Diferencia entre revisiones de «Trenza del mar Esmeralda»

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'''''Tress of the Emerald Sea''''' ises theel titletítulo ofdel theprimero firstde oflos theproyectos secret projects that aresecretos beingque releasedsaldrán inen 2023. ItSe willpublicará been releasedenero in Januaryde 2023, ascomo partparte ofde ala [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dragonsteel/surprise-four-secret-novels-by-brandon-sanderson Kickstartercampaña Campaignde Kickstarter].{{ref|name=AnnouncementVideo}} ItEsta isnovela ase cosmereubica novelen setun onnuevo amundo newdel worldCosmere, withy thecuenta "craziestcon worldbuilding"la of«creación thede fourmundo secretmás projectsloca» de los cuatro proyectos secretos.{{wob ref|15415}}
On March 3, 2022, Brandon released the first five chapters, along with some brief commentary, which can be read [[bws:first-look-at-secret-project-1|on his website]] and listened to [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBUVXcIE0E0 on his YouTube channel]. He also did a full spoiler Q&A about these preview chapters, which can be listened to [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvXvV3rWsqg on his YouTube channel].
