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:Jacob Weisman and Jill Roberts at [[Wikipedia: Tachyon Publications|Tachyon]] have been absolutely wonderful to work with, and I thank them for giving this work a home in print. Also, thank you to Marty Halpern for the copyedit and proofread. The great cover illustration comes from [http://tsabo6.deviantart.com/gallery/ Alexander Nanitchkov], and I couldn't have asked for better. [[Isaac Stewart]] used that illustration for the ebook's cover design, and he also provided a great seal illustration. Thanks!
:[[Wikipedia: Mary Robinette Kowal| Mary Robinette Kowal]] is responsible for the current structure of the novella; she helped me realize my original prologue wasn't the best for the integrity of the work. [[Moshe Feder]] went above and beyond his job description (at a different publisher) to offer me fantastic line edits, without which this book would have been much the poorer. I also got important feedback from Brian Hill, Isaac Stewart, and Karen Ahlstrom.
:As always, I give loving thanks to my family, particularly my wife Emily. In addition, special thanks go out to the interpolated [[Peter Ahlstrom]], who worked long hours on this project. (Even so far as to nudge me to get this acknowledgmentsacknowledgements page written after I'd forgotten to do so about a dozen times.)
:You have my deepest gratitude, all of you.
; People
* Alexander Nanitchkov
* Brian Hill
* Emily Sanderson
* Evanna Hsu
* Fantasy Foundation
* Gray Tan
* Jacob Weisman
* Jill Roberts
* Karen Ahlstrom
* Lucie Tuan
* Marty Halpern
* Mary Robinette Kowal
* Sherry Wang
* Isaac Stewart
* Joshua Bilmes
* Moshe Feder
* Peter Ahlstrom
== Infinity Blade ==