Diferencia entre revisiones de «Waxillium Ladrian»

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=== Late years in the Roughs and the return to Elendel ===
After the reported death of his uncle, Wax is implored to return to Elendel and begin managing the ledgers of his house. Initially ignoring this request, Wax chooses instead to hunt the murderous Bloody Tan, as his last bounty. In a horrifying turn of events, Waxillium mistakenly shoots Lessie in the forehead, when attempting to free her from Bloody Tan's clutches. With nothing left for him in the Roughs, Wax returns to his family house in Elendel.{{book ref|mb4|Prologue}}
In his early months in Elendel, Wax earned a reputation for frequently disappearing early from social functions, taking instead to steel-pushing through the mists, in patrol of the city. On one such night, Waxillium pauses his patrol to try intervening in a shootout. Believing he hears a woman's whimper that reminds him of Lessie, Wax freezes during the gunfight. Coming to the conclusion that he was no longer capable of being a lawman, and with the effectiveness of the city constabulary forcing him to face the irrelevance of vigilante justice in general, Wax hangs up his guns for good.{{book ref|mb4|1}}
Throwing himself into the much more mundane effort of saving his house’s financial future, Waxillium spends half a year working to reverse his late uncle’s squandering of the family funds. Believing there is no other choice, he enters into a marriage agreement with [[Lord Harms]]’ daughter, [[Steris]], hoping her father’s money can help bring House Ladrian back from the brink of destitution.
That same day, Wayne, an old partner from his time in the Roughs, re-enters Wax’s life carrying with him an [[aluminum]] bullet and a tantalizing mystery surrounding a gang of train robbers known as the [[Vanishers]], which threatens to draw Wax away from his house responsibilities and right back into the life of a lawman.{{book ref|mb4|2}}
=== The Vanishers ===
