Diferencia entre revisiones de «Talento Smedry»

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== The Incarnate Wheel ==
[[File:Incarnate Wheel.png|right|400px300px]]
[[File:Futhark Wheel.png|right|300px]]
[[File:Allekatrase Wheel.png|right|300px]]
The Incarnate wheel is a way of breaking the talents up into groups. Our first introduction to it is when Kaz explains it to Alcatraz in the second book. It's basically a circle divided into four quadrants for the different talents--Time, Space, Physical-World, and Knowledge.
A time talent is something like Grandpa Smedry's ability to arrive late to things. A space talent is like Kaz's ability to "get lost" and then get found again somewhere else (teleportation). A physical-world talent is like Australia's ability to change her appearance. A knowledge talent is like Sing's ability to trip when there's going to be danger.
The more powerful, or 'pure' a talent is, the closer it's placed to the center of the wheel. Talents that are vague are more powerful than talents that are specific. For instance, Australia can "wake up ugly" (change her appearance) for a short time after she wakes up, provided she fell asleep thinking about someone. It's very specific, so it's close to the edge of the wheel. Other Smedry'sSmedrys in history had been able to change their appearance whenever they wanted, not just when thethey woke up, so they would be placed closer to the center.
When Kaz explains the wheel to Alcatraz, they get into a discussion about where the breaking talent that Alcatraz has would be placed. Kaz said that's a matter of dispute., with Somesome saysaying it's just a physical-world talent, others saysaying it's something more that affects all four areas, as (there are legends of [[Allekatrase|Alcatraz the First]] breaking time and space). Alcatraz later finds an Incarnate wheel made by the Incarna themselves while in Alcatraz the First's tomb and the Breaking Talent is placed at the very center of the wheel.
Alcatraz later finds an Incarnate wheel in [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elder_Futhark Elder Futhark] made by the Incarna themselves while in [[Allekatrase]]'s tomb, and the Breaking Talent is placed at the very center of the wheel. This wheel is mirrored from the wheel Kaz showed to Alcatraz. It also has two additional named sections, Possibility and Identity, which Kaz calls "classical philosophy" and "metaphysics." It also has four, smaller, unlabeled sections on the sides.
Alcatraz speculates that each talent is an offshoot of the Dark Talent.
