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This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of '''''[[The Rithmatist]].''''' We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providingprovide a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.
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== Prologue ==
Diagram of the Basic Easton Defensedefense: [http://i0.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/the-rithmatist.jpg?resize=449%2C702&type=vertical]
[[Lilly Whiting|Lilly]] -- a [[Rithmatics]] student of the [[Armedius Academy]] -- is hunted by a mysterious personfigure that sends [[chalkling|chalklings]]s to attack her. She tries hard to defend herself, but disappearsfails.
== Part 1 ==
=== Chapter 1 ===
Diagram of the 4Four Rithmatic Lines: [http://thebooksmugglers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/rithmatist-the-four-rithmatic-lines.jpg]
[[Joel Saxon|Joel]] is sent to run errands for the office. He keepsrushes thethrough his other tasks, saving a message for the Rithmatics professor [[Fitch]] for the last, oneso andhe sneakscan intowatch Fitch'sa classroomRithmatics lecture. When Professor [[Andrew Nalizar|Nalizar]] shows up to challenge Professor Fitch, Joel watches the duel and witnesses the losingloss of Professorby Fitch and his subsequent demotion.
=== Chapter 2 ===
Diagram of Two-Point and Four-Point circles: [http://i0.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/rithmatist3.png?resize=450%2C697&type=vertical]
Joel comes back to the office after running his errands and watching the fight between Nalizar and Fitch. He tells the clerks that Fitch lost. That causes the clerks, [[Florence]] and [[Exton L. Pratt|Exton]], toabout discussthe duel. The aboutclerks discuss the necessity of such duelstraditions.
Because the summer holidays are coming, Joel needs to choose a [[Armedius_Academy#Summer_Electives|summer elective]]. Florence prods him to do so and not miss it, for he would end up in a remedial tutelage if he does. He promises to do it in time.
Diagram of Bind Points and Circles Advanced Notes [http://i1.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/rithmatist4.jpg?resize=534%2C803&type=vertical]
Joel attends math class. Joel likes math because geometry is the basis of [[Rithmatics]]. When Professor [[Layton]] comes to check offthe lastprevious night's assignment, Joel is caught in not having donecompleted themit. When Professor Layton dismisses the class he tells Joel to stay. Though Joel gotquickly perfectrealizes marks in the tests, Professorthat Layton isn'tthinks convincedhe aboutcheated Joel'sto knowledgeget andperfect Joelscores realizeson thatall the professorhis thought him cheatingtests. Joel supposesproposes to docompleting the assignment in these last few minutes of the class to prove his abilities and beginsstarts todoing doso. The professor thoughtassumes somebodyJoel toldalready Joelhad the answers and draws a new task on the board. Joel solves it quitevery instantlyquickly and points out thatsome theinaccuracies drawingsin wherethe notproportions reallyof the accuratedrawing. He proves todemonstrates behis ableability to draw perfect lines and circles by eye and convinces Professor Layton that he already knew what was taught during this term, and alsoalong trigonometry and algebra. FinallyLayton theagrees professorto givespass Joel. the pass for geometry class.
After history class Joel has to do math. Joel likes mathematics as for geometry is the base for [[Rithmatics]]. The [[Armedius_Academy#Rithmatic_Campus|Rithmatic campus]] was set apart to the [[Armedius_Academy#General_Campus|General campus]] though -- as in Joel's math class -- some of the Rithmatists had to join the ordinary classes because of lacking the basics.
When Professor [[Layton]] comes to check off last night's assignment, Joel is caught in not having done them. When Professor Layton dismisses the class he tells Joel to stay. Though Joel got perfect marks in the tests, Professor Layton isn't convinced about Joel's knowledge and Joel realizes that the professor thought him cheating. Joel supposes to do the assignment in these last few minutes of the class and begins to do. The professor thought somebody told Joel the answers and draws a new task on the board. Joel solves it quite instantly and points out that the drawings where not really accurate. He proves to be able to draw perfect lines and circles by eye and convinces Professor Layton that he already knew what was taught during this term, and also trigonometry and algebra. Finally the professor gives Joel the pass for geometry class.
