of Gavilar in {{rosharan date|1145}}.{{book ref|sa1|16}} The skirmishes were against groups of [[Reshi]] raiders who thought they could take advantage at the instability of Alethkar early after the crowning of [[Gavilar Kholin]].{{book ref|sa1|16}} It can be reasonably assumed that the attempt to repel the raiders was successful.
Soldiers for the battle were brought in from across the Sadeas Princedom, and presumably beyond, including various darkeyes in [[Hearthstone]].{{book ref|sa1|16}} The Reshi forces notably did not have any Shardblades.{{book ref|sa1|16}}
This conflict did not fully dissuade the Reshi from engaging in border assaults, and they are known to have still be attempting to take Alethkar as late as {{rosharan date|1173|8}}.{{book ref|sa1|18}}
=== Early Interactions with the Parshendi ({{rosharan date|1166}} - {{rosharan date|1167}}) ===
Gavilar met with the Parshendi in {{rosharan date|1166|4}} and was instantly fascinated by them. The Parshendi exploration that underwent first contact was led by [[Eshonai]], who became a very important figure in Alethi-Parshendi relations.{{book ref|sa3|prologue}}{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}{{book ref|sa1|45}}{{book ref|sa4|48}}
{{image|Reluctant Villain by Art Dem.jpg|side=left|width=300px|Szeth arriving to kill Gavilar}}
==== Assassination of Gavilar Kholin ({{rosharan date|1167}})====
{{for|Assassination of Gavilar}}
During the feast celebrating the signing of the Parshendi-Alethi Treaty in {{rosharan date|1167|10}}, Gavilar revealed to Eshonai that he knew how to bring back the old gods they abandoned, and that he planned on doing so. Horrified, Eshonai reported his plans to [[the Five]], and they agreed that he needed to be assassinated.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}{{book ref|sa3|prologue}}
They sent [[Szeth]] to kill him, and Gavilar fought back in a desperate attempt to survive. Szeth ultimately won in the battle and assassinated him. However, Gavilar managed to make out some last words, telling his assassin to tell Dalinar that "he must find the most important words a man can say", and gave him a Voidlight sphere. Szeth honored these last wishes, writing his last words on a piece of nearby debris, and taking the sphere.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}{{book ref|sa3|prologue}}
=== The War of Reckoning ({{rosharan date|1167}} - {{rosharan date|1173}}) ===
{{for|War of Reckoning}}
When Gavilar was assassinated by [[Szeth]] under the orders of the [[Parshendi]] in {{Rosharan date|1167}},{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} his son, [[Elhokar Kholin]], became king and declared war on the killers. Each of the highprinces joined the [[Vengeance Pact]] and they set out into the [[Shattered Plains]] to besiege the Parshendi in the [[War of Reckoning]].
During the war, the highprince Dalinar Kholin began to have visions of the past, and warnings of the future. These visions caused other highprinces and his soldiers to start doubting his sanity. However, over time, his talking during these visions led to the decipherment of the [[Dawnchant]]. These translations began to spread amongst scholars, leading to an immense increase in Rosharan understanding of their own history as they learned how to translate various ancient texts.
The siege took much longer than was expected, and was still active by {{Rosharan date|1173}}.
Despite the Highprinces all joining together in the War of Reckoning, fighting for territory between Princedoms continued without abeyance. Such as one skirmish between the Sadeas Princedom and [[Vamah princedom|Vamah]] or [[Aladar princedom]].{{book ref|sa1|1}}{{book ref|sa1|47}}{{book ref|sa2|74}}
==== Sadeas Princedom Border Conflict (c.{{rosharan date|1172|9}}) ====
In c.{{rosharan date|1172|9}}, the Sadeas Princedom engaged in a border skirmish with the Vamah or Aladar princedom.{{book ref|sa1|1}}{{book ref|sa1|47}}{{map ref|Alethkar}} During this battle, which was led by [[Meridas Amaram]] on the Sadeas side, [[Helaran Davar]], a Veden Shardbearer, was killed on the battlefield. While the killer was [[Kaladin]], and thus he had legal right to the dropped Shardblade, Amaram killed his squad and marked him as a slave, taking the Shardblade for himself.{{book ref|sa1|1}}{{book ref|sa1|47}}{{book ref|sa2|74}}
In late {{rosharan date|1173}}, Reshi border encroachments grew increasingly bold, recognizing the weakening state of Alethkar due to the prolonged War of Reckoning.{{book ref|sa1|18}}
==== The Chasmfiend Hunt ({{Rosharan date|1173|8|7|5}}) ====
==== Battle of the Side Carry ({{rosharan date|1173|8|5|3}}) ====
During an attack on the Tower led by Sadeas, Bridge Four attempted a strategy that they believed would protect them from Parshendi attack by carrying their bridge on the side. This successfully protected themselves, but focused Parshendi attack on other bridge crews, causing a large amount to fall. This disrupted the attack, and led to a large amount of deaths, of both trained soldiers and bridgemen. Over two-hundred bridgemen perished in the attack.{{book ref|sa1|32}}{{book ref|sa1|34}}
This ultimately dealt a crippling blow to Sadeas's army, and led to the execution of Captain [[Lamaril]] for allowing the disaster to take place. Kaladin was also punished by being strung up in the coming highstorm and left for death, as a punishment for the actions of his crew.{{book ref|sa1|32}}{{book ref|sa1|34}}
==== The Fall of Kholinar ({{rosharan date|1173}}) ====
Late into the War of Reckoning, after [[Navani Kholin]] left [[Aesudan]] to rule for herself after deeming her fit to do so without her advisement, Kholinar was infiltrated by [[Ashertmarn]], [[Sja-anat]], and [[Yelig-nar]]. These Unmade caused Aesudan to fall into an abyss of decadence, throwing lavish feasts as Kholinar society collapsed around her, while Sja-anat corrupted the spren of the city; and Yelig-nar bonded with Aesudan, but she ultimately couldn't handle it and it led to her death.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}}{{book ref|sa3|84}}
The events that took place in Kholinar served as the basis of the [[Siege of Kholinar]], and its eventual fall and occupation by Fused forces.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}
==== Battle of the Tower ({{Rosharan date|1173|9|6|4}}) ====
{{for|Battle of the Tower}}
On {{Rosharan date|1173|9|6|4}}, Highprince Sadaes set up a battle on the [[Tower (Roshar)|Tower]] as a trap to murder Dalinar Kholin. The motivation for this was a part of his desire to protect Elhokar from Dalinar's ideals.{{book ref|sa1|69}}{{expand}}
The battle led to the decimation of Dalinar Kholin's army, he arrived at the battle with 8000 men, but returned with only 2,653 men, coming out at 5347 fatalities.{{book ref|sa1|69}} It also led to Dalinar successfully attempting to gain the title of Highprince of War in order to insure more authority to manage the war directly, in response to Sadaes' betrayal.{{book ref|sa1|69}}
==== Attempted Assassination of Dalinar ({{Rosharan date|1173|10|2|5}}) ====
==== Attempted Peace Talks ====
==== Battle of Narak and Failed Assassination of Elhokar Kholin ({{Rosharan date|1173|10|10|3}}) ====
{{for|Battle of Narak}}
The Battle of Narak occured on {{Rosharan date|1173|10|10|3}}, and marked the summoning of the Everstorm and the start of the True Desolation.{{article ref|Words of Radiance/Timeline|Words of Radiance timeline}}{{expand}}
=== The True Desolation ({{rosharan date|1173}} - ) ===
{{for|True Desolation}}
It eventually ended when the Parshendi summoned the [[Everstorm]], beginning the [[True Desolation]] during the [[Battle of Narak]]. Afterwards, some of the Highprinces -- [[Dalinar]], [[Aladar]] and [[Sebarial]] -- along with their remaining forces, took refuge in [[Urithiru]], while others remained on the [[Shattered Plains]], slowly taking over the abandoned warcamps of those who left and consolidating their power base there.
