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'''Soulstone''' is a type of rock on [[Sel]] used in the construction of [[Soulstamp]]s for [[Forgery]].{{book ref|b|tes|day|3}}
== Appearance & Properties ==
Soulstone is a white fine grained rock with flecks of red mixed in.
Soulstone in its natural state is about as soft as chalk. However, when it is carved the material comes off very precisely. When a piece of soulstone is held in a fire, the soulstone become extremely hard, like quartz, and no more can be carved from it.
== Usage In Forgery ==
The ability to carve the soulstone precisely is what makes it so valuable for Forgery. The shape of the Soulstamp is crucial-taking off or too little by mistake is devastating-but soulstone effectively negates this problem.
The change in hardness of the rock is also useful. Being able to carve the stamp easily, yet in a material that will hold its shape is invaluable to a Forger. This is especially important if the Forger is making a soulstamp that they will reuse often, or an [[Essence Mark]]. The only better material for a Soulstamp is crystal, which is incredibly difficult to carve.
== Notes ==
<references />
{{The Emperor's Soul}}
[[Category: Magic]]
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