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Como nación vorin, tanto la lectura como la escritura están restringidas a la población femenina y los fervorosos.{{book ref|sa1|8}} Debido a esto, los hombres normalmente son analfabetos sin importar su clase.
Los hombres tienen permitido aprender [[glifo]]s, un sistema diferente donde cada símbolo o pareja de de símbolos representa una idea o concepto.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Despite this, stormwardens make use of glyphs in a system known as the [[Stormwarden script]], which phonetically uses glyphs in order to construct words.{{book ref|sa2|52}} This, however, is seen as a form of reading, and thus the manner in which they use glyphs is typically hidden from the public.{{book ref|sa2|52}}
Literacy is ubiquitous amongst lighteyed women, and is not uncommon even amongst darkeyed women in Alethi cities.{{book ref|sa1|31}} However, literacy is uncommon in smaller, primarily darkeyed settlements such as Hearthstone, with some having literacy rates as low as 0%.{{book ref|sa1|31}}