Shortly following the start of the True Desolation, Torol Sadeas was murdered by Adolin Kholin. Following his murder, rulership of the Sadeas Princedom was passed to Meridas Amaram by [[Ialai Sadeas]], as the heir to the position was too young to fill it.{{book ref|sa2|89}}{{book ref|sa3|26}}
==== Siege of Kholinar ({{rosharan date|1173}}) ====
{{for|Asedio a Kholinar}}
Mientras tanto, el territorio de Alezkar era asediado por las recién despertadas fuerzas de [[cantor]]es guiadas por los [[Fusionado]]s, culminando con el [[Asedio a Kholinar|asedio]] y eventual derrota de [[Kholinar]].{{book ref|sa3|85}}
Tras el asesinato de Elhokar por mano de [[Moash]] durante el asedio, y que [[Adolin Kholin]] rechazase un ascenso al trono tras la [[batalla de la Explanada Thayleña]], [[Jasnah Kholin]] se convirtió en la reina.{{book ref|sa3|84}}{{book ref|sa3|122}} El actual heredero al trono es el hijo de Elhokar, [[Gavinor]]; aun así, era tan solo un niño y se acordó que un regente en su nombre sería algo demasiado inestable y peligroso ahora que había llegado la [[Auténtica Desolación]].
==== Battle of Thaylen Field ({{Rosharan date|1174|2|10|5}}) ====
{{for|Battle of Thaylen Field}}
On {{Rosharan date|1174|2|10|5}}{{ref|name=timeline}}, the Alethi and Thaylen armies defended [[Thaylen City]] against the incursion of the [[Fused]] army.{{book ref|sa3|111}}{{book ref|sa3|112}} This battle was motivated by the Alethi wishing to protect their Thaylen allies, and in order to secure the Thaylen [[Oathgate]]; They wished to secure the Oathgate due to the strategic advantage it granted them.{{cite}}{{expand}}
During this battle, the Unmade Nergaoul was successfully sealed away into the [[King's Drop]], thus ending its control over people across Roshar.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
==== Fused Occupation ({{rosharan date|1174}} - ) ====
By the time of the Battle of Thaylen Field, most of Alethkar was under Fused hegemony.{{book ref|sa3|120}} One of the major military centers in the occupation was the capital city of the [[Vamah princedom]], [[Revolar]]. Between 40,000 and 50,000 Singers were stationed there.{{book ref|sa3|31}}
A year after the Battle of Thaylen Field, Dalinar had managed to retake the southwestern corner of Alethkar which touches the Tarat Sea. Dalinar considered launching a major offensive into Alethkar but was convinced by the [[Dieno|Mink]] that it would be wiser to attempt to retake Emul.{{book ref|sa4|17}}
==== Evacuation of Hearthstone ({{rosharan date|1175}}) ====
In {{rosharan date|1175|3}}, an attempt was mounted by the coalition to evacuate the city of Hearthstone. After a battle with Fused occupiers, most notably [[Lezian]], all but fifteen occupants of Hearthstone were successfully evacuated via the ''[[Fourth Bridge]]'', and brought to Urithiru.{{book ref|sa4|6}} During the battle, Brightlord Roshone was killed by [[Vyre]], leading to the position of citylady eventually being passed on to Laral.{{book ref|sa4|6}}{{book ref|sa4|18}}
==== Expedition to Emul ({{rosharan date|1175}}) ====
== Cultura ==
|Conquistar pueblos viene a ser su principal acervo cultural.
|[[Lopen]].{{book ref|sa3.5|3}}
=== Habitantes ===
Los alezi son, por lo general, de piel morena (la piel es más oscura que la de los [[veden]] y los [[shin]], pero no tanto como la de los [[makabak]]i) y pelo oscuro, habitualmente negro.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Suelen ser extremadamente altos, estando la media al menos treinta centímetros por encima de la gente que vive más hacia el oeste.{{book ref|sa2.5|10}} En los años más recientes deComo la [[Eramayoría de la Soledad]]rosharianos, lostienen alezipliegues morenosepicánticos y deconsideran peloque negrolos son considerados el canonojos de belleza.{{bookquienes ref|sa1|3}}no Loslos cabellostienen multicolorresultan tambiéngrandes estány presentes en Alezkar, un indicativo de herencia mestizaaniñados. Hay quienes ven este tipo de pelo como señal de un linaje «impuro»,{{bookwob ref|sa2|384079}} mientrasSon quegente otros lo considerancon una evidenciagran devariedad laracial superioridaddebido dea Alezkar, arduamente obtenida asu travéshistorial de las conquistas.{{book ref|sa3|122}}{{book Entre los Heraldos, [[Jezrien]] y [[Vedelref|sa2|Vedeledev]] tienen aspecto alezi.38}}{{wob ref|1132515116}}
En los años más recientes de la [[Era de la Soledad]], los alezi morenos y de pelo negro son considerados el canon de belleza.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Los cabellos multicolor también están presentes en Alezkar, un indicativo de herencia mestiza. Hay quienes ven este tipo de pelo como señal de un linaje «impuro»,{{book ref|sa2|38}} mientras que otros lo consideran una evidencia de la superioridad de Alezkar, arduamente obtenida a través de las conquistas.{{book ref|sa3|122}} Entre los Heraldos, [[Jezrien]] y [[Vedel|Vedeledev]] tienen aspecto alezi.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}{{wob ref|11325}}
Como todas las naciones [[vorin]], los alezi ejercen una división entre sexos. Las mujeres cuentan con la [[mano segura]] cubierta ya sea con una manga totalmente abotonada, algo típico en los ojos claros, o el guante habitual entre los ojos oscuros. Se desalienta a las mujeres de tomar las armas y pelear. En contraste, los hombres tienen prohibido leer. Debido a esta tradición cultural lo habitual es que un hombre y una mujer trabajen juntos como equipo en posiciones de importancia en las que sus áreas de responsabilidad se superponen; como sucede en el ejército, donde las mujeres desempeñan la labor de escribas mientras que los hombres dictan órdenes.{{book ref|sa1|6}} La naturaleza militar de los alezi lleva aún más allá sus diferencias, provocando que la mayoría de los dirigentes sean reyes y las mujeres rara vez, si acaso, llegan a convertirse en altas princesas.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
Los alezi rechazan el mostrar emociones de forma pública y cualquier indicativo de ello se percibe como una debilidad; que una pareja comprometida se mantengan cerca entre sí en público no llega a considerarse obsceno, aunque sí extremadamente inapropiado.{{book ref|sa3|122}} A los varones se les anima a ser fuertes y combativos, y a las mujeres a ser astutas y estar dispuestas a meterse en mordaces charlas. La incapacidad o reticencia a actuar de esta manera a menudo conlleva que a dicha persona se la tache de inepta o estúpida.{{book ref|sa3|66}}
=== Music ===
Alethi music makes a heavy use of flutes and string instruments made of a fine wood,{{book ref|sa1|57}}{{book ref|sa1|33}}{{book ref|sa3|84}} and tend to dislike percussion.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}{{book ref|sa4|prologue}}{{wob ref|12290}} Battle hymns make use of brass-like instruments.{{wob ref|12290}}
They make use of bows to play stringed instruments.{{book ref|sa1|33}}
The Alethi may practice a sort of throat-singing.{{wob ref|14654}} They are known to often sing various forms of Vorin hymns.{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}
Drums are popular amongst the lower-class, darkeyed population. Due to this, lighteyes typically associate drums exclusively with darkeyes, and therefore interpret them as base instruments.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}
Their flutes are played vertically, not horizontally.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
Music is seen as a feminine art, and is thus primarily only persued by women and ardents.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|57}}{{book ref|sa2|55}}
It is common for music to be played at lighteyed feasts.{{book ref|sa1|22}}{{book ref|sa3|19}}{{book ref|sa4|prologue}}
=== Clothing ===
Alethi fashion varies greatly between the lighteyes and darkeyes, enforced by the division between the castes.