=== Chapter 4 ===
Diagram of the Ballintain Defensedefense: [http://i2.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/rithmatist6.jpg?resize=448%2C614&type=vertical]
Outside of the classroom, there'sJoel finds [[Melody Muns|Melody]] waiting, drawing unicorns in her notebook. She's one of the Rithmatic students in thisthe math class. Joel finds her drawing unicorns. He is upset that she doesnisn't drawpracticing Rithmatic linesRithmatics but she says she wants to spend time doing things that are not related to Rithmatics. Then she leaves him for her talk with Professor Layton.
Joel makes his way to a group of students where he heardhears aboutthat a RithmatistRithmatic student, [[Lilly Whiting]], is missing. Walking with Davis and Rose they see a federal inspector leave the Principal's office. AsFederal forinspectors a federal inspector hashave jurisdiction inover all sixty islands, and itare wasan unusual to see onesight on the campus. Also[[Thomas York|Principal Thomas York]] seemedseems totroubled beby troubledthe visit.
There[[Davis]] is the only one other student nearlynear in hisJoel's age on the campus that is a child of a professorstaff member and not a Rithmatist himself, Davis. InDuring previous years Joel and Davis spent summer holidays together at the campus. ButThis Davisyear, nowhowever, tells Joel that heDavis has the opportunity to spend holidays with the group that Michael takes withto himhis beach house, whatwhich is a great chanceopportunity for Davis's future. When Joel seems disappointed, Davis reminds him that he ishas treatednever wellbeen bullied by all the othersother students. Joel has to admit this is rightthe case, but reflects that he's notalso includedfrequently by them, but barely toleratedexcluded.
When Davis and Rose leave to join Michael, Joel looks for a good place to read through Professor Fitch's books. Only when it grows too dark to read does he thinks about supper and goesgo to the dining hall for supper. His mother is already there. He takes himself something to eat and sits by his mother. She asks him about his summer elective and whether he's passing this year's classes. He promises that he's working on it.
Then Joel asks his mother whether she has heard something about Lilly Whiting and, she told him it seems that she ran away.
Joel stands, telling his mother he will be back in a few minutes.
=== Chapter 5 ===
Diagram of a Six-Point Circle: [http://i2.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/rithmatist11.jpg?resize=399%2C621&type=vertical]
Joel takes the two books from Professor Fitch he still carries around and approaches Professor Fitch, who now has to sit at the far end of the professors' table., Detected bywith the otherRithmatic professorsbooks. and toldDirected to leave by Professor Nalizar, Joel is surprised when Professor Fitch tells thempretends that he asked him to come. Joel givesreturns the books back and hands Professor Fitch his applyapplication to be with his student for summer elective. Professor Fitch tells him that there are always young man trying to join Rithmatist classes but that this is not possible. Then heHe suggests Joel to study at another university which is more open to teachteaching RithmaticRithmatics to non-Rithmatists too. ButHe hedenies doesnJoel'ts takerequest Joelto forjoin his summer elective.
=== Chapter 6 ===
That night Joel musesbrainstorms aboutother anotherways possibilityof to getgetting assigned for summer elective to Professor Fitch's summer elective. He decides to fail thehis Rithmatic history test, hoping that this will cause ahim summerto electivebe assigned remedial tutoring with Professor Fitch. aboutUpon Rithmatichanding history.in Doinghis sofinal test (with answers he knows are wrong), Joel is sent to the office. Principal York showsis Joelabout thatto he'sexpel disappointedJoel aboutfrom hisArmedius behavior andwhen Joel admits that he failed the test on purpose. ThoughHesitant it'sto againstallow traditions to assigna non-RithmatistsRithmatist to Rithmaticstudy professors,with Principala YorkRithmatic rememberedprofessor that(which hegoes putagainst Professortradition), FitchYork oncomes aup special project and he thinks itwith a goodcompromise: ideaJoel tocan give the professorbe a research assistant. Thatto researchFitch, assistantwho hasn'twas tojust beassigned a Rithmaticspecial student,project andby he assigned Joel for this jobYork, givenprovided thathe Joelcan passespass thehis history test. Joel runsraces back to the history class and doespasses his test, finally being assigned to Professor Fitch for the summer elective, though Principal York told him to talk to him next time.
