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Cryptics were one of the first spren groups to begin bonding humans again in anticipation of the [[True Desolation]]. Among others, they sent [[Testament]] to bond with [[Shallan]] when she was only a child, as well as another Cryptic to bond with [[Tien]], although only the former managed to bring the Bond to fruition, after long setbacks.{{book ref|sa2|60}}{{wob ref|10278}}
A group of them have been following Shallan for some time prior to her new bonding Pattern.{{book ref|sa1|29}} They also watched over [[Elhokar]], unwittingly feeding his paranoia.{{book ref|sa1|58}} They eventually sent another of their kind to bond with the king; however, Elhokar was killed before he could finish saying the [[Immortal Words#The First Ideal|First Ideal]], and that Cryptic ended up bonding with [[Hoid]] instead.{{book ref|sa3|84}}{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}
== Culture ==
Editors, Keepers
