Diferencia entre revisiones de «Bibliografía»

477 bytes añadidos ,  hace 10 años
think I got everything might want to re-think the second section though
(think I got everything might want to re-think the second section though)
: [[A Memory of Light]]
: [[The Rithmatist]]<ref>Newsletter September 2012</ref>
: [[Words of Radiance]]<ref name=WoR>[http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/02/the-title-for-brandon-sandersons-second-stormlight-archive-book-has-been-revealed Release announcement from Tor]</ref>
: [[Steelheart]]<ref name=steelheart />
: Steelheart 2, 3novelette<ref name=steelheartsots />
: [[Sixth of Dark]]<ref name=sots />
:; Anthology works
:: [[Firstborn]] and [[Defending Elysium]]<ref name=ff />
:: Unfettered - [[River of Souls]]{{cite}}
:: Dangerous Women - [[Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell]]<ref name=blog1071 /><ref>[http://grrm.livejournal.com/310198.html George R R Martin's announcement]</ref>
: [[Words of Radiance]]<ref name=WoR>[http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/02/the-title-for-brandon-sandersons-second-stormlight-archive-book-has-been-revealed Release announcement from Tor]</ref>
: [[Shadows of Self]] ([[Mistborn Adventures]] #2){{ref|?|836|36|''Alloy'' sequel is called Shadows of Self?}}<ref name=sots />
: [[Firefight]] (Steelheart #)2 <ref name=r/2013>[http://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1ced7z/iamstilla_novelist_named_brandon_sanderson_ama/c9fukgm Current plans as of Reddit 2013 AMA]</ref><ref name=sots />
:; Anthology works
:: Dangerous Women - [[Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell]]<ref name=blog1071 /><ref>[http://grrm.livejournal.com/310198.html George R R Martin's announcement]</ref>
: Elantris 2 (anniversary of [[Elantris (book)|Elantris]])
: Second and Third [[Mistborn series]]
: ? more [[Mistborn Adventures]]{{cite}}
: [[Nightblood]] ({{bref|wb}} sequel){{cite}}<ref name=sots />
: Alcatraz 5{{ref|?|836|35|When will we see the next ''Alcatraz''?}}<ref name=sots />
: [[Dragonsteel]] 1-7 (only after [[Stormlight Archive]] is done){{cite}}
: [[White Sand]]{{cite}}<ref name=sots>
: Elantris 2, 3 {{ref|?|689|6|Is ''Dragonsteel'' a trilogy or what?}}<ref name=sots />
: Legion 2<ref name=PCC13 /><ref name=sots />
: Rithmatist 2 (and maybe 3)<ref name=sots />
: Steelheart 2-3<ref name=steelheart />
:: ''[[Firefight]]''<ref name=sots />
:: ''[[Calamity]]''<ref name=sots />
;Unpublished{{ref|?|772|65|Bibliography posted in 2008 on TWG}}{{ref|?|545|6|Future books posted on blog in 2010}}
: Steelheart 2, 3<ref name=steelheart />
: Steelheart novellas 1, 2, 3<ref name=steelheart />
: The King's Necromancer{{cite}}
: [[The Liar of Partinel]] 1, 2{{cite}}<ref name=sots />
: [[The Silence Divine]]<ref name=sots />
: Star's End{{cite}}
: Death By Pizza - book with necromancer pizza deliveryman{{cite}}<ref name=sots />
: Lord Mastrell - a sequel to White Sand prime{{cite}}
: Knights Life - a fantasy comedy{{cite}}
: Mythwalker{{cite}}
: Aether of Night{{cite}}
: Dark One{{cite}}<ref name=sots />
: Zeek Harbringer, Destroyer of Worlds - Middle grade scifi, maybe an Alcatraz follow up, unwritten{{cite}}
: Dragonsteel: The Lightweaver of Rens{{cite}}
<ref name=PCC13>[https://soundcloud.com/gavin-king-4 PCC 13 spotlight panel], [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_sTZkZ0Irdf3haauT5PnX94yYQSyQGlCqUAcOBafTMs/edit transcript]</ref>
<ref name=steelheart>''[[Steelheart]]'' Press Release [http://www.booktrade.info/index.php/showarticle/41261 Booktrade] [http://suvudu.com/2012/06/new-ya-series-on-the-way-from-brandon-sanderson.html Suvudu] [http://www.thebookseller.com/news/fantasy-and-fairy-tales-gollancz.html The Bookseller]</ref>
<ref name=sots>[http://www.brandonsanderson.com/blog/1186/State-of-the-Sanderson| State of the Sanderson]</ref>
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