Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shallan Davar»

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==== Journey to the Shattered Plains ====
[[File:File:Shallan-antti.jpg|400px|thumb|right|Shallan traveling to the Shattered Plains by [[Antti Hakosaari]]]]
When they arrived at the source of the smoke, Shallan and the slavers encountered [[Tyn]] and [[Vathah]], the leader of a group of deserters, fleeing from a battle between a group of bandits. After using stormlight to make herself appear more noble, Shallan convinced the deserters to fight, and they eventually win the battle but not without losing a few deserters and [[Bluth]], one of Tvlakv's mercenaries that Shallan had become fond of. {{book ref|wor|20}}{{book ref|wor|21}} She later freed the parshmen that had been enslaved and offered them a job as servants.
