Diferencia entre revisiones de «Leyes de la magia de Sanderson»

== [[bws: sandersons-first-law|Sanderson's First Law]] ==
: '''An author's ability to solve conflict with magic is directly proportional to how well the reader understands said magic.'''
If characters (especially viewpoint characters) can solve a problem by using magic, the reader should be made to understand how that magic works. Otherwise, the magic constitudesconstitutes a 'deus ex machina.'
Ideally, the magic is explained to the reader before it is used to resolve a conflict. Much like a sword or a large sum of money, magic is a useful resource. Understanding the resources available to a character helps the reader understand the character's actions. It avoids questions like, "Where did he get that?" or "How did he do that?"
** Brandon places Isaac Asimov's three laws on this side of the spectrum, as well as the majority of comic-book superheroes. Additionally, most of Brandon's own magic systems are exceedingly hard.
* Brandon places J.K. Rowling right in the middle of Soft and Hard magic, noting that her magic has specific rules that are followed, but that the reader is never sure of the full capabilities.
== [[bws: sandersons-second-law|Sanderson's Second Law]] ==
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