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For the next year and a half Helaran come only sporadically, always avoiding his father. During a particularly long absence they received word from him only once through a brief letter--containing little aside from veiled threats for Lin--along with a book for Shallan written by [[Jasnah Kholin]].{{book ref|sa2|27}}{{book ref|sa2|39}} Lin Davar's anger only grew as he would occasionally turn his violence towards the servants.{{book ref|sa2|39}} Shallan practiced her artistic skill with the help of a drawing book by [[Dandos Heraldin|Dandos the Oilsworn]], often using art as a diversion from the family's struggles.{{book ref|sa2|27}} Shallan's other siblings continued to fare poorly, with Balat mistreating animals and starting fires and Jushu given over to drunkenness and gambling. The house was also facing economic shortfalls--a truth Shallan discovered as she began assisting with the family's accounts. In spite of this, Lin Davar frequently insisted on throwing elaborate feasts, whereupon he would flaunt his alleged wealth to impress their lower-dahn guests. Given a new dress for each occasion, Shallan became part of this elaborate display as well.{{book ref|sa2|27}}{{book ref|sa2|39}}
[[File:Davar-Siblings.jpg|300px350px|thumb|left|The Davar children--Jushu, Balat, Shallan, Helaran, and Wikim--by [[User:Botanicaxu|Botanicaxu]]]]At one such feast around late {{Rosharan date|1169}}, with the [[Tavinar]] family in attendance, Lin Davar announced his recent betrothal to [[Malise Gevelmar]]. After uncomfortable, prompted applause from his guests and family, a disgruntled Lin distributed gifts to his children--fine daggers for his sons and an [[aluminum]] necklace for Shallan.{{book ref|sa2|39}}{{book ref|sa2|48}} The feast was suddenly interrupted by [[Redin]], bastard son of Highprince [[Valam]], come to investigate the rumors of murder. Lin denied the rumors and requested that further discussion be held in private. While waiting, Shallan told jokes to her brothers, prompting laughs, smiles, and their first genuine interaction with one another in quite some time. After additional encouragement from Shallan, Balat complained that simple optimism will not solve their problems. However he later thanked Shallan for the light she seemed to bring them. Speaking loudly so as to be heard by the children, Redin declared his need for a testimony against Lin Davar in order to convict the man. Balat considered answering this summons before fear led to hesitation. Wikim encouraged Shallan to speak out, noting that their father will not harm her. However, Shallan claimed that she could not remember what had happened, while internally denying that anything had happened at all. After earning no response from the children, Redin reiterated that a witness was welcome to come forward at any time. At the demands of Lin, Redin then departed.{{book ref|sa2|39}}
{{sidequote|You can't fix us, Shallan. Jushu will destroy himself. It's only a matter of time. Balat is becoming Father, step by step. Malise spends one night in two weeping. Father will kill her one of these days, like he did Mother.|Wikim to Shallan at the Middlefest Fair|right|200px}}Determined to continue bringing hope to her brothers, Shallan began seeking ways to encourage each of them to take steps away from their vices and towards more positive activities. At the [[Middlefest Fair]] of {{Rosharan date|1170}} Shallan put several of these plans into action after seizing an opportunity to leave her father's side when Lin and Malise began discussing the terms of a one-sided trade deal with Brightlord [[Revilar]]. Accompanied by a guard, [[Jix]], Shallan sought out [[Eylita Tavinar]] and then delivered a message from her to Balat in the festival's gambling pavilion. Shallan revealed to Balat that she had seen the two eyeing one another and so had organized an opportunity for the two to meet and walk together. With Balat on his way to meet Eylita, Shallan returned to find her father concluding a meeting with an [[Hoid|unfamiliar messenger]] who came with news from Helaran. The man gave a start of surprise upon seeing Shallan, and then dumped a powdery substance into his own cup before departing. When Shallan prodded for the news, Lin declared Helaran to be officially disinherited and named Nan Balat his heir. He then asked Shallan to speak with Wikim, who had refused to leave the family's carriage. Shallan took this opportunity to leave again, and found Wikim where he had been left. After