Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:El ritmo de la guerra»

replacing the single dashes, as per style guide; noticed a handful of other things
(→‎Chapter 46: The Weight of the Tower: characters, went over summary; I might've missed stuff, as I'm listening to the stream...)
m (replacing the single dashes, as per style guide; noticed a handful of other things)
;Plot Summary
:''Seven years ago''
Navani is occupied with logistics for Gavilar's feast. While managing preparations, she interacts with Aesudan, who is speaking with Rushur Kris, a master artifabrian. She passes through the feast but leaves quickly after seeing Dalinar. Looking for the king, she finds herself outside her study and overhears voices. Her husband is speaking to two men, -one a Makabaki and one a Vorin man, supposedly ambassadors from the West. On the table between them, she sees strange spheres, which she assumes are meant for fabrials. Gavilar notices her and excuses himself. Navani presses him for answers about the spheres and questions him about missing appointments and responsibilities related to the feast. He, in turn, berates her for rumors of unfaithfulness that have been spreading around the court. They fight about Jasnah's refusal to court Amaram, which becomes a fight about Gavilar's legacy as king. He insults his wife's notion that she is a scholar and says she chose him over Dalinar for power, then leaves. Furious, Navani burns a glyphward which reads, ''Death. Gift. Death.''
After the feast, Navani hears of the assassination. She does not believe that her husband is dead until she personally sees his body. She is stunned, hoping her glyphward did not lead to this outcome. She also feels pity, seeing her husband, who thought he was eternal, dead before her. Remembering the strange spheres from his meeting, she checks his pockets. Finding nothing, she conceals her actions. Navani composes herself and begins the process of picking up the pieces among the chaos of Gavilar's death.
;Plot Summary
In occupied Hearthstone, Lirin provides medical treatment to Herdazian and Alethi refugees. Since the coming of the Everstorm over a year ago, Herdaz had been fighting Odium's armies, only to fall two months ago. Lirin treats a traumatized Alethi man - -Noril, who is missing an arm. The surgeon directs him to a tent for refugees on suicide watch. Abiajan, the singer citylady, oversees his work, ensuring that each refugee is checked for signs of the plague. Laral, while delivering water, tells Lirin that the man he is watching for, Dieno enne Calah - -a Herdazian general known as "the Mink" - -is near. Lirin intends to connect the man with Kaladin, who will extract him from behind enemy lines. After inspecting the general and his men, Lirin claims that one of them needs surgery in order to get him away from the watchful Parshendi. Roshone provides a distraction with drunken antics. They are nearly at the surgery room when Abiajan interrupts them and demands that Lirin attend her. A visiting Fused has arrived, and he is searching for a man, a spy, bearing slave brands on his forehead. A soldier removes the hood of a refugee in line, revealing Kaladin.
{{anchor|Chapter 2}}
Kaladin, having been spotted, challenges the Fused to single combat with a gesture of his sword. The Fused waves at others to attack, so Kaladin draws him away by lashing himself upward. The Fused is not like others Kaladin has previously fought, he is able to leave his physical body, appear as a line of light, and manifest himself a new body made out of Voidlight. The enormous opponent appears experienced at fighting Surgebinders, severing Kaladin's spine and throat repeatedly. He fights with an unusual style - -grappling and wrestling. Kaladin realizes that he can teleport three times before needing to rest or recharge. Kal and Syl challenge him after he discards his third body, but the Fused refuses to engage, leaving them with a threat. Kaladin is exhausted because of the fight and many sleepless nights. He admits to Syl that her suggested approach to Hearthstone would have been more effective.
Veil is posing as Chanasha, a lowborn lighteyed merchant, in the warcamp market on the Shattered Plains. She negotiates a deal with a shoe merchant and loudly and publicly denounces Dalinar Kholin as king. Shallan, with Veil and Radiant, are attempting to be kidnapped and initiated into the Sons of Honor, but have long been unsuccessful. Adolin's troops are covertly following her for protection. After her business with the merchant, she stops at a winehouse to reconcile her fictional accounts and orders a drink. As she relaxes, Veil encourages her to remember everything from her past. Shallan protests and soon finds her mind becoming unfocused - -the wine was drugged, and her ruse has proven successful. She is finally being kidnapped.
