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'''Aimia''' wasis a group of islands on [[Roshar]] that is separated from the main continent by the [[Aimian Sea]].{{map ref|Roshar}} The islands contained one of the [[Silver Kingdoms]] of [[Roshar]] that survived the [[Desolation]]s.{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}} As far as can be gleaned, the Kingdom of Aimia existed for most of the [[Era of Solitude]]., Itbut wasat ansome islandpoint kingdomit separatedwas fromdecimated the main continent by the [[Aimian Sea]]. According to [[Axies]],in the [[Scouring of Aimia]] happened not long ago, and the remaining [[Aimian]]s are now rare.{{book It has been long enough for myths and stories about the Aimians to have spread.ref|sa1|36}}{{book ref|twok|isa3|58}}
== Geography ==
Aimia is an island chain that consists of one large island and severalnumerous smaller islands situated off the west coast of [[Shinovar]]. SeparatedIt fromis thebordered mainon the continenteast by the Aimian Sea, theand islandson havethe beenwest inaccessible sinceby the [[ScouringEndless of AimiaOcean]].{{map Nowref|Roshar}} AimiaAt isleast dangerous to approach, with sailors talking of strange winds and storms that seek out ships. Onesome of the islands ishad calledundersea Akinahcaverns.{{epigraph Thisref|sa3|63}} islandAimia is nowsubject surrounded by largeto [[Soulcasthighstorm]] stone spikess.{{wob At one time Akinah was the home of a grand city.ref|7328}}
One of the smaller islands at the north end of the chain is called [[Akinah]].{{book ref|sa3|i|4}}
After the Scouring of Aimia, the islands became dangerous to approach, with sailors talking of strange winds and storms that seek out ships. Akinah is now surrounded by a wall of large [[Soulcast]] stone spikes.{{book ref|sa3|i|4}}
== Animals ==
Many of the animals that are native to Aimia are different from other animals on Roshar. Unlike Shin animals, Aimian animals fit into the ecosystem of Roshar but have exceptional features that make them distinct, including [[Lanceryn]], known for their large [[Gemheart]]s{{book ref|twok|36}}, and [[larkin]], known for directly ingesting [[Stormlight]].{{book ref|sa3|i|13}}
== Aimian Races ==
{{for|Siah Aimian}}
There are two races of Aimians: '''Dysian Aimians''' (or '''Sleepless'''){{book ref|sa1|54}} and '''Siah Aimians'''.{{book ref|sa1|i|5}} They are non-human{{wob ref|date=2015-09-25|1250|17th Shard Forum Q&A}} sentient beings. whoAlthough they are not related,{{wob ref|5479}} they each possess numerous unusual traits including a form of immortality{{wob ref|date=2016-12-01|1784|Arcanum Unbounded Seattle signing}}{{book ref|edgedancer|18}} and the ability to magically modify their bodies.{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}{{book ref|edgedancer|18}} Members of both races are now rare,{{book ref|twok|i|5}} but some individuals survive, and at least some native Aimians are still on the islands.{{wob ref|8743}}
Humans are able to mate with Siah Aimians{{wob ref|457}} but not Dysian Aimians.{{wob ref|10842}}
== AnimalsFauna ==
Many of the animals that are native to Aimia are different from other animals on Roshar. Unlike Shin animals, Aimian animals fit into the ecosystem of Roshar but have exceptional features that make them distinct, including [[Lancerynlanceryn]], known for their large [[Gemheart]]s{{book ref|twok|36}}, and [[larkin]], known for directly ingesting [[Stormlight]].{{book ref|sa3|i|13}} Aimian animals are now exceptionally rare and modern Rosharans incorrectly believe that both the lanceryn and larkin went extinct during the Scouring of Aimia.{{book ref|sa1|36}}{{book ref|sa2|i|3}}
At least one ancient text alludes to delicacies that come from Aimia,{{book ref|sa3|53}} possibly from endemic plants or animals.
Aimia was one of the Silver Kingdoms during the Heraldic Epoch. It contained an [[Oathgate]] connecting it to [[Urithiru]], although it is presumed to have been destroyed.{{book ref|sa3|8}}{{book ref|sa3|107}} Akinah was the capital of the kingdom, and it was once a grand city built on a natural rock formation with tenfold symmetry.{{File ref|Four_Cities.jpg|Kabsal's Cymatics notes}} It was also known as the location to obtain [[soulcaster]]s.{{book ref|sa3|i|4}}
At some point, the [[Scouring of Aimia]] occurred. The timeframe is not clear - [[Axies the Collector]] believes it to be fairly recent, but his immortality may skew his perception of time.{{book ref|twok|i|5}} [[Hessi]] theorized that an [[Unmade]], possibly [[Dai-Gonarthis]], caused the destruction of Aimia.{{epigraph ref|sa3|113}} Enough time has passed since the Scouring that myths and stories about the Aimian islands and their people have spread.{{book ref|twok|i|5}} Other cultures on Roshar are aware that Aimians still exist, but generally have negative reactions to them if discovered.{{book ref|sa2|i|3}}
The ship ''[[First Dreams]]'' manages to approach Akinah, but it is sabotaged by one of the Sleepless.{{book ref|sa3|i|4}}
== Notable Aimians ==
Editors, Keepers
