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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''New Natanan''' is a citystatecity-state on the eastern edge of the [[FrostlandsRoshar]], which claims a few other citiessettlements as its protectorates.{{book ref|sa3|96}} ItThe ispeople namedof afterNatanan theare [[Silvercalled Kingdoms|Silverthe Kingdom]] of [[Natanatan]]'''Natan'''.{{mapbook ref|Rosharsa1|28}}
== Location and Geography ==
[[Au-nak]] is a Natan ambassador.{{book ref|sa3|96}}
New Natanan is the easternmost city of the Rosharan continent. In lies on the shores of the [[Ocean of Origins]], or a large peninsula jutting out of the [[Frostland]]s, a sparsely-populated and mostly lawless region in the south-east.{{map ref|Roshar}} New Natanan's position makes it the first settlement to be hit by an arriving [[highstorm]] as it comes on land. The news of a stormwall are sent out to other kingdoms from there via [[spanreed]]s.{{book ref|sa3|22}}
There have been several attempts in the past to find a river passage between [[Alethkar]] and New Natanan, one of which resulted in the discovery of the [[Parshendi]] by Alethi explorers.{{book ref|sa1|42}} However, so far it appears that the only way to access the country is either by a caravan or by sea.
== History ==
The region New Natanan now lies in was once part of the [[Silver Kingdoms|Silver Kingdom]] of [[Natanatan]], with its capital in [[Stormseat]].{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}} Following the catastrophe that created the [[Shattered Plains]], the country slowly fell apart, until it was reduced to a single settlement -- New Natanan.{{book ref|sa2|60}}
By the [[War of Reckoning]], New Natanan had become a valuable trade hub as the biggest city on the eastern coast. They had an ambassador, [[Au-nak]], in the Alethi warcamps, and when [[Jasnah]] and [[Shallan]]'s ship was sunk, it was on its way to the city, as it was from there that caravans travelled to the Shattered Plains.{{book ref|sa1|54}}{{book ref|sa2|6}} When the [[Everstorm]] first appeared, New Natanan was the first major city to be struck by it, although [[Dalinar]] and [[Navani]] tried to warn its people of the new storm.{{book ref|sa2|87}} Though its uncertain whether they believed the message, the Natan confirmed the existence of the Everstorm to the [[Thaylen]] after it had passed over them.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
== Politics and Culture ==
The Natan people have pale blue skin and white hair.{{cite}}
== Notable citizens ==
* [[Au-nak]] is a Natan ambassador to [[Alethkar]].{{book ref|sa3|96}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