Syl speaks with Kal about his ongoing difficulty sleeping. Kaladin muses on his feeling of disconnect from others, while Syl attempts to cheer him up with impressions of Teft and jokes about toes. They approach Hearthstone again and threaten the singer guards - -telling them to retreat until sunset. They engage in a fight, and one singer is killed. The rest retreat. Kaladin reunites with his mother, father, and brother. He goes to meet the Mink but does not find him; the man slipped away, leaving behind a cloak stuffed with rags. The Herdazian general's men explain that he frequently sneaks off. Kal lets them know that he is evacuating the town. He briefly argues with his father, who is displeased that his son caused a violent disruption, but they are interrupted by the arrival of a gigantic floating platform. Navani's newest creation has come to evacuate the people of Hearthstone.
{{anchor|Chapter 3}}
Eshonai is exploring the forest with a gathering party and leaves to wander on her own. She thinks about her people, and how they live in scattered families with hopes limited to conquering ancient abandoned cities. She dreams of discovery and exploration - -and then finds the humans.
Dalinar and the Mink are in a flying platform overseeing the battle between the Alethi and the Vedenar. The Vedens are accompanied by some infused and Skybreakers. A scribe comes with news from Urithiru. The report says that those at the tower accidentally deployed a device that interferes with both Radiant powers and the Oathgates, and that they were only able to deliver this message by hiking out of range. Dalinar and the Mink both suspect that that this was intentionally caused by Taravangian as a way to isolate them during his betrayal, though they both believe that there is more to this.
As they continue to survey the battle, Szeth, in disguise at Dalinar's side, grabs and pulls him away as a Skybreaker appears. The Skybreaker turns out to be Nalan, the Herald, who tells Dalinar that he has to submit because his war is unjust. He asks how he has access to the surges of Honor, that this should not be possible. Nalan attacks and Dalinar touches him at the Stormfather's urge. In doing so, he forges a connection with him and sees flashes of his past, along with eight lines of light extending from him into the distance. He realizes that the lines are the Oathpact; most of them are weak, one is broken, and another is still vibrant and powerful. Nalan breaks away and leaves, and Dalinar is left considering the importance of his powers and the kind of work that it would enable him to do - -specifically that of reforging the Oathpact.
{{anchor|Chapter 48}}
The meeting ends, and Dalinar is joined by Jasnah. She questions his decision not to be more active in the battle, and he explains that he wants to focus on his Bondsmith powers and leave the battle to the Mink. They discuss the importance of pushing Odium to an accord. Wit joins the conversation and says that Odium will not proceed with a contest of champions unless he is afraid, and Dalinar expresses his concern that they are being manipulated. Dalinar expresses frustration at having to work with leaders whose government includes so much bureaucracy, and Jasnah says that she would like to be the end of the Alethi monarchy, which Dalinar does not like.
Jasnah and Wit leave, and Jasnah goes over to the battle plans and begins making suggestions. A windrunner scout brings news to Dalinar that they saw what they thought were Alethi soldiers on the tower. Dalinar asks them to send scouts at night to watch over a long distance. Dalinar turns his attention to the conversation of the leaders, and he can tell that the Highprince Ruthar is getting angry at Jasnah's intrusion. He realizes that Jasnah is doing this intentionally to get a reaction out of Ruthar -, and it works. Ruthar loudly begins to criticize what Jasnah is doing, and she calls to Wit. He begins to insult Ruthar mercilessly, including revealing the fact that he beats his children. Ruthar challenges Wit to combat, and when Wit chooses Jasnah as his champion, Ruthar complains, and Jasnah stabs him in the throat.
Jasnah calls for Renarin, who heals him, and then she names Ruthar forfeit of title. Dalinar expresses disappointment at how Jasnah handled the situation, and Jasnah announces that she did it in part to justify the elimination of the barbaric practice of trial by sword. Jasnah leaves, and Renarin tells Dalinar that he has had an episode, and Dalinar says that he will speak to him about it soon.