== Part 2 ==
=== Chapter 7 ===
Next morning Joel makes his way to Professor Fitch who is surprised to get Joel as research assistant but thinks it's a good idea. Joel immediately feels at home in Professor Fitch's office withamong all thatthe Rithmatic linesdiagrams and books everywherescattered about.
Shortly after hisJoel's arrivingarrival, Professor Fitch's second student arrives: Melody. She has to do a remedial tutelage with Professor Fitch because she failed in the basics of Rithmatic lines. She's put to doassigned tracings of Rithmatic diagrams while Joel has to look throughinvestigate census records to searchidentify for all Rithmatists who died in the last twenty years. Though he isn't gladexcited forby thishis assignment, he beginsjumps go work on thisin taskanyway.
Melody rumblesgrumbles about her task, musing that she can't even draw perfect circles when tracing. Joel comes to help her and shows her some freehand circles. She asks him whether he doeswould herswap tracingtasks forwith her, and she looks into his files. Joel reminds her ofdespite Professor Fitch sitting nearby who, indeed, listensnext to the two of them. When this first day ends Joel is more curious than before.
=== Chapter 8 ===
Diagram for the Sumsion Defensedefense
Joel takes some food to Florence and Exton in an attempt to find out what is going on. He discovers that there is a beliefrumor that Lilly Whiting didn't disappear, but that she was murdered by a Rithmatist.
=== Chapter 9 ===
Diagram for Osborn defense
As Joel researches through the books, he finds Exton in the list of graduates from Armedius. Melody gets sick of tracing, and Fitch decides to teach Melody about keening and(anticipating) an opponent. He gives her a lecture about the importance of strategy. Joel and Melody then competescompete as if they were in a dualduel. Joel comes out on top and offends Melody by making fun of her poor Rithmatic abilities (although he meant it as lighthearted ribbing).
=== Chapter 10 ===
Diagram of the Eskridge Defensedefense
Joel finishes up work on the census records and takes them to Fitch at Warding Hall. Fitch is distracted when he arrives, showing little interest in the records. Fitch then tells Joel that another Rithmatist student has disappeared, [[Herman Libel]]. Joel talks Fitch into letting him help with the eventsactual investigation. They go over the diagrams from Lilly's scene. [[Harding|Inspector Harding]] arrives and fills them in on Herman, while also providing more sketches.
=== Chapter 11 ===
Diagrams from the scene of Lilly Whiting
Joel goesattempts to research Rithmatic lines in the library, but is not allowed into the Rithmatist section. He makes up with Melody and enlists her to findescort anythinghim aboutinto the mysteriousrestricted symbolssection. found atThey thespy crimeon scenes.Nalizar Hein growsthe morelibrary suspiciousand ofJoel Nalizaris suspicious aswhen he checkedchecks out a book abouton unknown Rithmatic symbols. LaterAfterward, Joel teaches Melody about the [[Jordan defense]], sowhich shewill canhighlight efficientlyher makestrength (making chalklings) while hiding her weakness (drawing lines).
=== Chapter 12 ===
Diagram of Herman Libel's disappearance
Parents of Rithmatist students begin pulling their children out of Armedius Academy. Inspector Harding stations police on school grounds and initiates a lockdown of the campus. When Joel mentions his suspicions of Professor Nalizar, Harding reveals that he fought alongside Nalizar at [[Nebrask]] and considers him a hero.
Every parents who have a child who's a Rithmatist is sending their child back to their homes, so the person who is kidnapping all the Rithmatists won't take their child. Harding sends his troops to lockdown the entire school and keep all the students in there. When Joel starts suspecting Nalizar even more, Harding explains how Nalizar is a hero instead of the mean person he seems to be. Every non-Rithmatists starts being afraid of the Rithmatists. Joel invites Melody to eat with him and his mother. Mrs. Saxon (Who is Joel's mother) talks about Trent (Joel's father). Joel asks Melody about the inception, and she tells him she isn't suppose to tell him about it.
Joel invites Melody (who usually eats alone) to eat with him and his mother in the dining hall. [[Mrs. Saxon]] talks about [[Trent Saxon|Trent]], Joel's late father, who was the school's chalkmaker. Joel asks Melody about inception, but Melody refuses to answer, explaining that Rithmatists aren't allowed to talk to non-Rithmatists about the process.
