Diferencia entre revisiones de «Decimoséptima Esquirla»

→‎Appearance in The Way of Kings: stylistic wording change
m (→‎Appearance in The Way of Kings: Moving location of ref)
m (→‎Appearance in The Way of Kings: stylistic wording change)
=Appearance in ''The Way of Kings''=
Members of the Seventeenth Shard appear in [[The Way of Kings]], Interlude I-1: Ishikk as the foreign visitors to [[Purelake]] presumably chasing Hoid<ref>{{bref|WoK|i|1}}</ref>. Their real names are unknown to Ishikk, the viewpoint character; however, fans have guessed the identities of two of the three visitors. Posited early on in old Timewaster's Guide forums based on the distinct linguistic pattern of [[Dula]]s, it has been confirmed by Brandon that the one Ishikk calls ''Grump'' is [[Galladon]] from [[Sel]] <ref>{{17s|712|Signing with Brandon and Peter Orullian}}</ref>. Brandon also recently confirmed at a signing that ''Thinker'' is [[Demoux]] from [[Scadrial]] <ref>https://twitter.com/#!/17thshard/status/147532014290092032</ref>; this was first conjectured in the 17th Shard forums based on the scar on Demoux's scalp <ref>{{17s|75-theory-galladon-in-wok/page__view__findpost__p__22983|theory: Galladon in WoK}}</ref>. The third member called ''Blunt'' is still unknown and is likely to remain so for a while as onehe of the members areis from a written but unpublished book.
== Notes ==