{{epigraph|There was a time when others would approach me for help with a problem. A time when I was decisive. Capable. Even authoritative.}}
Adolin is accompanied by guards through Lasting Integrity as he climbs to the top of the city wall. There, he can see the deadeyes outside the wall that have been gathering for weeks - -a lot more than they have ever seen before. One of the guards say that they must be responding to a connection happening, and he attributes it to the upcoming justice that will be dispensed.
Veil and Radiant try to coax Shallan out, but she is still very upset about learning that Pattern has lied to her. They have been trying to find Restares and have only one more human in the city fortress to identify, someone named Sixteen. Pattern finds Shallan/Veil/Radiant, and it is clear that Shallan has been avoiding him. Pattern asks Shallan if he remembers the first time they met on the boat with Jasnah, but Radiant says that what couldn't have been the first time they met because Shallan had spoken oaths before that. Pattern reveals that he had once tried to get Shallan to remember her past, but the pain she experienced in doing so convinced him to play along with it. Pattern says he doesn't remember the events surrounding her mother’s death. Radiant asks why Pattern wanted to bond a Radiant given that he was convinced she would kill him. He responds by saying that knew danger was coming and that those in both the physical and cognitive realms needed to work together to save them. He believed that even if he died, it might be enough to get other cryptics to join. Radiant asks Pattern if he has lied, and he says he has. She asks if he's been spying, and he apologizes saying that he couldn't think of another way. He says that he brought someone to meet Shallan and introduces a deadeye cryptic. Shallan emerges suddenly, locking away Veil and Radiant. She calls Pattern a traitor and a liar and, just then, realizes that Sixteen has emerged from his shelter. Shallan is suddenly convinced she needs to kill Restares, but when she sees what Sixteen looks like, she knows it's not him. She starts to leave, and Pattern asks her what's wrong -- that she's suddenly changed. She said she's finally made a difficult decision.
Navani continues to try to get the Sibling to speak to her, repeatedly apologizing for her failure to realize that they had been spied on. Raboniel enters, and as they talk, Navani realizes just how old Raboniel is. She is so tired of the war and is dismissive of Navani’s suggestion of peace because their previous attempts have failed. Navani realizes that Raboniel’s desire to combine the lights is related to her desire to end the war. They discuss her research progress, including Navani's realization that Stormlight responds to sound. She learns that Raboniel can hear the tone of light, the same tone that she uses to get the light to transfer spheres. Raboniel explains that there is a rhythm as well as a tone, and that Towerlight has two rhythms that work in harmony. Navani wonders if the rhythms of Stormlight and Voidlight could harmonize, but Raboniel says that Stormlight is too orderly and Voidlight too chaotic. Navani convinces her to try, Raboniel singing the rhythm and tone of Voidlight, and with some effort, Navani doing the same for Stormlight.Their two rhythms eventually come into harmony, and both kinds of light successfully infuse the sphere. Raboniel names the light the Rhythm of War and is shocked that they did not destroy each other. Navani asks about her motivations, and Raboniel suggests that it might allow them to kill a god - -like how Honor was killed. Navani realizes that Gavilar had been looking for a way to kill a god. Even more, she realizes that he had discovered the opposite to Voidlight, that that is what had been in the sphere that killed her scholars. Raboniel gets ready to leave, thanking Navani for her assistance and that she has earned her gratitude, but that she was not going to leave Urithiru.
