Diferencia entre revisiones de «Consejo de los Cinco»

change part that was basically a quote
(Added update tag)
(change part that was basically a quote)
The '''Council of Five''' are the ruling members of the [[Parshendi]].
EachThe composition of the fiveFive ishas thechanged electedover leadertime ofas onemore of the Parshendi[[Singer#Common forms,|forms]] butare it hasn't always been this waydiscovered. At first, the Five hadare all beenin dullformsdullform, thenand later all workersin workform. ItWhen wasnimbleform onlyis atdiscovered, the discoveryCouncil ofchanges nimbleformto thatbeing itmade hadup beenof decidedone that they would have onemember of each form. TheyThe hadCouncil consideredhas addingpondered anotherwhether to theiradd ranksanother representative for each newly discovered form, but the discovery of stormform and the subsequent [[Battle of Narak]] meantmean that there wasis never an opportunity for suchto ado thingso.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}
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