As of {{rosharan date|1173}}, Alethkar was going through a trend of bright colors and ornate frills.{{cite}}
[[Liafor]] and [[Yezier]] deeply influence lighteyed fashion in Alethkar, with much of their clothing being designed in these countries, based on Alethi fashion trends with their own cultural flair.{{file ref|Contemporary Male Fashion.jpg|Contemporary Male Fashion Folio Page}}{{file ref|Vorin Havah.jpg|Vorin Havah Folio Page}}{{book ref|sa3|49}}
Alethkar and Jah Keved have closely aligned fashion styles, enough so for Liafor to market to them using the same fashion folios.{{file ref|Contemporary_Male_Fashion.jpg|Contemporary Male Fashion}}
{{image|Contemporary_Male_Fashion.jpg|side=left|width=250px|Contemporary Male Fashion}}
==== Masculine Fashion ====
A common form of male clothing, typically worn by warriors, is the [[takama]].{{book ref|sa2|38}} The takama is a form of long, straight, calf-length skirt, typically worn with a belt and shirts specifically designed for use with a takama.{{book ref|sa1|25}}{{book ref|sa3|16}} The Takama has similarities with the Veden [[vakama]] and [[ulatu]].{{book ref|sa4|20}}{{book ref|sa2|19}}
{{image|Vorin Havah.jpg|side=right|width=250px|The Vorin Havah}}
==== Feminine Fashion ====
The Vorin Havah is a very common form of clothing amongst Lighteyed women in Alethkar.{{book ref|sa2|Prologue}} It is formfitting through the bust, shoulders, and waist, and has a flowing skirt; fitting with Vorin ideals, these Havah have a long left sleeve, hiding their [[safehand]].{{book ref|sa1|3}} These sleeves often have a pouch to store belongings known as a safepouch.{{book ref|sa4|8}}{{book ref|sa1|48}} Havah are often made of brightly coloured silk, which is thin enough to allow women to easily grip objects with their safehand, when necessary.{{book ref|sa1|1}}{{book ref|sa4|69}}
Havah often have elaborate embroidery, often taking the form of multifarious designs, hatchings, and stylized glyphs.{{wob ref|6748}}{{book ref|sa1|43}}
Lighteyed women often arrange their hair high in a complex series of braids secured by four steel spikes.{{book ref|sa1|28}}{{file ref|Vorin Havah.jpg|Vorin Havah Folio Page}} These hair-spikes are considered to be traditional in Alethi culture.{{book ref|sa1|28}} Some women deign to use different metals, such as gold, to construct these spikes;{{book ref|sa1|48}} some even choose to wear a different number of spikes in their hair, such as six.{{book ref|sa1|48}}
Darkeyed women tend to wear simpler clothing, and tend to wear gloves on their safehand rather than large sleeves. This is done so that they are able to more easily perform household duties.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|16}} Wearing a glove on the safehand in this manner is seen as immodest and an inherent sign of lower class, and therefore is not typically practiced by lighteyes.{{book ref|sa1|3}}
It is common for prostitutes to dress with their safehand uncovered.{{cite}}
=== Cuisine ===
Like other Vorin nations, they practice a gendered division in cuisine between genders. Masculine food is often heavily spiced.{{book ref|sa2|64}}{{book ref|sa3|46}} Feminine food is made up of fruit and is often very sweet.{{book ref|sa3|68}} However, as always, ardents are immune to these gender norms and can eat whatever they wish.{{book ref|sa1|i|8}}
A large portion of their diet is made up of tallew and lavis, with them being used in food,{{book ref|sa2|64}}{{book ref|sa3|6}}{{book ref|sa3|67}} and alcoholic beverages.{{book ref|sa1|26}}{{book ref|sa2|46}}{{book ref|sa2|81}} Tallew is often boiled or steamed and made into soup.{{book ref|sa1|54}}{{book ref|sa2|64}}{{book ref|sa3|14}}{{book ref|sa2|i|12}} It is sometimes used as a spread on vegetables such as stagm.{{book ref|sa1|54}}
They make use of meat in several dishes, particularly using pork harvested from hogs.{{book ref|sa1|37}}{{book ref|sa3|19}}{{book ref|sa3|13}} Sometimes cooked in a savoury broth.{{book ref|sa3|19}} They also eat the meat of crabs and lanka.{{book ref|sa3|19}}{{book ref|sa3|37}}
Alethi food is known for its spiciness.{{book ref|sa3|46}}{{book ref|sa1|37}} Which is often mixed into sauces and curry.{{book ref|sa1|37}}{{book ref|sa3|68}}{{book ref|sa3|13}}
Stagm and other tubers are another common part of their diet.{{book ref|sa1|54}}
It is common for children to eat fruited tallew rice with flatbread.{{book ref|sa1|37}}
They make use of a wide range of sauces of a variety of different flavours, ranging from spicy,{{book ref|sa1|37}}{{book ref|sa3|68}} to sweet,{{book ref|sa3|68}} to peppery,{{book ref|sa3|19}} to salty.{{book ref|sa2|59}}{{book ref|sa1|i|8}}{{book ref|sa1|22}}
{{image|Types of Wine.jpeg|side=right|width=250px|The Colours of Alethi Wine}}
==== Alcohol ====
Alethi alcohol is often made of fermented tallew or lavis,{{book ref|sa1|26}}{{book ref|sa2|46}}{{book ref|sa2|81}} but are occasionally made from fruit.{{book ref|sa3|18}}
Their alcohol is coloured with various dyes in accordance with the strength of the beverage.{{file ref|Rosharan Wines.jpg|Rosharan Wines}} The strongest colours are not only fermented, but also distilled into spirits.{{wob ref|12920}} Parties often only make use of the weaker colours, to prevent participants from getting drunk too quickly.{{book ref|sa3|18}}
There is a great variety of beverages even within the same colour,{{book ref|sa2|49}} such as hard honu, a type of lavis grain liquor.{{book ref|sa2|81}} Some alcohol is spiced, giving it a spicy flavour.{{book ref|sa2|49}}
=== Architecture ===
Architecture varies wildly across Alethkar, and is heavily shaped by the highstorms the ravage the nation. For example, buildings in Hearthstone, which are only protected by a relatively small [[lait]] known as the Breakwall, are built in rows and are wedge shaped with a sloped eastern side, with windows being exclusively situated along the flat western side.{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{expand}}
Doors are often faced away from the Origin, especially further to the east, and streets are often designed running east to west to provide a way for highstorm winds to blow.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
Larger cities, such as [[Tomat]] or [[Kholinar]], tend to make use of defensive walls along their perimeter.{{book ref|sa4|i|10}}{{book ref|sa3|31}}{{file ref|Kholinar.jpg|Map of Kholinar}} Some cities, such as [[Revolar]], expanded past these walls, leaving them as markers of the inner portions of the city.{{book ref|sa3|31}}
=== Sistema de castas ===
La cultura alezi está dividida en dos grandes castas, los '''[[ojos claros]]''' y los '''[[ojos oscuros]]''', separados como es evidente por el color de los ojos de la persona. Los ojos claros conforman la casta superior, con más derechos y privilegios, mientras que los ojos oscuros son la casta baja, trabajadora. Además, cada casta está divididasubdividida en diez rangos, llamados [[dahn]]s en el caso de los ojos claros y [[nahn]]s en el de los ojos oscuros. Algunos dahns y nahns son hereditarios, o estables, mientras que otros solo pueden conseguirse tras adquirirse ciertos cargos.{{wob ref|2782}} El monarca alezi, por ejemplo, es la única persona en el reino con el primer dahn.{{wob ref|4006}}
Existen muchas formas de mejorar de rango, como un matrimonio o el servicio militar. Un soldado que asciende a oficial pasará casi automáticamente a un dahn o nahn superior, más adecuado, junto con sus hijos.{{wob ref|2782}} Poseer un territorio automáticamente otorga a los ojos claros al menos el sexto dahn, sin importar su estatus previo, y convertirse en un [[portador de esquirlada]] dota de al menos el cuarto dahn.{{wob ref|4006}}{{book ref|sa3|58}}
=== Militarismo ===
|They came from the east. Giants, in armor forged of the deepest metals. A horde of death and destruction that ate the land, consumed villages like insects swarming the crops. Ripping. Smashing.
