Diferencia entre revisiones de «Día de la Traición»

The Knight's actions during the Recreance led not only to the destruction of the orders as a whole, but also to the deaths of the former members. The sense of betrayal many felt at the act of the Radiants led many people to attack and kill them. The Skybreakers chose to hide their order and take up a mission of preventing the Knights Radiant from rising again, believing it would lead to the return of the [[Voidbringers]] and [[Desolation]]s.{{epigraph ref|sa2|41}}
Society quickly changed after the Recreance and began to form the culture seen in modern Roshar. Those in power wanted control of the Shardblades. To prevent women from wielding them, they encouraged following [[Arts and Majesty]], a philosophical novel claiming masculine arts are two-handed and feminine arts are one-handed. In retaliation, a movement of women claimed the ability to read and write for themselves.{{wob ref|6245}} It is also likely that the division between [[lighteyes]] and [[darkeyes]] was formed during this time. Eye color is connected to the memory of the Radiant's eye colorsRadiants.{{wob ref|5546}}{{wob ref|8628}}The lighteyes' authority likely extends from those memories. The majority of lighteyes are descended from people whose eyes changed color, which would mean their ancestors were either Radiants or [[Shardbearer]]s.{{wob ref|81}}
Spren societies were completely decimated. The majority of the surviving spren were mere children at the time, and were forced to spend centuries without nurture and guidance. It took some spren societies two thousand years to regain the culture they had lost.{{book ref|sa3|47}} Many spren feel a mistrust and dislike of humans as a result. This causes some spren to bond singers or work with the [[Diagram]] rather than support the re-formation of the Knights Radiant and trust humans again.{{book ref|sa3|107}}{{book ref|sa3|121}} Some would even choose to kill humans before allowing the formation of a Nahel bond.{{book ref|sa3|47}}
Synod, Editors, Keepers
