Diferencia entre revisiones de «Desolación»

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== Vorinism ==
According to Vorinism, mankind fought the Voidbringers during Desolations ninety and nine times, before mankind finally won and drove them back to the [[Tranquiline Halls]].{{book ref|wok|45}} That victory was later referred to as the [[Last Desolation]].
== Quotes ==
| The Desolations had happened during the near-mythical shadowdays, before real history began. Before mankind had defeated the Voidbringers and taken the war to heaven.
| [[Dalinar]]'s thoughts{{book ref|wok|19}}
| In the aftermath of each one, mankind was broken. Great cities in ashes, industry smashed. Each time, knowledge and growth were reduced to an almost prehistoric state.
| [[Jasnah]]{{book ref|wor|6}}
== Notes ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
