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(Created page with "{{quote|A Grand, the race who led the empire. That robe of blue and green indicated a minor functionary who had passed the tests for government service, but not risen high in...")
{{quote|She also wore clothing far more fitting than that dingy dres. A flat, red, calf-length skirt and buttoned blouse. The Grands would consider it unfashionable, as among them, ancient-looking robes or wraps were the current style.|Day 3}}
{{quote|You could tell a lot about a person from the way they designed their seals. This one, for example, had a sterile feel to it. No real art, which was a contrast to the minutely detailed and delicate beauty of the vase itself. Shai had heard that the Heritage Faction kept lines of half-trained Forgers working by rote, creating these pieces like rows of men making shoes in a factory.<br><!--
-->'Our workers are '''not''' Forgers... We don't use that word. They are Rememberers.'<br><!--
-->'It's the same thing.'<br><!--
-->They don't touch souls... Beyond that, what we do is in appreciation of the past, rather than with the aim of fooling or scamming people. Our reminders bring people to a greater understanding of their heritage.'|Day 3}}
{{quote|She didn't like Strikers, but she liked the empire less, and the guards were really just another kind of slave.|Day 3}}
{{quote|...the figure removed his hood, revealing a face with milky white skin and red eyes.<br><!--
-->Shai hissed softly through her teeth. 'And you call what '''I''' do an abomination?'<br><!--
-->'A Bloodsealer. You invited a '''Bloodsealer''' into your palace?'<br><!--
-->'This one has proven himself an asset recently... He is loyal and he is discreet. He is also very effective. There are...times when one much accept the aid of darkness in order to contain a greater darkness.'|Day 3}}
{{quote|This table, she suspected, had come from far-off Svorden as a gift to Emperor Ashravan's predecessor. The strained relationship with Svorden had then led the emperor to lock it away and ignore it.|Day 12}}
{{quote|'You must understand,' Gaotona said, 'I don't subscribe to your pagan superstitions.'<br><!--
-->'Yes, you worship the sun instead,' Shai said... 'Or, rather, eighty suns&mdash;believing that even though each looks the same, a different sun actually rises each day.|Day 12}}
{{quote|...Ukurgi, where the provincial flag is predominantly green.|Day 12}}
{{quote|The Heritage Faction continued to dig up and revive ancient feasts in an effort to sway public opinion back toward them.<br><!--
-->It wouldn't help. The empire was not a republic, and the only ones who would have a say in anointing a new emperor would be the arbiters of the various factions.|Day 17}}
{{quote|'''I have decided, at long last, to agree to the demands of my faction'''... '''I will offer myself for the position of emperor'''...|Day 17}}
{{quote|The [Imperial Seat] has a thriving clandestine smuggling trace...|Day 17}}
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