=== Chapter 13 ===
Diagram of the Jordan Defensedefense
Melody invites Joel out for ice cream, hoping that he'll tell her more about the investigation with Professor Fitch in return for information about the inception ceremony. They get to know one another. Melody describes how being a Rithmatist makes her feel trapped. Joel reveals that the death of his father caused him to miss the standard July 4th inception ceremony. Melody explains some of the theory behind making chalklings after he mentions that he doesn't know much about them. Joel discovers just how poor his family is after learning how much Melody's allowance is. Melody generously gives him money to pay for their date (so he doesn't feel emasculated) and gives him an extra dollar to keep.
Joel and Melody went out to get ice cream. Melody hoped she can get Joel to tell her about what he was up to. She tells Joel why she doesn't like being a Rithmatist, and Joel tells her why he isn't a Rithmatist and how he missed his inception. Melody explains how chalklings work to Joel after he tell her how he is only good at knowing about the defenses.
=== Chapter 14 ===
Diagram of Lines of Vigor Part 1: Basic Usage
Joel and Melody read a newspaper detailing confidential information about the investigation that Joel is working with Professor Fitch on, the exact information that Joel agreed to tell Melody.
Melody shows a newspaper about Professor Fitch explaining about the kidnapper loose in New Britannia. Joel becomes better friends with Melody, and he thanks her for giving him money as a gift. Joel couldn't sleep, so he takes a walk into the Making Hall and stops in front of Professor Nalizar's room to steal the book he wanted to see. Professor Nalizar comes out of his room, but he didn't see Joel. Joel decides to talk to his mother. He went to the dueling arena where his mother was cleaning the floor. Joel helps her clean, and he wanted to help his mother pay of their debt. She doesn't want Joel to stress over the debts, and refuses his help. The next day, Joel finds a lot of people running around the halls. He asks Mrs. Emuishere what's going on. She tells him another person, Charles Calloway, the knight-senator's son, and his servants were murdered and kidnapped the last night. Joel realized everything changed after the murderer also killed a non-Rithmatist.
Later that night, Joel can't sleep so he wanders to the Rithmatic part of campus. He briefly considers breaking into Professor Nalizar's room to steal a Rithmatics book, but decides against it. Joel seeks out his mother and finds her cleaning the dueling arena. He helps her clean and asks about their money situation. She explains that his father ran up a lot of debt before he died, and that's why they're so poor. She refuses his help paying down the debts, and doesn't want him to worry about them. The next day, it's revealed that another Rithmatic student, [[Charles Calloway]], the son of a [[knight-senator]], has been kidnapped. This time, however, some non-Rithmatists were also killed.
== Part 3 ==
=== Chapter 15 ===
Instructions tofor instructing chalklings
Joel, Professor Fitch and Inspector Harding travel to East Carolina to investigate the crime scene while it's still fresh. Harding reveals that he was at the Calloway estate the previous night, trying to convince Charles's father, [[Didrich Calloway]], that his son would be safer at Armedius than at home. Joel and Fitch discover that the mysterious symbols found at the crime scene are a new type of Rithmatic line.
Joel and Professor Fitch went to East Carolina to check the crime scene before the police men erased all of the chalk diagrams. Everyone talks about how Charles would have been safer at Armedius. Joel finds out the mysterious symbols are a Rithmatic line.
=== Chapter 16 ===
Diagram of the Shoaff Defensedefense
They foundInside Charles's last wordsroom, andthey afind descriptionthe remains of thea murdererlarge battle. FitchCharles mentionshad managed a Forgotten couldn'tstrong havedefense madeagainst the chalklings attack, allbut thewas peopleeventually overwhelmed. TheyHe foundleft morea evidencedescription andof descriptionshis of whoassailant, the [[Scribbler]], mightand be.the Hestrange findswild achalklings chalkingthat chasinghad him.no Heshape figuresand outreformed Melodywhen drawndestroyed. theJoel spots a chalkling, spying on them and shegives waschase. tryingIts creator turns out to spybe onMelody, whatwho Joelfollowed wasthem to learn more about the doinginvestigation. Inspector Harding startsbegins suspectingto Melodysuspect that she might be behind the Scribblerattacks, but Joel vouches for her.
