Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:El ritmo de la guerra»

sin resumen de edición
* [[Amaram]] (mentioned only)
Kaladin goes toward the manor's cellar, and passes a wall of flames. Arriving, he finds Jeber and another man manacled to a wall. He discovers they have been killed with a [[Shardblade]]. He finds Moash at a corner of the room, holding a knife to Roshone's neck. Moash slits Roshone's throat, killing him. Kaladin summons his Sylspear, but Moash surrenders.
Shallan thinks about the balance she has reached. She tastes the wines in the room, finding one that tastes different. She takes it to Adolin and he says it's Shin wine. With Pattern's help, she finds carvings on the walls, maps of the [[Epoch Kingdoms]]. Behind a stone with a carving of [[Shin Kak Nish]], she finds a notebook.
Kaladin talks with Moash. Moash says he killed Roshone for revenge. He says the people Kaladin loves will continue to die, and that the only way out is to kill himself. Suddenly, a strong light appears. An illusion of Moash steps toward the light, confident, loved, and Radiant. The real Moash screams, asking for his pain to be taken away, and runs away. The light fades, and Renarin grabs Kaladin, telling him the ship is ready to leave.
{{anchor|Chapter 9}}