discussing the family's battered state with Wikim, Shallan proffered several sheets of math problems related to [[highstorm]] timing calculations, which she had taken from her father's books and translated into [[glyphs]]. Seeing through her intent, Wikim belittled her efforts, but he could later be seen working the problems attentively and with a smile. Leaving the carriage feeling dejected, Shallan crossed paths with Helaran's messenger. The man, later revealed to be Wit,{{book ref|sa2|55}} shared what little news he had of Helaran: that Shallan's brother was in good health, "doing things he finds very important," and keeping an eye on their father. He then began to ask pointed questions of Shallan, suggesting that he was aware of her family's brokenness and Shallan's Surgebinding abilities. After sharing a story about two blind men contemplating beauty, Wit asked Shallan to indulge him with her own definition of beauty. With some prompting, Shallan began to describe a idyllic scene of her family--all present, including her mother and eldest brother--in their gardens, interacting with one another in love and joy. As she spoke, Wit held out a handful of infused [[spheres]], which Shallan subconsciously used to Lightweave the scene described. Realizing what she was doing, Shallan withdrew her abilities. Wit encouraged her, suggesting that their struggles are partially caused by an [[Unmade]] or some other supernatural force.{{wob ref|3333}}{{wob ref|6201}} Apparently satisfied with what he had discovered of her abilities, Wit then bowed, disclosed that Helaran was currently in [[Alethkar]], and left.{{book ref|sa2|45}}
==== Petitioning Jasnah Kholin ====
[[File:Shallan in Kharbranth.jpg|300px350px|thumb|right|Shallan in Kharbranth, by John Ly]]Upon arriving in Kharbranth in {{Rosharan date|1173|6}}, Shallan now seventeen years old, Captain Tozbek checked with the dock registrar to confirm that Jasnah Kholin was still in the city. He explained to Shallan that, as a princess, Jasnah would certainly be staying in the [[Conclave]] at the top of the city. Tozbek assigned one of his men, [[Yalb]], to escort Shallan, and promised to deliver her belongings if she proved successful with Jasnah. Yalb hired a rickshaw porter for Shallan and served as a translator as they took the direct route from the docks to the Conclave. Shallan took in the exotic sights of the unfamiliar city as Yalb translated the porter's commentary. Upon reaching their destination the porter attempted to overcharge Shallan, but Yalb explained the truth. Shallan paid Yalb handsomely for his help and asked him to to remain outside the Conclave in the event she needed him further. Once inside, Shallan sought the assistance of a master-servant, who located Jasnah Kholin and led Shallan to the woman.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Shallan joined Jasnah as she accompanied King [[Taravangian]] to the site of a recent cave-in which had trapped his granddaughter. Though Jasnah was impressed by her tenacity, Shallan soon realized that Jasnah's request to meet was merely an opportunity for her to petition the woman rather than a tentative acceptance. Jasnah began to evaluate Shallan's educational background and, with a few exceptions, found it to be sorely lacking in several subjects. Upon reaching the cave-in, their conversation was put on hold. Jasnah Kholin used her Soulcaster to transform the fallen boulder into smoke--freeing those trapped on the other side and gaining Taravangian's leave to make use of the [[Palanaeum]]. Wasting no time, Jasnah denied Shallan's request for wardship and made her way to the cities famed library.{{book ref|sa1|5}}
Determined not to return home without trying every avenue, Shallan decided to make a second attempt to convince Jasnah to take her on. She followed after Jasnah to the Palanaeum and, finding the 1000 sapphire broam cost of entry well beyond her means, sought out Jasnah's alcove in the [[Palanaeum#The_Veil|Veil]]. After reaching the alcove, Shallan took a moment to draw sketches of Kharbranth and Yalb to clear her mind. After a third sketch, of Jasnah Soulcasting the boulder, Shallan drafted a letter that she hoped would change Jasnah's mind. Before she could place the letter and leave, she was interrupted by a young ardent, [[Kabsal]]. After admiring Shallan's artwork, Kabsal explained that he had been attempting for some time to meet with Jasnah and convert her back to [[Vorin]]ism. Kabsal left shortly before Jasnah's arrival.{{book ref|sa1|7}} Shallan was swiftly dismissed, after being berated by Jasnah for wasting her time, but as Shallan composed herself outside the alcove a servant invited her back in to collect the spheres she had left. Jasnah Kholin apologized for her anger and sour mood and, at Shallan's prompting, read the letter which had been overlooked. Impressed by Shallan's arguments and the revelation that she was self-trained, Jasnah gave Shallan the unique opportunity to request wardship a second time--after improving her deficiencies in history and philosophy. Thanking Jasnah, but realizing her house would be destitute by the time she could repetition, Shallan departed.{{book ref|sa1|8}}
