Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Palabras radiantes/Interludio I-1»

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==Plot summary==
[[Eshonai]] leads the Parshendi as they return to their home plateau after successfully harvesting a gemheart that was brought back by [[Devi]], who is allowed to carry it as a reward for spotting the chrysalis. She wonders where Dalinar is, and feels a need to speak with him, but she can't join battles since her leg is still injured from when Kaladin stabbed her during the [[Battle of the Tower]]. She wanders through the ancient ruins on the plateau they named [[Narak]], or Exile, where her people came to escape their gods. She enters the [[Hall of Art]] to observe the heretofore futile efforts to rediscover a new form for making art, as an incremental step towards discovering other more useful forms, but [[Varanis]], one of her lieutenants, is unsuccessful in trying to attract creationspren to his novice attempts at painting. The paintings are not succesful, which frustrates many of them. Varanis wonders why so many beautiful colors added together look so terrible. She contemplates the six current known forms, and laments the loss of the hundreds that their old songs mention, thinking her people may die off if they don't become more versatile.
Shards, Editors, Keepers, Synod
40 275