|[[Nómada]]{{book ref|tsm|26}}
La cultura alezi es altamente militarista, hecho que se remonta a sus orígenes como Alezela. Ser soldado se considera la mejor de las [[Llamada]]s religiosas, siendo la creencia en la lucha por reclamar los [[Salones Tranquilos]] la mejor vida tras la muerte que uno podría esperar.{{book ref|sa1|16}} El reino se encuentra en guerra de forma casi perpetua, ya sea entre altos príncipes o contra alguna fuerza externa. Niños, apenas considerados jóvenes, de partir de doce años pueden verse reclutados (lo que ocurre a veces) por exaltados ejércitos, alimentando así la maquinaria sin fin de la guerra.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
El servicio militar es otro de los caminos más seguros para ascender en la escala social de Alezkar. Un soldado que ascienda de rango militar verá un incremento en su dahn o nahn para que sea parejo al mismo.{{wob ref|2782}} Además, muchos soldados ojos oscuros van a la guerra con la esperanza de derrotar a un portador de esquirlada y hacerse con su [[hoja esquirlada]] debido a la extendida creencia (cuya veracidad queda demostrada más tarde) de que vincular una esquirlada puede cambiar sus ojos a unos claros.{{book ref|sa2|66}}
Como añadido a su cultura, los alezi rinden honor a [[la Emoción]], una forma de deseo por la batalla que en ocasiones les acompaña cuando combaten. En muchos caso se considera a la Emoción como algo privado, que no se debe compartir con los demás; no obstante, también es algo ansiado, pues a menudo hay hombres que aguardan su llegada durante el combate.{{book ref|sa1|12}}{{book ref|sa1|26}} Para muchos es directamente adictiva.{{book ref|sa2|29}} Tras la batalla de la Explanada Thayleña y el sellado de Nergaoul, la Emoción dejó de influir en el corazón de los hombres.{{book ref|sa4|16}}{{wob ref|14279}}
=== Religión ===
|[[Shallan]].{{book ref|sa3|15}}
Alezkar es uno de los cinco grandes reinos [[Vorin]] y la gran mayoría de su población adora al [[Todopoderoso]].{{book ref|sa1|3}} La devoción en sí es en su mayor parte llevada a cabo por los sacerdotes, llamados [[fervoroso]]s. Los fervorosos, aunque influyentes, no son libres; son esclavos de determinados [[ojos claros]]. Al contrario que en otras profesiones, el fervor está abierto tanto para hombres como para mujeres procedentes de todas las clases sociales.{{book ref|sa2|11}} Los fervorosos son considerados carentes de género, desde un punto de vista social, y como tal no están sometidos a muchos de los tabús relacionados a los roles de género del vorinismo.{{book ref|sa2|44}} También son los únicos que tienen permitido usar los [[moldeador de almas|moldeadores de almas]].
=== Lengua y Escritura ===
{{for|Escritura femenina|más información sobre la escritura femenina}}
{{For|Glyphs|más información sobre glifos y glifopares}}
La lengua alezi es parte de la familia de lenguas vorin, que incluye otras como el veden (hablado en [[Jah Keved]]) y el [[herdaz]]iano.{{wob ref|3977}} En particular, está más próxima a la primera, haciéndola fácil de aprender.{{book ref|sa1|5}} Entre las palabras conocidas de esta lengua se incluyen dahn y nahn para el sistema de castas, la pronunciación de múltiples [[glifo]]s y dos términos usados para referirse a miembros de la familia; "Mathana", un término formal para referirse a una hermana mayor, y "Mashala", para tía.{{book ref|sa1|22}}{{book ref|sa1|60}}
La lengua alezi es parte de la familia de lenguas vorin, que incluye otras como el veden (hablado en [[Jah Keved]]) y el [[herdaz]]iano.{{wob ref|3977}} En particular, está más próxima a la primera, haciéndola fácil de aprender.{{book ref|sa1|5}} It is also descended from Alethelan.{{book ref|sa3|104}} Entre las palabras conocidas de esta lengua se incluyen dahn y nahn para el sistema de castas, la pronunciación de múltiples [[glifo]]s y dos términos usados para referirse a miembros de la familia; «Mathana», un término formal para referirse a una hermana mayor, y «Mashala», para tía.{{book ref|sa1|22}}{{book ref|sa1|60}}
==== Alfabeto ====
El alezi se puede escribir utilizando dos sistemas distintos. La [[escritura femenina]], usada ampliamente a lo largo del este de Roshar, es un alfabeto que consta de veinticinco letras y al menos dos símbolos: una marca para el máximo tamaño de un carácter situada al principio de un pasaje, y una pequeña diacrítica que denota que una letra debería leerse como una “H”.{{twg ref|7882|0|Traducción del cuaderno de notas de Navani|date=Sep 20th, 2010}}{{wob ref|2962}} Dicho esto, la escritura femenina está restringida a las mujeres de la población de acuerdo a las reglas culturales vorin. Los hombres tienen permitido aprender [[glifo]]s, un sistema diferente donde cada símbolo o pareja de de símbolos representa una idea o concepto.{{book ref|sa1|3}}
El alezi se puede escribir utilizando dos sistemas distintos. La [[escritura femenina]], usada ampliamente a lo largo del este de Roshar, es un alfabeto que consta de veinticinco letras y al menos dos símbolos: una marca para el máximo tamaño de un carácter situada al principio de un pasaje, y una pequeña diacrítica que denota que una letra debería leerse como una «H».{{twg ref|7882|0|Traducción del cuaderno de notas de Navani|date=Sep 20th, 2010}}{{wob ref|2962}}
==== Grammar ====
Pronouns, including the first-person pronoun, are gendered in the written language, with a masculine, feminine, and neuter form. Due to only woman and ardents being allowed to write, the use of the masculine first-person pronoun is largely restricted to use in quotes, whilst the neuter is used in writing by ardents.{{book ref|sa3|122}} It is likely that no pronouns have gender in the spoken language.{{book ref|sa3|122}} There are further additons to the written language that change the context of words, and are not read out loud.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
==== Alfabetismo ====
Como nación vorin, tanto la lectura como la escritura están restringidas a la población femenina y los fervorosos.{{book ref|sa1|8}} Debido a esto, los hombres normalmente son analfabetos sin importar su clase.
