Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dalinar Kholin»

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On his separate way to the Shattered Plains, he visited the [[Nightwatcher]]. The Thrill is notably absent. As he approached, he again experienced visions of Rathalas burning, and its people screaming, more real than it had ever been since he lived that night. More visions came of killing the Parshendi, of killing Elhokar and taking the throne for himself, invading other lands and becoming emperor over all. He knew that this was his future.
Finally the Nightwatcher came to him and asked what the Son of [[Honor]] and the Son of [[Odium]] wanted from her. He asked her whether he could ever be forgiven. The Nightwatcher grew aggravated, as she couldn't grant this request, but another being approached. A matronly woman with brown skin and a brown dress, calling the Nightwatcher ‘child', commanded Dalinar to attend her instead.
Though at first, this woman seemed like she would reject him, telling him to seek out Honor instead, Dalinar insisted. She told him she would not change him, but she would prune him. The cost would be high. She warned him she would also take Evi. Dalinar agreed to her terms.