
Primary Goals

  • Vin
  • Elend
  • Sazed
  • Kelsier

Secondary Goals

  • Dockson
  • Ham
  • Breeze
  • Allrianne (if not claimed by anyone for April objectives)
  • Clubs
  • Spook
  • OreSeur
  • TenSoon (for now, only era 1)
  • Marsh
  • Demoux
  • Yeden
  • Era 1 Noble Houses
  • Luthadel Keeps


Primary Goals

  • Luthadel
  • Urteau
  • Fadrex City

Secondary Goals

  • Skaa rebellion
  • Collapse
  • Siege of Luthadel
  • Battle of Luthadel
  • Coup of Urteau
  • Siege of Fadrex City
  • Battle of Hathsin
  • Storage Caverns


  • Terris