=== Chapter 17 ===
Diagram of Nine Point Circles
Joel reads a book about the [[Tower inof Nebrask]]. He wentcomes toacross Professor Fitch's roomreading tohis findreport himon reading Joel'sthe census reports.data; JoelFitch knewlies Fitchabout wasfinding lyingsomething interesting. Melody comes to give Joeldelivers a lettersummons aboutfor his grades. He went outsideJoel to findvisit protestersthe wantingoffice; toon knowhis ifway, theyhe weresees safepeople fromprotesting the DustersRithmatists. JoelBack goes toat the principal's office to find Florence and Exton there., Joel asks Exton about him beingattending inArmedius Armedius.(a Hefact didn'twhich surprises Florence). Exton wantrefuses to talk about it. PrincipalJoel Yorkconfides callshis Joelsuspicions of Nalizar to comePrincipal in,York. andYork Joelagrees explainsthat howNalizar heis suspectssuspicious Nalizarand havingreveals tothat dohe somethingregrets withhiring the kidnappinghim. Joel shows York agreedthe withstrange JoelRithmatic symbol, and regretsYork hiringthinks Nalizarit looks familiar.
=== Chapter 18 ===
Diagram of strengths in lines
Joel finally remembers where he foundhad seen the strange symbols.symbol Melodybefore calls-- Joelhis thatfather's sheold foundworkshop. aOn his way to investigate, he runs into Melody, who claims she knows how to make him into a Rithmatist. JoelShe didn'tconvinces wanthim to talktry to Melody,redo buthis heinception letceremony herand comeis withconfident him.that Heit explainswill howwork hethis sawtime. They find the symbolssymbol inamong hisJoel's father's oldnotes workshopand show Professor Fitch. HeAfter showsexamining herthe wherenotes, heFitch usedexplains tothat sleepJoel's andfather allwas ofconvinced histhat memoriesthere beingwere inmore histhan oldfour house.types Heof explainsRithmatic tolines Melodyand whythat he missedhad hiscontracts chancewith ofmultiple beingRithmatic academies that would pay him a Rithmatist.lot Melodyof suggestedmoney Joelif shouldhe trydiscovered toone. goWhile tohe did discover one (the inceptionmysterious ceremonysymbol), again.he Shewas alsonever wantedable to showdiscover Professorthe Fitchintent of the discoveryline, they'veso madeit never worked. He explainstraveled howall Joel'sover fatherthe inventedworld ain lotpursuit of Rithmatichis linesmission, andwhich is how hethe Saxon family's large madedebts specialwere chalksincurred. Mrs. Saxon finds them in the workshop, and shedecides decidedthat toenough time has past that they can move back there againin.
=== Chapter 19 ===
Article of Typestypes of Chalklingschalklings
Joel sitsattends ina church listeningservice topresided over by Father Stewart. He looks atstudies the stained glass windows showing a picturepictures of the Rithmatic lines and the peopleimportant historical figures who've discovered them. Melody tells him to go and askconvinces Father Stewart to makeallow Joel getto undergo a hissecond inception ceremony again.by Melodycausing convincesa Fatherscene. Stewart to let Joel go through the inception.
=== Chapter 20 ===
Diagram of Binding Chalklingschalklings
Joel reads a book about the history of Rithmatics. He is confused by a mention about a pocket watch saving [[Gregory III|King Gregory III]], the founder of Rithmatics, from an attack by [[Chalkling#Wild Chalklings|wild chalklings]].
Joel reads a chapter about how circles are important in Rithmatics and how man-made discoveries were important in the discovery of Rithmatics. Joel finds something about how King Gregory III found out about Rithmatics with the pocket watch he had, and it saved him from being eaten by the wild chalklings. Melody wanted Joel to come out of the workshop and talk to her. She talks about how a mob of men attacked a couple of Rithmatists for drawing chalklings. She also left to make office deliveries, and told Joel about her being in the Melee. She eventually got the book Joel wanted from Nalizar. Melody didn't want to compete in the Melee. She began to mention about how her parents wouldn't want her to visit over the summer, and how her brother, William Muns, died at Nebrask. Joel figured out Nalizar wasn't as bad as he suspected him to be. Joel then gets a letter from Father Stewart about how he gets another chance at becoming a Rithmatist.