Shallan was provided a simple room within Jasnah's quarters in the Karbranthian Conclave. She was given admittance to the Palanaeum and trained to use the library's ubiquitous filing system. Shallan greatly enjoyed her new position as Jasnah's ward, dividing her work between her own education, assistance with Jasnah's research, and occasionally some cherished time for her personal interests. Though her education sometimes proved to be a tedious endeavour, Shallan found the new lifestyle to be a refreshing experience. While she expected her her wardship to be one of dull memorization and busywork, instead she found interest in her studies and encouragement from Jasnah. The newfound freedom was a treasure and her self-confidence grew tremendously.{{book ref|sa1|29}}{{book ref|sa1|33}}
[[File:Kharbranth characters.jpg|300px350px|thumb|left|Jasnah, Shallan, Kabsal, and Taravangian, by [[User:Botanicaxu|Botanica]]]]After her father had placed tight restrictions on what and whom Shallan was allowed to sketch, she now relished the opportunity to draw anyone who would permit it. Shallan's talent quickly became the talk of the Conclave, and as word spread even King Taravangian himself came to request a portrait from the young artist. While sketching the king, she accidentally added the forms of two Cryptics standing behind the man. Not understanding the significance of what she had drawn, Shallan claimed she had made a mistake and started the sketch anew. This surprised Jasnah, who had never known Shallan to make such mistakes in their time together. Though Jasnah herself did not show much interest in Shallan's artistic ability, she did see some value in it. On one occasion she had Shallan copy the purported image of a "[[Voidbringer]]" while corresponding with [[Dalinar]].{{book ref|sa1|28}}{{book ref|sa1|29}}
Kabsal continued to visit periodically under the pretense of converting Jasnah, though his romantic interest in Shallan became apparent as he often arrived while Jasnah was away. Their friendship grew as the two would converse over bread and different varieties of jam--Shallan's favorite. Shallan found herself in an awkward position--torn between Kabsal's concern for her soul, as the ward of the infamous atheist, and Jasnah's frank suspicion that Kabsal was using Shallan to get steal her Soulcaster. Jasnah did not forbid their friendship, however, and Shallan found great satisfaction in the young man's attention.{{book ref|sa1|29}}{{book ref|sa1|33}}
A few days later, Shallan still found herself disturbed and confused by what she had witnessed. The experience drew out memories of the recent murder of her own father and forced her to confront her recent theft on behalf of her family, which only challenged her further. Shallan also had a difficult time waiting to see whether Jasnah would suspect her in the theft. Nan Balat contacted Shallan once again, with more concerns for the house's finances and the men asking about the Soulcaster. Though he urged her to return soon, Shallan explained that she could not leave until she had an opportunity to deflect Jasnah's suspicions. Though several days had passed, Jasnah showed no signs that something was wrong, which left Shallan unsure whether Jasnah was even aware of the theft. This left her trapped in Kharbranth, but it also gave Shallan more opportunities to study the device's method of operation. She turned to the sketches of her memories of Jasnah's "philosophy lesson," but found no revelations as to how the Soulcaster was made to work and was unable to make it transform anything when practicing in private.{{book ref|sa1|39}}