Los hombres tienen permitido aprender [[glifo]]s, un sistema diferente donde cada símbolo o pareja de de símbolos representa una idea o concepto.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Despite this, stormwardens make use of glyphs in a system known as the [[Stormwarden script]], which phonetically uses glyphs in order to construct words.{{book ref|sa2|52}} This, however, is seen as a form of reading, and thus the manner in which they use glyphs is typically hidden from the public.{{book ref|sa2|52}}
Literacy is ubiquitous amongst lighteyed women, and is not uncommon even amongst darkeyed women in Alethi cities.{{book ref|sa1|31}} However, literacy is uncommon in smaller, primarily darkeyed settlements such as Hearthstone, with some having literacy rates as low as 0%.{{book ref|sa1|31}}
=== Death and Funerary Culture ===
Wealthy lighteyes tend to have their bodies soulcast into stone or metal statues.{{book ref|sa1|41}}{{book ref|sa2|2}}{{book ref|sa3|29}}{{book ref|sa4|114}} They are positioned by mortuary sculptors before being soulcast into stone, leaving them suitable for display.{{book ref|sa3|105}}
Darkeyes tend to have their dead burned.{{book ref|sa1|27}}{{book ref|sa2|2}}{{book ref|sa3|29}} Although some very wealthy darkeyes get different treatment.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
==== The Afterlife ====
As a Vorin nation, they believe that people go to assist the Heralds in accordance with their Calling, with warriors being believed to fight in the battle to reclaim the Tranquiline Hills from the Voidbringers.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|i|8}}{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{book ref|sa1|18}}{{book ref|sa1|28}} They believe that those who do not achieve their Calling are put into a dreamless sleep until the Hills are reconquered, whilst the sinful are cast down into Damnation.{{book ref|sa1|59}}
=== Sex and Sexuality ===
Vorin culture is strictly oppossed to extra-marital sexuality,{{wob ref|1443}} though this doesn't stop prostitution from being popular at Warcamps and cities, and in Urithiru.{{book ref|sa3|13}} Though even those that make use of their services tend to look down on them for their occupation, and often physically abuse them.{{book ref|sa1|46}}
They are accepting of homosexuality, and allow same-sex marriage, as long as the same oaths are spoken. This is due to the fact that their perception of marriage is rooted in the oaths itself, which a pair of any gender would be able to make without any issues.{{book ref|sa3|35}}{{wob ref|1443}} However, some see it as unbecoming of one's gender, but this seems to be an uncommon perception.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
Incest is strictly looked down on, this includes the marriage of one's sibling's widow(er).{{cite}}
=== Gender Roles ===
The Alethi have very strict gender roles that permeate nigh every aspect of their culture.{{cite}} With most aspects of life, from art, to occupation, to cuisine, is defined by a strict masculine-feminine dichotomy.{{cite}} Ardents, however, are essentially considered genderless and can persue both masculine and feminine activities.{{book ref|sa1|33}}
Going against these prescribed roles is often seen as unnatural or downright blasphameous.{{book ref|sa1|26}}{{book ref|sa2|12}}
Their conception of gender roles is deeply rooted in ''[[Arts and Majesty]]'', an ancient work of Rosharan literature that defines certain topics and practices as feminine or masculine.{{book ref|sa2|25}}{{wob ref|6245}}
== Política ==
|[[Dalinar]].{{book ref|sa3|34}}
=== Monarch ===
The Alethi have a long history of monarchies rising and falling, with few families able to retain authority for any significant period of time.
The first figure to unify Alethkar after the fall of Alethela was Sadees the Sunmaker in c.{{rosharan date|673}}, although his rule quickly collapsed after his death as Alethi territory was split between his ten sons, leading to another interregnum due to a proper heir not being selected before his passing.{{book ref|sa3|19}} This interregnum lasted until Gavilar Kholin led a war of unification, once again bringing Alethkar under a single ruler by the year {{rosharan date|1145}}.{{book ref|sa3|26}}
While the king has power over the Highprinces, highprinces still retain a high degree of autonomy within their own princedoms, to the extent that they essentially function as their own sovereign nations. Therefore, the king is not an autocratic source of authority.
The monarchy's power over the highprinces, however limited, is primarily maintained through military strength and access to soulcasters, which he taxes highprinces for their rights to use.{{book ref|sa1|15}} In part due to the limited power of the king, many people feel more connection and loyalty to their highprince or local lord than they do to the king themself, or to the institution of the monarchy.{{book ref|sa1|24}}
The king has the right to promote individuals into the position of a classical Highprince if they deem it necessary, therefore consolidating inter-princedom national power in certain aspects of government into individuals.{{book ref|sa1|18}} This right is controversial, and only began to be put into use late into the War of Reckoning in {{rosharan date|1173}}, when King Elhokar granted highprince Torol Sadeas the position of [[Highprince of Information]].{{book ref|sa1|18}}
Jasnah Kholin, the current queen, expresses an interest in disbanding the monarchy after the True Desolation is over.{{book ref|sa4|50}}
==== Rules of Succession ====
Traditionally, the crown passes down to the eldest male heir of the ruling king upon his death.{{book ref|sa3|122}}{{wob ref|8552}} However, this traditional line of succession can be overruled if the heir is deemed too young to serve as king in the contemporary political climate of the nation.{{book ref|sa3|122}} In such a case, the crown can pass to the sibling of the deceased king, to act as monarch until the heir comes of age or the political situation calms enough for them to be able to take the throne.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
A king can choose to grant the throne to another individual outside of their line of succession, as Elhokar briefly did to Lopen, making him the legitimate king for a short period of time.{{wob ref|1703}}{{book ref|sa2|87}}{{book ref|sa2|89}} Though the nation refused to recognize the legitimacy of his claim or add him to the official list of kings.{{book ref|sa2|89}} His children do have a valid claim to the throne, due to his brief role as king, though the Alethi are unlikely to accept his claim.{{wob ref|8552}}
==== List of Known Alethi Monarchs ====
{| width=80% class=infobox style='text-align:center!;' align=center
! class=title colspan=3 style='background-color:#bbf;' | Alethi Monarchs
!Length of Rule
| [[Nohadon]]
| Pre-Aharietiam
| ''Interregnum''
| ???
| [[Oldblood]] Dynasty{{book ref|sa2|51}}{{wob ref|7245}}
| Pre-Recreance{{book ref|sa1|24}}
| ''Interregnum''
| ???
| [[Hierocracy]]
| circa {{rosharan date|673}}{{book ref|sa1|26}}
| [[Sadees|Sadees the Sunmaker]]
| ???
| ''Interregnum''
| ??? - {{rosharan date|1145}}
! class=title colspan=3 style='background-color:#bbf;' | Kholin Dynasty
| [[Gavilar Kholin]]
| 1145 - {{rosharan date|1167|10}}
| [[Elhokar Kholin]]
| {{rosharan date|1167|10}} - {{rosharan date|1174|2|3|3}}
| [[Jasnah Kholin]]
| {{rosharan date|1174|2|9}} - ''Incumbent''{{book ref|sa3|122}}{{wob ref|7832}}
==== The King's Wit ====
The King's Wit (known as the Queen's Wit during the rule of Jasnah Kholin) is a court jester that works for the residing monarch, mocking those of lower dahn.{{book ref|sa1|15}}{{wob ref|12270}}{{expand}} The current Wit, as of {{rosharan date|1175}}, and beginning his service in {{rosharan date|1173}}, is [[Hoid]].
