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== Talents ==
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* [[Allekatrase]] and [[Alcatraz Smedry|Alcatraz]] can break things. This is known as the '''Dark Talent''' as it is very dangerous and hard to control
* [[Leavenworth Smedry|Grandpa Smedry]], Alcatraz's grandfather, has the power to arrive late to appointments. As such, he is always running behind the clock. But his power also allows him to arrive late to other things, like bullets, which always miss him, and his blood can arrive late to wounds so that he doesn't bleed to death. In his own words "I've been arriving late to my own death for years now."
* [[Folsom Smedry|Folsom]] and [[Himalaya Smedry|Himalaya]] can dance really poorly. The dancing most often appears to take the form of violent fighting.
* [[Aydee Ecks Smedry|Aydee]] is really bad at math. The catch is that the universe warps to fit her bad math. If she thinks there's four of something and there's really only three, then another one will appear. This is confirmed to be a physical-world talent. She can't create things that don't exist, but moves them around in space to fit her math.
* [[Alcatraz Smedry VII|Alcatraz VII]] can make annoying noises at inappropriate times. This causes distraction, allowing him to win many [[Oculator]] duels.
* [[Libby Smedry|Libby]] can spill copious amounts of water on the floor when she is washing the dishes. She allegedly "single-handedly ended the drought of Kabreeze during the fourth-third century- and she did it while keeping all their dishware sparkling clean."
== The Incarnate Wheel ==
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