Diferencia entre revisiones de «Miles Dagouter»

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:''See Also:'' [[Feruchemy]]
Miles' Feruchemical power is also gold.{{book ref|mb4|11}} As a Bloodmaker, Miles can store health in his goldminds, spending some time in poor health, in order to heal himself instantly later.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}} This allows Miles to take wounds that would otherwise permanently cripple or kill another ordinary man. Gold returns a man to the state he was before the injury. Therefore, it tends to not cure long-term injuries or genetic problems. It does heal the [[Spiritweb]], and as such could heal someone who has had their soul damaged by the theft of spiritual attribute via Hemalurgic spike.{{qawob ref|1086|69|Could Miles heal back his Allomancy if it was spiked out of him?|date=13 August 20146335}} The greatest limit on gold Feruchemy is the amount of health stored up, which can be difficult to collect. However, Miles manages to overcome many of these limitiations via Compounding.
:''See Also:'' [[Compounding]]
As Miles can both create Feruchemical reserves in goldminds, and burn gold, he is capable of Compounding.{{book ref|mb4|11}} A powerful technique, this allows him to essentially create a new metal, burning his metalminds which instead of showing gold's usual visions, power his Feruchemical healing directly via Preservation and the powers of creation.{{qawob ref|636|4|My question is if there's anything that you've never been asked that you would like to talk about?|date=16 November 20114702}}{{qawob ref|727|45|Allomancy is fueled by Preservation's body? How exactly does that work?|date=16 October 20086072}} This allows Miles to sustain truly horrifying wounds and be healed to full strength nearly instantaneously.{{book ref|mb4|13}} Miles is not continuously burning his goldminds though. Rather, he spends some time burning them for a massive amount of health, and then stores a huge amount of health in his metalminds, which he wears as spikes that pierce his body all over. As they are inside of Miles, they are incapable of being Pushed or Pulled on by most Allomancers. This gives Miles access to a constant supply of nearly limitless health.{{book ref|mb4|11}}
{{sidequote|You can rip the tendons in my foot, Wax, but they'll reknit immediately. I think your body will give out before mine does. Push harder. Let's see what happens.|Miles to Wax while they fight{{book ref|mb4|13}}|left|250px}}
:''See Also:'' [[Hemalurgy]]
While Miles' metalminds may have taken the form of spikes piercing his form, it appears that he may have had at least one [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic spike]].{{bws ref|/annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-fifteen/|Alloy of Law Annotation Chapter 15|date=November 30, 2015}} It is unknown what metal Miles is spiked with and what attributes it granted. Due to his last words,{{book ref|mb4|epilogue}} it appears that Miles may be influenced by or have have some connection to the [[Shard]] currently known only as [[Trell]].{{qawob ref|1094|34|Miles Hundredlives, is he possessed by a svrakiss from Elantris?|date=4 September 20141019}} It is possible that the metal his Hemalurgic spike was made from is [[trellium]], the same metal that the rogue [[kandra]] [[Bleeder]] used for her spikes.{{book ref|mb5|epilogue}}
=== Fighting Skills ===
=== Weaknesses ===
Miles' abilities have a few primary ways to be countered. The first would be via Hemalurgy. If someone could manage to remove his ability to both burn and tap gold with a Hemalurgic spike, Miles would be unable to heal himself, and his abilities would be countered.{{qawob ref|1086|69|Could Miles heal back his Allomancy if it was spiked out of him?|date=13 August 20146335}}{{qawob ref|1160|81|If you spiked out Miles' Feruchemical gold, would he be able to burn his Allomantic reserves and heal it back?|date=12 October 20156335}} However, Hemalurgy is nearly always fatal and during Miles' time, Hemalurgy is basically unknown on Scadrial, so this is not a viable option. Another easy way to counter Miles is to simply catch him. His abilities do not truly allow many offensive capabilities, so once Miles has been captured, there is little he can do to escape.{{book ref|mb4|15}} Tangling Miles in nets,{{book ref|mb4|18}} or simply delaying him until overwhelming force can physically capture him, though if he brings a bomb, he can blow himself up along with the trap then heal himself.{{book ref|mb4|19}} The final way to defeat Miles would be to remove his metalminds, which permit him to constantly be tapping health.{{book ref|mb4|epilogue}} He has so many metalminds that he would need to be captured before this method would be possible, but this would allow him to be killed.
== Relationships ==
== Trivia ==
* If Miles were somehow to be severed perfectly in half and he attempted to heal himself, his spirit would randomly choose a half of his body from which to regrow a new half of his body.{{qawob ref|944|6|If it were done EXACTLY halfway, the soul wold jump to one or the other randomly and that would regrow.|date=February, 20134128}}
== Notes ==