[[File:Shallan in the Palanaeum.jpg|300px400px|thumb|left|Shallan in the Palanaeum--by [[Coppermind: Artist/Alex Allen|Alex Allen]]]]Eventually Shallan completed her philosophy studies, deciding that Jasnah's actions were "both legal and right," but also immoral and unethical. After determining that Shallan had studied the subject to her satisfaction, Jasnah gave her the day off. Shallan returned to her quarters to test the Soulcaster further, having found a new reference the day. The tip, however, proved useless, and Shallan's mind began to wander until she took to drawing. As she sketched the strata of the rocks on her ceiling she heard a voice suddenly whisper, "What are you?" Startled, Shallan investigated the source of the voice and found a maid in the sitting room. After realize the maid had entered Jasnah's room (despite requests that no maid enter), Shallan sent the woman to apologize to Jasnah and took the opportunity to look through Jasnah's notes herself. Though she hoped to find some reference concerning use of the Soulcaster, Shallan instead found several notebooks of Jasnah's research into the [[Voidbringer]]s and the [[Knights Radiant]]. As she wondered why Jasnah would be so interested in such myths, a knock at the door forced her to abandon the espionage abruptly.{{book ref|sa1|42}}
The new visitor was Kabsal, bearing jam and bread, which they took to the Conclave gardens to enjoy. Over the course of their conversation Kabsal began hinting more outwardly of his growing affection toward Shallan, even suggesting that he would leave the [[ardentia]] to be with her. Uncomfortable with the situation, Shallan deflected the conversation towards Jasnah and her skepticism of the ardent, which then gave her the opportunity to ask Kabsal about the nature of Soulcasters. Kabsal unfortunately proved to have no personal experience or useful knowledge regarding the device. After Kabsal departed, Shallan's thoughts shifted towards the realization that she would need to leave Kharbranth soon. Saddened by the idea of her time as Jasnah's ward reaching its end, she decided to return to the Veil and spend the remainder of her free day studying. On her way, she received a letter from Captain Tozbek to inform her that they would arrive in the city in one week's time, placing a final deadline on her departure.{{book ref|sa1|42}}
Shallan used her final days living the life of a young scholar. On the day prior to her departure, Shallan made an observation about the nature of King Gavilar's strange interest in the Parshendi which sparked a conversation about how Shallan's studies on the king related to Jasnah's own research. Though Jasnah avoided explaining herself fully, the prospect of her own discoveries supporting Jasnah's work excited Shallan. Realizing that her time was practically up, however, Shallan asked some blunt and probing questions about [[Urithiru]], Voidbringers, and the Parshendi. When Jasnah eventually refused to answer further questions for the time being, Shallan found herself desperate to learn whatever she could in the time remaining. Under the excuse of searching for a book about Gavilar, she entered the Palanaeum to research anything she could find about the Voidbringers. She found little of substance after searching for two hours, however, and was discovered by Kabsal just as she began to return. She asked him questions while obtaining the book she had originally come for, though Kabsal knew little either.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
[[File:Shallan_and_Cryptic.jpg|250px300px|thumb|right|Shallan fleeing from Cryptics, by [[Coppermind: Artist/Petar Penev|Petar Penev]]]]As they began to return to Jasnah's alcove, Shallan confessed to the ardent that she would be leaving the following day--giving the excuse of urgent family matters. Kabsal offered to come with her, but Shallan refused him a final time. Wounded, Kabsal asked for a sketch of himself before she departed, and Shallan suddenly realized that she had never drawn one of him during her time in Kharbranth. They hurried back to the Veil, and Shallan set to drawing the young man through tears. Kabsal then insisted that she draw a second image of them together in exchange for payment. Shallan used a mirror to capture a Memory of the pair of them and began to sketch while filled with feelings of guilt and anxiety. As she wrestled with these emotions, Shallan once again accidentally sketched the form of a Cryptic, standing behind Kabsal. Crushed by the weight of her circumstances and concerned for her mental state, Shallan declared that she had made a mistake and dashed from the balcony seeking privacy. As she took the lift down to the main level Shallan took another Memory of the landing above. Upon quickly sketching the scene two of the symbol-headed