Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shallan Davar/Galería»

sin resumen de edición
Shallan Personas Shuravf.jpg| <center><small>by {{a|Shuravf}}</small></center> with [[Pattern]] and her personas
Shallan Shuravf with Pattern.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Shuravf}}</small></center> with [[Pattern]]
Shallan Jasnah AltClothing by Shuravf.jpg | <small><center>by {{a|Shuravf}}</center></small> [[Jasnah]] and [[Shallan]] alternate outfits exploration
Shallan and Veil by ML Malandrino.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Maria Lia Malandrino}}</small></center> Shallan and Veil
Adolin and Shallan by ML Malandrino.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Maria Lia Malandrino}}</small></center> With [[Adolin]] and [[Pattern]]
Shards, Editors, Keepers, Synod
18 407
