Usuario:Disorientedperson/Calamity (Epic)

{\{character |abilities=All-powerful {\{tag+|Epic}} |aliases=Larcener |earth=Reckoners |books=The Reckoners }}

Calamity, also known as Larcener, is an inhuman being who is the origin of the powers of the Epics.[1] He is an Epic with every possible ability.[2] He appears as a star in the sky[3] and as Larcener on Earth.[1] His appearance in the sky one year before people started to become Epics caused people to name him Calamity, though none knew his true origin.[3]

Appearance and Personality

Calamity appears as a bright, crimson-colored star to people on Earth.[4] He creates the star effect by glowing brightly while on the International Space Station, which he turned to glass.[5] As the fake Epic Larcener, he appears to be a tall young man with short black hair and pale skin.[6] He has a childish and whiny personality, and frequently mutters about how horrible humans are.[6][7][1]


Inhuman. Part of some organization? Born on Earth to prove evil? Watched Earth (painful for him) until ten yrs. Went to space station, turned it to glass, started giving powers. Appears to be a star. Soon after sends clone down to watch humans. Joins the Coven. Pretends to be an Assumer. People name him Larcener. Rules Ildithia.


Regalia talks to him, gets him to make new Epics. Gives the powers of Steelheart to David, but are rejected.


Limelight attacks city and Larcener hides with Reckoners. Tries to take Prof's abilities back. Meets David on station. Prof, Megan fight. Transported w/ David to alternate reality with no Calamity. Learns human race isn't what he thought. Vanishes. Dies?


His society of inhuman things?

The Coven, Ildithia. Lets lesser Epics do everything for him because of laziness.


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