figures stood above, watching her. Shallan fled to her quarters as quickly as possible, pausing for one more moment along the way to draw another sketch--this time with five of the creatures following her. She hid in her room, huddled on the bed with doors locked, as she began yet another sketch of her surroundings which revealed a group of the Cryptics surrounding her--one of them reaching out as if to touch her. Despite her promises to herself not to use the blade ever since her mother's death, Shallan began to summon her secret Shardblade out of pure terror. She was interrupted then by a voice, asking, "What are you?" With her response, "I'm terrified," the room around her crashed into beads and Shallan found herself in [[Shadesmar]] for the first time. Though only there for a moment, she accidentally managed to Soulcast the crystal goblet beside her bed into blood. Assuming that the transformation was related to the device she carried in her safepouch, Shallan was shocked out of fear momentarily and began to ponder what she had done. Jasnah, however, had followed quickly and began knocking on Shallan's door. Out of concern that Jasnah would discover the blood and realize Shallan had the Soulcaster, she took a shard of glass that was broken in the accident and cut a gash in her own wrist. As Jasnah entered the room, Shallan slipped into unconsciousness.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
==== Questions and Answers ====
{{sidequote|Power is an illusion of perception... On an individual basis, in most interactions, this thing we call power—authority—exists only as it is perceived... I can create that illusion for them, as can you.|Jasnah to Shallan, aboard the Wind's Pleasure{{book ref|sa2|1}}|right|400px}}Jasnah and Shallan took passage towards the Shattered Plains aboard the Wind's Pleasure. Several days into the journey, as they sailed through Longbrow's Straits, Shallan was sketching from her memory of Shadesmar while on the ship's deck when she noticed Pattern's first reappearance. As she considered the strange sight, the crew began calling attention to a [[santhid]] which was spotted following the ship. Desiring to sketch the nearly mythological creature, Shallan attempted to have Captain Tozbek stop the ship, but the man refused her requests leaving Shallan deflated. Jasnah emerged from her cabin shortly afterwards and, seeing that Shallan was distracted by her visit to the strange realm of Shadesmar, explained the basic nature of the Cognitive Realm and spren to satiate Shallan's curiosity. When Shallan expressed concern for her brothers' situation, Jasnah explained that she had taken some actions to alleviate their problems. She had corresponded earlier in the day with her mother, [[Navani Kholin]], making plans both to repair the broken Soulcaster and to establish a causal betrothal between Shallan and [[Adolin Kholin]]. This would solve the Davars' financial problems and satiate the Ghostbloods while also tying Shallan closer to Jasnah. Humbled by Jasnah's opinion of her potential, their conversation turned towards Shallan's self-doubt, to which Jasnah explained that power and influence is often nothing more than an illusion. Encouraged and emboldened by Jasnah, Shallan commanded Tozbek to stop the ship and lower her into the sea, where she was able to capture a Memory of the santhid for later sketching.{{book ref|sa2|1}}
[[File: WoR SH - Shallan.jpg|300px350px|thumb|left|Shallan shocked by Jasnah's apparent death, by [[User:Botanicaxu|Botanicaxu]]]]
Pattern appeared again a few days later as Shallan was studying in her cabin. By taking a Memory and sketching the spren she was seemingly able to help cement his presence in the Physical Realm. Jasnah appeared at her door a moment later and the women discussed the nature of their nahel bonds and the spren associated with the Knights Radiant, including the Cryptics. Jasnah then charged Shallan with devoting her full time to the study of Pattern over the next several days. Pattern's intelligence and understanding seemed to be increasing notably as Shallan observed and conversed with him, though the crew took his presence as a bad omen. In once instance, as Pattern recalled his earliest memory, Shallan began to instinctively Lightweave--but it lasted only briefly once she realized the memories that it was unearthing. One evening, after a long but satisfying day of study, Shallan visited Jasnah's cabin to borrow infused spheres for light. She found Jasnah in an exhausted, troubled state which left a strong