{{anchor|Chapter 77}}
:''Seven and a half years ago''
Venli is in the palace at Kholinar for the signing of the peace treaty. Ulim is leading her to a secret place where his agents exchange messages and, in this case, where he hopes to find other Voidspren in spheres. Ulim has left Venli’s gemheart, and she is less certain about what they are doing, especially once Ulim reveals that he has lost contact with his agent, Axindweth. They recover the message she left behind - -no spheres - -and they learn that she had been discovered and left the planet. Ulim is upset and says that they have to come up with another plan. Her people aren't even intimidated by the humans and are instead excited. Venli tries to make her way back on her own, because Ulim left her, but is caught by a guard. He takes her to a room filled with other humans and question her. She says that she got lost, but they aren’t entirely convinced, and say they will hold her until after the treaty has been signed. Ulim returns, shocked, saying that there are Heralds in the palace - -Shalash, Kelek, and Nale. Just then, Nale enters, and he takes Venli into his custody. Once alone, it’s clear that Nale recognizes Ulim, and they are not friends. Nale asks Venli how many Voidspren are there, and she tells him that Ulim is the only one. Nale asks how she was able to bring him back, and Venli deflects his question in a way that implied that it was the fault of whatever the Heralds are doing. Nale, in his paranoia, concludes that Gavilar’s plan is working and that he will destroy them all. Nale decides that he has to stop bonds from happening, and tells Venli that Gavilar is planning to betray the listeners, and that she has legal grounds to break their treaty. He tells her of Szeth, that he has an honor blade and is for sale as a slave. Nale leaves, and Ulim convinces Venli that a war with the humans would make them desperate enough to pursue the forms of power that they want them to.
{{anchor|Chapter 78}}
;Plot summary
As Rlain makes his way through the tower, he is greeted with suspicion, hostility, and dislike from humans, singers, and fused. He misses how Bridge Four made him feel -; while not perfect, he felt that they could see him more as himself and not a stereotype. He arrives to the radiant infirmary, and eventually finds Lirin. Lirin says that he and Hesina have been seen by stormforms and that they don't know how long they'll be able to remain in hiding. They both are not certain if they can trust Leshwi and Venli. Rlain goes over to Hesina and the maps, and they talk, her attitude towards Kaladin and what is going on is different from Lirin, and they worry over Kaladin, whom the fused are claiming was dead. As Rlain looks at a map of the Shattered Plains, he sees a note and asks Hesina to read it. She does, and it says that a group of people were found way out on the eastern side of the plains. They are interrupted by Lirin who says that he thinks he recognizes one of the workers. Rlain looks and finds Dabbid, who, after he greets him, tells him that Kaladin is asleep and won't wake up.
{{anchor|Chapter 80}}
{{epigraph|The singers first put Jezrien into a gemstone. They think they are clever, discovering they can trap us in those. It only took them seven thousand years.}}
Kaladin is in a nightmare, a violent hateful one. He is tormented by his friends who blame him for everything he was unable to do, for all the ways that he feels he has failed. He sees a warm light in the distance, and he fights to get there. He is saved by the person inside the light -: Wit . Wit tells him that he is in a nightmare sent from Odium to torture him, and passes over some of Rock’s stew. Wit tells Kaladin that they’ll only have a short time together, and Kaladin says that he is close to giving up. Kaladin asks Wit for a story, and Wit excitedly obliges.
The story telling cannot be summed up in a way that would do it justice. There is a dog who wants to be a dragon and fails to do so, but he becomes so much more, and that he may not be a dragon, he is a hero. There is delicious banter between Kaladin, Wit and Design, his cryptic. And there is Wit, reminding Kaladin that life will get better and then it will get worse, and that this repeats forever - -but that he can always count on being warm again. Kaladin, revived and hopeful, pushes back into the storm.
{{anchor|Chapter 81}}
{{epigraph|Why would I want to remember?}}
Dabbid, Rlain, and Lift are making their way to where Kaladin is kept. He thinks about how he has always been different and that he chose not to speak after he was rescued by Kaladin -because he didn't want everyone to know that he was different. They reach Kaladin, who is not well at all. Lift heals him with a lot of effort, but he has not yet woken up. Rlain, Dabbid, and Lift talk about why Dabbid hadn't spoken until now. Rlain tells Dabbid that he wishes that he hadn't felt like he needed to be quiet. Dabbid says that the tower told him that he will be fixed after getting a spren. They are interrupted by Teft, who Lift heals while they were talking, and they explain to him what has been going on. And then Kaladin awakes as well.