It is legal for a Highprince to murder a Wit, though doing so would lead to them losing their position and property.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
=== Principados ===
{{image|MapaAlezkar.png|side=left|width=250px|Principados alezi}}
Pese a estar gobernada por un solo rey, Alezkar está dividida en diez principados, cada uno dirigido por un [[alto príncipe]] [[ojos claros]]. Cada principado lleva el nombre de la familia que lo controla y cuenta con su propio ejército, independientes los unos de los otros; un vestigio de los días anteriores a la unificación. Pese a que los altos príncipes trabajan juntos, el rey tiene un control limitado sobre ellos, un control mantenido menos por tradición y más por puro poder militar y acceso a lujos como los [[moldeador de almas|moldeadores de almas]], cuyos impuestos son muy altos.{{book ref|sa1|15}} Además, la gobernante [[Casa Kholin]] controla el mayor territorio, ya que al margen de su propio principado también tienen en su poder un terreno apenas poblado llamado [[Tierras de la Corona Orientales]].{{map ref|Alezkar}}
Borders between Princedoms were largely, but not exclusively, defined by natural borders created by the Windrunner and Deathbend rivers, the Sunmaker mountains, and the Sea of Spears.{{map ref|Alethkar}}
It is unclear what princedom [[Akak]] is a part of.
==== Highprinces ====
A highprince is the ruler of one of the ten princedoms that make up Alethkar. They essentially function as the leaders of sovereign nations, rather than simply as heads of administrative districts.{{book ref|sa1|12}}
===== Highprince Rules of Succession =====
When a Highprince dies, the position passes to his eldest male child. If he has no eldest male child, their nephew can be elected as heir.{{book ref|sa3|2}}{{book ref|sa3|26}}
If the deceased Highprince has no descendants that can act as valid heirs to the position, their spouse is allowed to elect someone from outside the family to take it up.{{book ref|sa3|26}}
In extreme circumstances, the monarch of Alethkar is allowed to step in and choose to elect a figure of their choosing to be the next Highprince.{{book ref|sa4|27}}
==== The Classical Highprince System ====
During the rule of Sadees, the ten Highprinces had specialized roles in government, controlling certain aspects of the entire kingdom.{{book ref|sa1|18}} This system fell into disuse after the death of Sadees, as Alethkar broke into ten self-governing regions.
This system has seen a resurgence as of late {{rosharan date|1173}}, starting with the election of Torol Sadeas as the Highprince of Information.
===== Known Highprince Positions =====
* '''[[Highprince of Commerce]]:''' This position held authority over all merchants and his troops would patrol the roads across all ten princedoms.{{book ref|sa1|18}}{{book ref|sa2|29}}
* '''[[Highprince of Information]]:''' This position had authority over criminal investigations and policing across the entire kingdom and appointed judges and magistrates.{{book ref|sa1|22}}{{book ref|sa2|29}} Of particular interest to the Highprince of Information were criminal investigations where the Crown's interest was at stake.{{book ref|sa1|22}}
* '''[[Highprince of War]]:''' This position had control over the kingdom's combined military forces, likely only during a time of war.{{book ref|sa1|22}}{{book ref|sa1|24}}
* '''[[Highprince of Works]]:''' This position had management of the kingdoms infrastructure, such as sewage disposal, civil services, and potentially [[Stormlight]] management; with the increase in uses for Stormlight since the [[Battle of Narak]].{{book ref|sa3|104}}
==== Inter-Princedom Conflict ====
Despite unification under one banner, it is common for princedoms to engage in violent border conflicts with one another.{{book ref|sa1|1}} This continued even long into the War of Reckoning.{{book ref|sa1|1}}{{expand}}
==== Administrative Districts ====
Each Princedom is further divided into named regions, such as [[Akanny]] in the Sadeas Princedom.{{book ref|sa3|10}} These regions are controlled by Brightlords or Highlords that hold extensive land and property within a princedom, and collect taxes from the citylords.{{book ref|sa3|116}}
Another level down from regions are individual settlements, which are ruled by citylords. When a citylord dies without a proper heir, a new citylord is sent to replace them. These citylords own the land and territory of a settlement, and rent it out to inhabitants.{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{book ref|sa1|25}} These inhabitants pay an income tax, which varies depending upon the size and purpose of the settlement in question, with smaller farming towns like [[Hearthstone]] primarily paying in produce such as lavis grain, while larger cities levy more financial taxes. Furthermore, the citylord only gets a portion of the collected taxes, with most going to their own local highlord, or to their local Highprince.{{book ref|sa3|116}}{{wob ref|13449}}
Citylords have legal authority over those on their manor, and are allowed to impress them into passing armies at will, so long as they are over the age of fifteen. They are also able to forbid an individual from willingly joining into service.{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{book ref|sa1|37}}{{book ref|sa1|44}}
Citylords are ultimately subservient to the lord of the territory that they inhabit, and in various ways have to pay tribute to their local lord.{{book ref|sa3|116}}{{wob ref|13449}}
==== Known Princedoms ====
Los territorios de Alezkar y sus mayores ciudades son:
;[[Principado Sadeas]]: En el noroeste de Alezkar
* [[Piedralar]]
* [[Sabecojo]]
* [[Cuernohueco]]
* [[Cripta de la Pena]]
* [[Tomat]]
* [[Shorse]]
* [[Sabecuerda]]
;[[Principado Aladar]]: En el norte de Alezkar
* [[Rashir]]
;[[Tierras de la Corona Orientales]]: En el sudeste de Alezkar, en última instancia parte del principado Kholin
* [[Rathalas]]
* [[Vedelliar]]
; Principado desconocido
* [[Tintero (pueblo)|Tintero]]
* [[Talinar]]
=== EjércitoGovernment-in-Exile ===
Following the start of the True Desolation and the invasion and occuptation of Alethkar by Fused forces, the Alethi government became a government-in-exile centred around Urithiru.{{cite}}
They retained political recognition by other states despite their exile.{{cite}}
=== Foreign Policy and International Relationships ===
==== Azir ====
[[Azir]] has a deep distrust of Alethkar due to their militaristic nature, and due to the genocide perpetrated against them by Sadees, who is still held as a hero in Alethi historical recollection. Due to this, they were hesitant to join Alethkar in the Coalition of Monarchs or give them access to their Oathgate, until their hand was forced by Singer attack.{{book ref|sa3|28}}{{book ref|sa3|64}}{{book ref|sa3|65}}
==== Herdaz ====
|Herdaz? My aides say it is the traditional first step for an Alethi aggression.
