Diferencia entre revisiones de «Obras sin publicar»

sin resumen de edición
; [[The Silence Divine]]: A novella set on a planet in the [[Greater Roshar]] system, where diseases grant magical abilities.{{ref|name=sots}} Will be renamed.{{ref|name=sots14}}
; [[Skyward]]: YA Cosmere novel. {{ref|name=sots}}
; [[Adamant]]: was ''The Lurker''{{ref|name=sots14}}. Planned as a sequence of six novellas, two of which will be written by other authors. Brandon wants to wait until all four of his novellas are written before finding co-authors. Only one episode has been written, but he has had a breakthrough in some visuals and worldbuilding. The second novella could be written at any time.{{ref|name=sots16}}
; [[Adamant]]: was ''The Lurker'', will be tinkered with during SA3{{ref|name=sots14}}
; [[Legion 3]]: A sequel to Legion 2, no plans or outlines have been made yet{{ref|name=sots14}} Will be the final Legion novella.{{ref|name=sots15}}
; [[Death By Pizza]]
; [[Soulburner]]
: A space opera/fantasy hybrid.{{ref|name=sots15}}
; untitled [[Threnody]] story
: A novel set on Threnody has been part of Brandon's plan for the cosmere since before he was published. Originally planned to be the story of the people who fled to the [[Forests of Hell]] after the [[Evil]] destroyed their [[Homeland]]. He has recently considered changing the story to that of an expedition being sent back to the Homeland.{{ref|name=sots16}}
; untitled [[Silverlight]] story
: a novella set in [[Silverlight]]{{ref|name=sots16}}
== Potential Works ==
; The King's Necromancer{{ref|name=ramble}}
; Standalone Mizzy book: Sequel to the Reckoners.{{ref|name=sots16}}
; The Eyes
: A space opera novella inspired by Fermi's Paradox.{{ref|name=sots16}}
== "Trunked" Novels ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
