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| Sah on the yellow voidspren{{book ref|sa3|20}}
These spren haven't shown any bonding abilities, and they serve Odium as guides and messengers. One such spren is [[Yixli]]. They appear as glowing yellow, shaped like windspren with eyes like a [[Shin]]. In order to put themselves at the height of humans on parshmen, they stand on a similarly colored pillar that rises from the ground. When they walk, another pillar will meet any moving foot, keeping them even.{{book ref|sa3|23}} These voidspren are seen guiding the multiple bands of newly made [[Voidbringers]] to settlements, cities and, in the case of Kaladin's group, to [[Kholinar]]{{book ref|sa3|84}}. They are able to detect the arrival of an Everstorm before it appears.{{book ref|sa3|23}} Any further purpose that these voidspren fulfill is unknown.