|[[Taravangian]]{{book ref|sa3|24}}
[[Herdaz]] was conquered by Alethkar during the conquests of Sadees the Sunmaker until the instability following his death.{{book ref|sa3|19}} They have been a typical first target in Alethi attempts at expansion throughout history, leading to a deeply bitter relationship between the two nations.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
After a change in dynasties in Herdaz around {{rosharan date|1150}} led to them rallying their forces and pushing against Alethi borders for around four years of combat. These skirmishes shaped the modern Alethi-Herdaz border, and incited a degree of ethnic stife between the two peoples, with the Herdazians becoming the target to stereotypes and discrimination.{{book ref|sa3|49}}{{book ref|sa3|52}} Due to their history, the Herdazian government was distrusting of Alethkar when they approached them with offers to join the Coalition of monarchs.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
Although they are currently allied in their fight against Fused forces, distrust and tension still exist between the two armies, as the people haven't forgotten the atrocities committed against their people by the Alethi during the {{rosharan date|1150}}-{{rosharan date|1154}} border conflicts, and other such conflicts. They are very quick to slate Alethi generals for execution when they commit crimes against their people.{{book ref|sa3|i|10}}{{book ref|sa4|16}}
==== Jah Keved ====
They have repeatedly fought with the neighboring [[Jah Keved]], fighting for territory at their shared border.{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{book ref|sa3|52}} These wars tend to be pushed more by western Highprinces instead of by national efforts pushed forward by the crown.{{book ref|sa1|16}} At the same time, marriage of lighteyes between nations is nothing seen as particularly out of the ordinary, nor is it forbidden by any religious tenants or national laws.{{book ref|sa2|1}}
Through trade treaties, they are able to trade with Jah Kaved for cheap.{{book ref|sa3|66}}
==== Kharbranth ====
Before Taravangian's betrayal of the Coalition of Monarchs, Kharbranth and Alethkar had a close political and economic relationship. This relationship led to Kharbranth joining the Coalition of Monarchs before any other nation.{{cite}} Whilst they appeared to be good allies, Taravangian was secretly planning to cause Dalinar's rule over Alethkar to collapse allowing him to take control of the nation.{{book ref|sa3|107}}{{book ref|sa3|122}}
Following the reveal of his deceit, and his fall from authority in Kharbranth, [[Savrahalidem]] became Queen and withdrew from the alliance, declaring neutrality in the conflict. This led to an increase in tensions between them, ultimately leading to Dalinar creating a trade blockade across the sea near Kharbranth to force them back into the alliance.{{book ref|sa4|50}}
==== Listeners ====
When they first met, the Listeners and Alethi had a positive relationship which eventually led to the formation of a treaty between the two peoples in {{Rosharan date|1167|10|missing-date=y}}.{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} However this peace broke down once King Gavilar Kholin was assassinated under Listener orders, leading to the enactment of the Vengence Pact and the beginning of the War of Reckoning against the Listener people.{{cite}} This slaughter of their people would continue for six years, until it ended with the start of the True Desolation on {{Rosharan date|1173|10|10|3}}.{{book ref|sa2|87}}
The Alethi see the Listeners as sub-human savages barely capable of thought, and spread that supremacist ideology amongst their people and their soldiers.{{cite}}
==== Marabethia ====
Alethkar requested that Marabethia join in the Coalition of monarchs, however, Marabethia refused to respond to these invitations.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
==== Reshi Isles ====
Throughout their history, Alethkar and the [[Reshi|Reshi Isles]] have been in a state of near constant conflict, seen in conflicts such as the [[Wastescum skirmishes]].{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{book ref|sa1|18}}{{wob ref|3664}} Attacks at the northern border continued even long into the War of Reckoning.{{cite}}<!--mentioned multiple times in WoK, need to find the citations--> The Alethi conquest of [[Akak]], and their extermination of the Akak Reshi, likely played a role in Reshi aggression towards Alethkar.{{book ref|sa1|56}}{{book ref|sa3|52}}
They appear to have good relationships with at least a few Reshi islands, with some providing chulls and handlers to the Alethi military during the War of Reckoning.{{book ref|sa1|28}} During the True Desolation, in the year {{rosharan date|1174}}, they allied with the Reshi isle of [[Relu-na]] and their king [[Ral-na]].{{cite}}
==== Thaylenah ====
Thaylenah is an important member of the Coalition of monarchs,{{cite}}{{expand}} though they deeply distrusted Alethkar and Dalinar due to the prior actions of both entities, before ultimately choosing to join the Coalition.{{cite}}
==== Yezier ====
They have a stable system of trade with Yezier, wherein Yezier sells them a variety of clothing articles, which are of great popularity in Alethkar.{{book ref|sa3|49}} Yezier quickly requested to join the coalition of monarchs with Alethkar shortly after the start of the True Desolation.{{book ref|sa3|65}}{{book ref|sa3|111}} This created a close economic and military union between the two nations.
== Ejército ==
{| class="infobox side" style="width: 22em; float:right; font-size: 88%;"
!colspan='3' style="text-align:center; background:#cce" |'''Cadena de mando'''
|colspan='3' | <small> En compañías compuestas únicamente por ojos claros, el rango de "lugarteniente" se utiliza como el equivalente a sargento.</small>
El actual ejército alezi es una de las fuerzas militares más imponentes en Roshar con más de 100.000 tropas{{book ref|sa1|6}} y superando los treinta [[portador de esquirlada|portadores de esquirlada]].{{book ref|sa2|5}} El grueso de las tropas que componen el ejército lo constituyen los lanceros y los arqueros, así como una pequeña caballería debido a la escasez de caballos que hay en Roshar.{{book ref|sa1|6}} Además, solo los oficiales portan espada porque, de acuerdo a las tradiciones vorin, la espada es considerada un arma de ojos claros.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} A los soldados se les entrena normalmente en una o dos disciplinas adicionales, por ejemplo como caballerizos.{{book ref|twok|28}} Bajo circunstancias normales el servicio militar es voluntario, aunque los líderes del ejército tienen el derecho de reclutar a aquellos ojos oscuros que no aporten un servicio esencial a una comunidad (como ser el único cirujano de la ciudad) cuando sienten que hay necesidad de tropas adicionales.{{book ref|sa1|44}} Es extremadamente raro para un soldado ojos oscuros ascender más allá del rango de líder de pelotón.{{book ref|sa1|47}} A los oficiales ojos claros encargados de una rama del ejército se les suele llamar por su cargo (ejemplos: jefe de caballería, jefe de infantería).{{book ref|sa1|26}}
Aunque Alezkar es una monarquía, el rey tiene muy poco que decir sobre cómo se dirigen los ejércitos y no tiene mando directo sobre ninguna fuerza excepto sobre los 250 integrantes de la Guardia Real. Las tropas están vinculadas por juramento a sus altos príncipes y estos son quienes las lideran.{{book ref|sa2|5}} En este sentido, el ejército de Alezkar no está verdaderamente unido, sino que es más bien una coalición imprecisa de diez ejércitos menores. De hecho, incluso en tiempos de guerra hay una constante pelea entre los ejércitos de los altos príncipes,{{book ref|sa1|47}} y la cooperación entre estos últimos es vista como una debilidad;{{book ref|sa1|54}} este hecho se ve reforzado por los principios del vorinismo que indican que el propósito de la vida es prepararse para unirse a los Heraldos en la batalla por la reconquista de los [[Salones Tranquilos]] y por la creencia alezi de que todo en la vida es una competición.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