Melody tells Joel about an incident where a mob tried to attack a pair of Rithmatist students, who scared off them off using chalklings, an action which would increase tensions. As Professor Fitch's only student, she is being forced to participate in the upcoming [[Melee]], where she is sure she will be humiliated, which will be made worse because her parents will be in attendance. She mentions that her brother, [[William Muns]], died in Nebrask, and defends Professor Nalizar, revealing that he attempted to save her brother. Joel decides that his suspicions of Nalizar must be misplaced.
=== Chapter 21 ===
Diagram about Anchoring Defensive Circles with Lines of Forbiddance.
The night before his inception, Joel is again stricken with insomnia. He can't stop thinking about his potential future as a Rithmatist. He reads a first hand account of a settler whose family was attacked by wild chalklings. He hears a sound outside his window and, upon investigation, discovers the mysterious symbol. He is under attack by the Scribbler!
Joel couldn't sleep again. He thought about his inception, and about him having to go to Nebrask if he did become a Rithmatist. He went to read a book to help him fall asleep. He finds a diary about a person who survived wild chalklings attacking their homes and eating everyone. Joel heard a sound outside his window. When he went to check if it was a vandal, he found the symbol outside his wall. Joel tried to call for help, but no sound came out of his mouth. He couldn't defend himself, so he tried to escape the swarm of chalklings. He successfully dodges all of the Scribbler's traps and the chalkings. He found out the chalking stayed away from the gears in his coin. He tried to call for help again, and Exton heard him calling. Joel discovers Exton is a Rithmatist, and he went to find patrols to spray the chalklings with acid while Exton boxed himself in the office. Joel successfully survived and destroyed all the chalklings before it got to Exton. He also found out one of the symbols silences out sound.
He tries to call for help, but can't, as the mysterious symbol (a [[Rithmatics#Line of Silencing|Line of Silencing]]) is stealing the sound. Unable to defend himself, he tries to run, but finds himself boxed in by Lines of Forbiddance. He determines that the wild chalklings are deterred by the clockwork inside the coin that Melody gave him. He is able to escape to Exton's quarters, who uses his (poor) Rithmatic abilities to ward off the chalklings. Trapped again, Joel manages to escape and run for help from the police and Investigator Harding. The police are able to defeat the remaining wild chalklings and save Exton. Harding tells Joel he is confident he knows who the kidnapper is.
=== Chapter 22 ===
Diagram of bouncing Lines of Vigor off of Lines of Forbiddance
The next morning, Inspector Harding arrests Exton. He claims to have proof that Exton was behind the kidnappings and attack on Joel. Joel believes Exton is innocent and Melody agrees.
Harding arrested Exton. They said he made all of the chalkings and have proof for it. Joel didn't believe them and still believes Exton is innocent. Joel tries to get Exton out of trial. Melody gets mad for Joel not "inviting her when he was getting chased by the chalklings". Melody also thinks Exton is innocent. Joel went to get incepted. As Joel was in the chamber, he doubted if there even was a Master, and if the person from the diary escaped out of luck. He decided to ask the Master to make him into a Rithmatist. Joel turns around to find a chalkling standing. He touches it, and it falls and runs into the altar. Joel didn't become a Rithmatist.
Later, Joel goes to the inception ceremony. In the chamber of inception, he asks the [[Church of the Monarch|Master]] to make him a Rithmatist. A [[Shadowblaze|strange chalkling]] appears behind him, not attached to any surface. Upon being touched by Joel, the creature falls down and flees. Joel does not become a Rithmatist.
=== Chapter 23 ===
Diagram of the Taylor Defensedefense
After the ceremony, Joel wants to be alone, and heads to his father's workshop. He reads some articles on the desk and discovers a drawing of the same strange being he encountered in the chamber of inception.
