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== Connection with Hoid ==
[[Hoid]] came to the reception, dressed as a beggar wearing black,{{qawob ref|632|3|Was the scruffy-looking "beggar in black" guy at the wedding dinner Hoid?|date=Nov 11th, 20114698}} to offer his congratulations.{{17s ref|post|38405|Why was Hoid at the wedding?|date=03 August 2012}} The reasons Hoid is friends with Joshin and Mi'chelle are still unknown, perhaps they are [[Worldhoppers]] themselves.
== Trivia ==
* Lady Mi'chelle is a cameo for [http://www.17thshard.com/forum/user/2-frr Mi'chelle Walker], one of the founders of [[17thshard.com]].{{qawob ref|699|5|There is a cameo of Josh & Michele in Alloy of Law!|date=Mar 19th, 20114537}}
== Notes ==