{{anchor|Chapter 86}}
;Plot summary
Adolin arrives at the forum for the last day of his trial to find out that Sekeir will be sitting as High Judge in Kelek's place. Sekeir begins by giving a speech condemning Adolin and all humans and then calls for the final witness -: Mayalaran. Sekeir claims to be speaking for Maya as he accuses Adolin of enslaving her and humans of being murderous monsters belonging to Odium. As he continues with his accusations Maya grows more and more distressed and Adolin keeps asking him to let her go.
Finally, as the High Judge refuses judgement, claiming that Maya's condemnation is all that's needed to judge Adolin, Maya and Adolin share a moment of connection and Maya speaks. She reveals that the ancient spren were not betrayed by their Knights Radiant, but decided together with them to break their bonds.
Navani's work has consumed her to the point where sleeping and eating is a distraction. She obsesses over the tones, the rhythms, the numbers, the patterns. She is seeking an exact opposite of the wave that represents Odium’s rhythm which would nullify it through destructive interference. Finally, the tone is exactly right, and she watches as the sound pushes Voidlight out of its sphere.
She attempts to hide her discovery from those watching her as she seeks a light that would produce the sound. The day after her discovery, Raboniel comes to check on her, asking about the sound that her guards say is so terrible. Initially, Navani manages to deflect Raboniel’s questioning, but as Raboniel goes to leave, she sees the new plates that create the new tone - and she tests them. She watches as the sound forces out the Voidlight, and she says she felt the Voidlight in her gemheart respond. Raboniel reviews Navani’s notes while Navani explains what she is doing: Navani believes that Voidlight echoes Odium’s tone, and that by transferring Voidlight from one sphere to another in a vacuum, it will not be able to hear a tone to echo - -until it hears Navani playing the anti-Voidlight tone against the new sphere. The experiment works, and the end sphere has a warping to it - and; Raboniel screams when she touches it, though Navani cannot tell a difference. Navani leaves Raboniel in the room, and soon, as Navani hoped, she hears an explosion as Raboniel tries to mix Voidlight with anti-Voidlight. Raboniel survives and has Navani make another gemstone immediately. Raboniel affixes it to one of the daggers in such a way that it would force the anti-Voidlight outward, not inward, and then uses it to stab her daughter. Raboniel hums as she holds her dying daughter. Navani realizes that this will end the rebirth cycle and that Raboniel didn't want to kill Odium - -she wanted to free her daughter. Raboniel takes Navani's notebook, saying that she will make a copy for Navani to keep, but that she needs to do the same for Stormlight. Navani is horrified, but Raboniel says that she has told her all along that her goal was to end the war -, and that means killing spren so they can no longer bond more radiantsRadiants.
== Interludes ==
Adin is the son of a potter in the tower, and he is determined to be a windrunnerWindrunner. He knows he has to be brave in order for a spren to choose him, and he's on the lookout for the right moment. He makes his way through the tower with his father toward the shop where his father works, noting a disturbance in the atrium. Once they arrive at the shop, he helps his father with the clay. The shop owner enters and says that the disturbance in the atrium has him worried and that they're going to close the shop today, leaving them to continue to make pots. Once the owner leaves, Adin's father leaves as well, telling Adin to watch the shop. Adin realizes that his father is going to watch over the Radiants, and he asks to go with him, and his father relents.
{{Anchor|Interlude 12}}
;Plot summary
Wit has left the others and is now at the [[Pinnacle]]. He does tricks for an "audience," - a group of spren corrupted by [[Sja-anat]], and explains the importance of subtlety in magic tricks and storytelling. Design contemplates that Wit's tricks with a coin don't work that well on Roshar because coins aren't used to trade there. Wit eventually tells Design to go bother someone else and moves to Elhokar's sitting room.
Soon after, Odium arrives, shows his rage at Wit's contract and threatens him. However, Odium also asks Wit what his choice of champion would be, which surprises Wit. As the latter leaves the room and walks in the hallways, he ponders whether or not Rayse is growing more thoughtful. Realizing that Wit might have doubts about his identity, Odium attacks Wit. Odium's voice is thoughtful and soft, and Wit feels true horror as he realizes his enemy isn't Rayse any longer. Odium then destroys some of Wit's memories, held in his Breaths, which isn't in violation of the contract.