Joel went to his father's desk to feel bad about himself for failing his father's wish of Joel becoming a Rithmatist. Joel went to read the articles on the desk. He found the chalk drawing he saw in the chambers in the article. He found Melody outside his room. She sneaked pass the guard to get to Joel's room. Joel and Melody went to go to tell Fitch about Professor Nalizar being the one behind everything, but Fitch ignored them. When they went back, they found two figures unconscious on the ground. Joel tells Melody to find help while he went into the building to save anyone in the building from the Scribbler. When Joel went inside, he accidentally splashed Nalizar with the bucket of acid. He traps Joel in a box made of Line of Forbiddance for splashing Joel. Then, a swarm of chalklings attacked Nalizar and Joel. Inspector Harding was the Scribbler. Joel tries to escape after the Scribbler uses another mysterious symbol to make Nalizar unconscious from the force. He found Melody's unicorns help Joel escape the box he was trapped in, and they both get trapped in a room. Professor Fitch came to save them both from Harding.
Melody sneaks out of her dorm to be with Joel. They go to Professor Fitch to relay their concerns about Professor Nalizar but are rebuffed. Upon their return, they find the guards unconscious. Melody goes to get help while Joel enters the building to fight the Scribbler. He accidentally throws a bucket of acid on Nalizar, who traps him in a box of Lines of Forbiddance in retaliation. The Scribbler, revealed to be Inspector Harding, attacks! Nalizar declares that he followed the creature all the way from Nebrask and begins to fight; however, he is knocked unconscious by a [[Rithmatics#Line of Revocation|Line of Revocation]] (the second mysterious symbol) from the Scribbler. Melody frees Joel from the box and they try to escape, but are cornered by the Scribbler. Fitch arrives to save them.
=== Chapter 24 ===
Joel's Sketch of the Rithmatic Dormsdorms' second floor that night
Professor Fitch beganuses toan draw theelaborate Taylor defense todefend himself attackfrom Harding. Joel and Melody beganassist toby helptrapping Fitcha destroy allthird of the attacking chalklings by makingin a maze. likeFitch patterngains tothe trapupper them.hand Joeland toldsubdues ProfessorHarding Fitchusing toa runLine andof Revocation. Per Joel's suggestion, Fitch finduses a clock to scarefreeze the chalklingswild awaychalklings. Joel usedthrows a bucket of acid to wash awaydefeat the chalklings[[Forgotten]] whilethat theywas werepossessing frozenHarding. inThe placewild bychalklings thethen clock.turn Theinto chalklingsthe beganmissing tovictims expand,of andthe theyScribbler were(both actuallyat allNebrask ofand the missing victimsArmedius). Melody reunitesis reunited with her brotherWilliam.
=== Chapter 25 ===
Diagram of the Advanced Easton Defensedefense
Exton is freed and Joel, Melody, Professor Fitch and Professor Nalizar are lauded as heroes.
Prior to the start of the Melee, Joel confronts Nalizar. Nalizar reveals that he too is a Forgotten, but convinces Joel that nobody would believe him if he told anyone. Joel realizes that Nalizar likely is counting on his handpicked team winning the Melee and gaining important positions at Nebrask, and then disrupt the defenses in some way. Trying to disrupt this plan, he convinces Exton to allow him to enter the Melee alongside Melody. They work together as a team, inside the same [[Line of Warding]]: Joel uses his proficiency with line-drawing to draw their defenses, which Melody traces and activates. Joel's precise line-drawing and strategy, combined with Melody's skill with chalklings, allow them to defeat their competitors, including Nalizar's twelve person team, and win the Melee.
Principal York apologizes to Professor Nalizar and Exton. They had a Melee that day, and Melody had to compete in it. She told Joel why she didn't want to compete in the Melee. Professor Nalizar shows his true self, a Forgotten. Joel couldn't do anything about it after declaring Nalizar was innocent in front of everyone. He eventually leaves Joel. He went to Exton to ask if he can be in the Melee, so Nalizar can't make his students do something terrible in Nebrask that will release all of the chalklings. Exton allows Joel, and he helps Melody trace over his lines. The Professors watch the two battle, and are intrigued by it. Joel used the Line of Revocation against an opponent that didn't anchor their circle. Melody and Joel won the Melee, and Joel and Nalizar began to watch each other. Joel vowed to stop Nalizar no matter how many times it'll take him.
== Notes ==