impression on Shallan--both of Jasnah's humanity and of the importance and urgency of their task. Upon hearing Shallan's desire to help bear the weight of their task, Jasnah explained more of what she understood about the Voidbringers and the Desolations. She also gave Shallan the requested spheres and explained the importance of [[Stormlight]], along with what little she knew of Shallan's ability to Lightweave. She also gave Shallan a copy of ''[[Words of Radiance (in-world)|Words of Radiance]]'' to study the Knights Radiant further. Shallan then retired to her room but slept only for a while before she was awoken by shouts and smoke. Shallan quickly surmised that the ship was under attack. Upon peeking out of her cabin she saw several men throw Jasnah's body to the floor and stab her through the chest. The men spotted Shallan who retreated into her room, leaving her trapped. As the men began to break through her door, Shallan was able to conjure a basic Lightweaving of a form dashing from the room and out onto the deck. The men chased, giving Shallan time to move to Jasnah's room. With the crew captured and no other means of escape Shallan entered Shadesmar and managed to Soulcast the entire ship into water. Shallan lost consciousness as she sank into the dark, icy ocean.{{book ref|sa2|3}}{{book ref|sa2|6}}{{book ref|sa2|7}}
Kaladin roused Shallan early in the morning and they set off once more, hoping for the sun to give more help with their orientation. It didn't take long before they began to irritate one another once again, but as the conversation progressed, they slowly began opening up to one another. When Kaladin admitted his suspicions of Shallan, she shared Jasnah's theories concerning the Voidbringers and swore to him that she intended no harm to the Kholins. Unfortunately, the rising sun revealed that they were again headed in the wrong direction, so Shallan set about drawing their path once again. They began relying on her sketches to make slow, steady progress through the chasms. The process helped her to realize that the Shattered Plains were symmetrical, which Kaladin reinforced by explaining he had once seen them as symmetrical in a dream. With Kaladin highly discouraged, Shallan tried to be upbeat. He attributed this optimism to an easy upbringing, and was shocked when Shallan showed him a hint of the brokenness within herself. Something about her honesty encouraged the bridgeman, and he actually began to join in with her joking--until the chasmfiend revealed itself once more.{{book ref|sa2|70}}{{book ref|sa2|71}}
[[File:Kaladin and Shallan in Chasm.png|thumb|right|300px350px|Shallan and Kaladin during the highstorm]]
Kaladin pushed Shallan into a crack in the chasm wall, where they hid just out of reach until the monster relented and began to simply wait. With the highstorm only a few hours away, Kaladin decided to run as a distraction--giving Shallan an opportunity to escape with her important knowledge of Jasnah's research and now the Plains' symmetry. Shallan allowed him to leave, but not before offering up Pattern as a Shardblade. She darted from the crevice after Kaladin drew the chasmfiend's attention and was able to reach her satchel, containing what little Stormlight she had left. As Kaladin struggled to survive against the attacking beast, Shallan used illusions of herself and Kaladin to distract it and buy him precious moments. When the beast finally snapped at the true Kaladin, he drove Pattern deep into its head, slaying the creature. Shallan rushed to his side to help free him from the dead monster's maw. With Kaladin alive but too wounded to help, and the highstorm soon approaching, Shallan used Pattern to cut a series of handholds into the chasm wall above the chasmfiend's corpse, followed by a small cleft just above the waterline. She clambered into it herself, and pulled Kaladin in as the stormwall struck. Terrified amidst the raging torrent, they clung to one another. Kaladin mentioned his prior experience being strung up in a highstorm, and prompting from Shallan encouraged him to share much of his personal story with her--though the truth of Helaran's death was obscured by happenstance. Shallan listened silently and shared of her own childhood struggles and time with Jasnah after he had finished, including the murder of her father. As her story came to a close, the [[Stormfather]] appeared to Shallan. Then, with the height of the storm passed, Shallan fell asleep against Kaladin.{{book ref|sa2|71}}{{book ref|sa2|72}}{{book ref|sa2|74}}
