Diferencia entre revisiones de «Potenciación»

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fixed several mistakes, including: using gendered pronouns for an unknown subject, assuming all bondmates are human (remember singers), etc.
m (fixed several mistakes, including: using gendered pronouns for an unknown subject, assuming all bondmates are human (remember singers), etc.)
=== Becoming a Surgebinder ===
Surgebinding is not innate to Rosharans, and can be gained in two ways. Originally the abilities were only granted to the [[Herald]]s by the [[Almighty]] via the Honorblades. Later, [[spren]] mimicked the effects of the Honorblades and started giving surgesSurges to humans by forming a Spiritual bond called the [[Nahel bond]] with them. Humans also had the ability to manipulate the Surges on [[Ashyn]] before the [[Expulsion]], but the mode is unknown.{{book ref|sa3|111}}{{book ref|sa3|113}}
The exact Surges that someone can manipulate depend on the specific Honorblade or Nahel bond that individual has.{{book ref|sa3|38}}
==== Honorblade ====
'''Honorblades''' are the ten weaponsthShardblades that the Almighty originally gave the Heralds. Each of these Blades gives its wielder the ability to manipulate two Surges just like the Nahel bond, with [[Jezrien]]'s Blade giving Adhesion and Gravitation, etc. They can be wielded by anyone, and they do not require the safeguards the spren do to avoid abusing these powers. Honorblades consume far more Stormlight than the Nahel bond. They also do not grant the additional abilities of the Nahel bond.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}{{book ref|sa2|87}}
==== Nahel Bond ====
The '''Nahel bond''' is a symbiotic relationship between humans and spren, through which the human gains Surgebinding powers and the spren gains sapience in the [[Physical Realm]].{{book ref|sa2|17}} The spren choose the people they bond with according to the actions and personalities of those people.{{wob ref|6651}} There are ten types of spren that bond with humans—each granting access to two of the ten Surges, with overlap between them—and each of these types are attracted to different attributes in their bondmates.{{book ref|sa2|1}}
Once the bond is established, the spren is pulled into the Physical Realm, although itthey retainsretain very little of intelligence and memories and actsact very muchalmost like the lesser spren until the bond grows stronger.{{book ref|sa2|3}} The strengthening of the bond is accomplished by the Surgebinder continuing to act in line with the attributes that attracted the spren in the first place, and swearing [[Immortal Words|oaths]] that are related to those attributes.{{book ref|sa1|67}} As the bond grows stronger, the spren regains itstheir sapience, and the effectiveness of Stormlight for the Surgebinder increases. Once the bond is at sufficient strength, the spren can manifest as a [[Shardblade]],{{book ref|sa2|84}} and the eye color of the Surgebinder changes into the color that thetheir spren is associated with.{{book ref|sa2|87}}
If the Surgebinder acts in a manner conflicting with histheir oaths, the bond grows weaker until, eventually, the spren "breaks" and is trapped in a cycle of agony after having a significant portion of its consciousness ripped out of it,{{wob ref|6053}} and thetheir humanbondmate loses all Surgebinding abilities.{{book ref|sa2|69}} If the spren "breaks" while in Shardblade form, it reverts to its basic sword form,{{wob ref|5619}} and can be temporarily revived by being linked to the heartbeat of a person using it. Spren cannot "unbreak" on their own,{{book ref|sa2|17}} but can be revived if their bondmates take up their oaths again.{{book ref|sa2|84}} It is possible, but extremely difficult, for a spren to be healed without its bondmate.{{wob ref|6053}} A Surgebinder dying without betraying oaths is a very traumatic event for a spren, but it does not cause it to be broken.{{wob ref|6688}}
=== Stormlight ===
