Diferencia entre revisiones de «Freya Marten»

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Freyja is tall and skinny, around 185 centimeters in height, and has short blond hair.{{book ref|Skyward|8}} Spensa thinks she looks Nordic.
Freyja self-identifies as a [[Disputers | Disputer]], a member of a movement that believes the Defiant culture is becoming too jingoistic and that the dictatorship ruling [[Detritus]] has too much power. She's highly critical of the military culture and the worship of First Citizens, and isn't afraid to voice her opinions out loud, even if her flightmates disagree with her. She's also quick to notice any hypocrisies she perceives. However, for all her misgivings she is supportive of the continued war against the [[Krell]] and tries to become a pilot as hard as any other member of her flight.{{book ref|Skyward|21}} She wears her emotions on her sleeve, and is good at reading others.{{book ref|Skyward|20}} She's often the instigator of the group's trips out of the school.{{book ref|Skyward|37}}{{book ref|Skyward|42}}
Editors, Keepers
