Diferencia entre revisiones de «Agradecimientos»

No hay cambio en el tamaño ,  hace 1 año
Texto reemplazado: «<<» por ««»
m (Texto reemplazado: «<<» por ««»)
And like Spensa, I'm the beneficiary of some supremely good friends and colleagues. Krista Marino was the editor on this book, its primary champion and a wonderful flightleader. Eddie Schneider was the agent on the contract, along with help from Joshua Bilmes. Those three, along with the publisher Beverly Horowitz, were exceptionally patient with me as I pulled another book out from under them and made them publish this one instead.
I'm constantly amazed by the skills of visual artists. Charlie Bowater's brilliant cover really brought Spensa to life for me, while Ben McSweeney did his usual technical magic, taking my vague scratches on a piece of paper and making the cool ship designs that you saw in this book. Finally, my good friend Isaa<<« Stewart did the maps, and was art director for the interior art.
All the typos that aren't there are the result of the Inconsecutive Peter Ahlstrom hunting them down for their meat to sell on the open market. As always, many thanks to him for his tireless efforts and for cheering me on.
Shards, Editors, Keepers, Synod
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