Debido al inmenso tamaño de los ejércitos y las dificultades a la hora de viajar (y agravado, además, por la deficiente infraestructura de las líneas de suministro de Alezkar){{wob ref|3824}} el [[moldear almas|moldeado de almas]] juega un papel vital en el abastecimiento de madera, metal, comida, y otras muchas necesidades, así como para la construcción de fortificaciones. El rey controla a la mayoría de fervorosos moldeadores de almas; de hecho, es con estos moldeadores de almas como el rey consigue manipular a los altos príncipes y mantiene el control sobre ellos.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
Recientemente, en un esfuerzo por unificar de verdad el reino, [[Dalinar Kholin]] ha sido designado por el rey como el [[Alto Príncipe de la Guerra]]. Este título se utilizaba en Alezkar antes de la fragmentación en diez principados, cuando a cada alto príncipe se le daba la máxima autoridad sobre uno de los aspectos de gobierno del reino. Sobre el papel, esto le da a Dalinar autoridad sobre todas las acciones relacionadas con la guerra.{{book ref|sa1|69}}
The Alethi military is currently one of the major military forces fighting against the Fused Invasion, most notably during the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]] and the Emuli Campaign.{{book ref|sa3|115}}{{book ref|sa4|19}}{{book ref|sa4|112}} Although many more battles and skirmishes were fought between the two armies between {{rosharan date|1173}} and {{rosharan date|1175}}.{{cite}} They also led the Evacuation of Hearthstone in early {{rosharan date|1175}}.{{book ref|sa4|1}} They are currently centered around and stationed in Urithiru.{{book ref|sa4|116}}
De acuerdo a los registros oficiales, Alezkar posee más [[hoja esquirlada|hojas esquirladas]] que cualquier otra nación en Roshar; solo [[Jah Keved]] se les acerca en número.{{book ref|sa1|23}}
=== Uniforms ===
Higher ranking officers are distinguished by knots on a cord across the epaulette, with the amount of knots and their colour signifying their military rank, and their rank in the Alethi caste system.{{book ref|sa1|1}}{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|17}}{{book ref|sa1|26}}{{book ref|sa1|46}}{{book ref|sa1|47}}{{book ref|sa1|58}}{{book ref|sa1|67}} White knots indicate a citizen officer, that is a sergeant or squadleader;{{book ref|sa1|1}}{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|46}} red knots indicate an officer of seventh dahn;{{book ref|sa1|46}} and gold knots indicate second or third dahn;{{book ref|sa1|26}}{{book ref|sa1|46}} It can also distinguish between low captain,{{book ref|sa1|67}} captain,{{book ref|sa2|25}}{{book ref|sa3|83}}{{book ref|sa3|117}} captainlord,{{book ref|sa3|63}} lieutenant,{{book ref|sa3|i|14}} sergeant,{{book ref|sa3|6}} and battalionlord.{{book ref|sa4|40}} Soldiers without authority bear no knots.{{book ref|sa1|17}}{{book ref|sa1|46}}{{book ref|sa1|67}}{{book ref|sa4|23}}
Exact uniform varies between armies, usually coloured to signify the banner they fight under.{{book ref|sa1|46}}{{book ref|sa1|58}}{{book ref|sa3|116}} Some men choose to further personalize their uniforms with embrodiery or colourful scarfs.{{book ref|sa2|44}} Uniforms are always worn with an undershirt alongside the uniform itself.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
=== Armaments ===
Darkeyed soldiers are primarily trained in spears and axes,{{book ref|sa1|26}} with swords being used only by higher-ranking lighteyes.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} Axes, however, are a nonstandard weapon usually only given to squadleaders and above.{{book ref|sa1|47}} Some soldiers use halberds, although how common they are is unclear.{{book ref|sa4|77}}
Foot soldiers were typically armored with steel breastplates, while archers were clothed with leather vests.{{book ref|sa1|27}} Ordinary foot soldiers have minimal armor, typically not wearing arm or leg guards.{{book ref|sa1|27}} Darkeyes in the armies of Brightlords tend to be dressed in leather armor.{{book ref|sa4|108}} Wealthier lighteyed soldiers wear far finer suits of armor, indicative of their status.{{book ref|sa1|27}} Armor is often marked with a rank insignia that indicated the dahn and military position that a person is a part of.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
The Kholinar Wall Guard wears steel breastplates and helms.{{book ref|sa3|82}}
=== Wages ===
Wages are based upon ones military rank and caste.{{book ref|sa3|2}} The average darkeyed soldier is payed five clearmarks a day.{{book ref|sa1|27}} Military slaves are paid less than half that of a darkeyed soldier, around one clearmark a day.{{book ref|sa1|27}}{{book ref|sa1|4}}
=== Shards ===
According to official records, Alethkar possesses more [[Shardblade]]s than any other nation on Roshar, with only [[Jah Keved]] coming anywhere close.{{book ref|sa1|23}} These Shards are used effectively in combat to overwhelm non-Shardbearer armies.{{book ref|sa1|26}}
During the War of Reckoning, their Shardblades were used in order to cut through chasmfiend chrysalises in order to harvest gemhearts.{{book ref|sa1|12}}
=== Knights Radiant ===
Following the start of the True Desolation, a notably large amount of their army is made up of [[Knights Radiant]], primarily those of the [[Order of Windrunners]] and the [[Order of Edgedancers]], with a smaller but still notable number in the [[Order of Lightweavers]].{{book ref|sa4|3}}{{book ref|sa4|20}} They are used effectively as a means of transport and combat against the Fused and [[Regal]]s.{{book ref|sa4|9}}{{cite}}
{{image|Sadeas bridges.jpg|side=right|width=300px}}
=== Bridge Crews ===
{{for|Bridge crew}}
Bridge Crews were a very important part of the army during the War of Reckoning, serving as an expendable workforce that carried bridges to help soldiers cross over the large chasms between plateaus. They also acted as canon fodder for Parshendi bowmen, as to direct attention away from more trained and valued soldiers.{{book ref|sa1|32}} Due to this, bridgemen had a very high mortality rate, with around half a crew dying per run.{{book ref|sa1|9}}
Each Bridge Crew was made up of 35-40 men, which were lead by a Bridge sergeant, who reports directly to the Brightlord in charge of the crews.{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|17}} Each crew has an internal leader elected amongst themselves known as the bridge leader, who has no official authority outside of that which his crewmembers choose to give him.{{book ref|sa1|14}} Members of bridge crews were typically payed five clearmarks a week, given on the third day of every week.{{book ref|sa1|11}}{{book ref|sa1|14}}{{book ref|sa1|27}}
The bridges used by Torol Sadeas's army are typically eight feet wide and two feet thick, with supports on both sides extending its width to sixteen feet. They are also thirty feet long, and allowed one to set up 8 men per column and 5 men per row.{{file ref|Sadeas_bridges.jpg|Bridge Run Interior Art}}
While not on bridge runs, they are typically used as cheap manpower to preform undesirable duties at war camps, such as chasm or latrine duty.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
Not all highprinces made use of bridge crews, with Dalinar notably refusing to make direct use of them. He instead makes use of bridges on wheels, pulled by chulls. Due to being heavier and pulled by chulls instead of people, movement is significantly slower, but Dalinar makes use of it regardless as it results in a major reduction of casualties during plateau runs.{{book ref|sa1|26}}
Eventually, Sadeas' Bridge Crews were bought off of him by Dalinar for his Shardblade, who granted them freedom from slavery and promoted them to a battalion.{{book ref|sa1|69}}
Not sure where to put these:
* Alethi farmers sell their grain to merchants for unfairly cheap, who then bring it to cities at an immense markup. (SA1-27) [Probably in the economy section]
Major Chapters on the Alethi Military:
* SA1-27
== Alezis destacados ==
== Curiosidades ==
*La inspiración para el aspecto de los alezi es mitad asiáticos y mitad hawaianos y, según Brandon, imaginarlos como indios del este (de la India) funciona bastante bien.{{wob ref|2985}}
* At 7,134,000 km<sup>2</sup>, it is a little smaller than the total area of [[wikipedia:Australia|Australia]].{{17s ref|blog|634-roshar-physical-characteristics-and-areas|text=Roshar Physical Characteristics And Areas|date=2018-08-30|name=RosharAreas}}
== Notas ==
{{bws ref|date=2017-10-27|name=timeline|oathbringers-timeline|text=Oathbringer's Timeline}}
