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The target of Soulcasting can be both an inanimate item and a person, although a person will present greater difficulty, due to the innate [[Investiture]] they hold.{{book ref|sa1|36}}{{wob ref|2675}} Both highly-invested people, like [[Knights Radiant]] or [[Mistborn]], and natural Investiture blockers, like [[aluminium]] or [[Shardplate]], will resist Soulcasting.{{wob ref|2675}}{{wob ref|9599}} Likewise, Soulcasting cannot create materials that are naturally Invested, such as [[god metals]].{{wob ref|2661}} Aluminium, however, can be created via Soulcasting.{{wob ref|8306}}
Apart from those edge cases, any object can be Soulcast, although what it can be Soulcast into varies. It's much easier to create the [[Ten Essences]] than other materials; for example, fruit juice would be harder to make than blood.{{book ref|sa1|72}} Materials that do not exist naturally, such as plastic, are also possible to Soulcast into, provided the closesclosest possible Essence is identified.{{wob ref|10904}} This being said, a major limitation is the knowledge of the end material - while a Surgebinder could Soulcast matter into radioactive particles such as plutonium, modern-day [[Roshar]]ans are unaware of its existence and nature.{{wob ref|3811}}
Moreover, when Soulcasting, both Surgebinders and fabrial users are limited by the types of gems available to them.{{wob ref|2784}} While the chemical composition of the gemstone is important, its color is paramount, with every color of a gemstone corresponding to one of the [[Ten Essences]].{{book ref|sa3|part=ars}} A gemstone that has been bleached of color - for example, by [[Awakening]] - would either work very poorly, or not work at all.{{wob ref|4080}}
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