Diferencia entre revisiones de «Día de la Traición»

sin resumen de edición
(Some grammar edits at the top)
The '''Day of Recreance''' was the final act of the [[Knights Radiant]]. They abandoned their [[Shardblade]]s and [[Shardplate]] and left their duties. For a long time it was unknown why this happened, but after the key to [[Dawnchant]] was deciphered, it was revealed that the Recreance occurred because the Final generation of Knights discovered that the [[singers]], or parsh as they were called at the time, were the original inhabitants of Roshar. The first [[Voidbringers]] were Humans, who displaced the ancient [[Dawnsingers]] after destroying their original home.
InWhen timesprevious beforegenerations whenof MenRadiants Foundhad outdiscovered the Truthtruth ofabout their origins, [[Honor]] had supported menthem and reassured them of the justice of their cause. In the days leading to the Recreance, Honor was Dyingdying. Instead of supporting them Hehe raved speaking of the [[Dawnshard]]s, ancient weapons used to destroy the [[Tranquiline Halls]] promisingand promised [[Surgebinder]]s would do the same to [[Roshar]]. 9Nine Ordersorders of the Knights broke their Oaths and abandoningabandoned their [[Spren]] and shards in an attempt to preserve this world. This act killed their bonded [[Spren]].{{book ref|sa3|113}}
It is implied in one of the epigraphs to [[Words of Radiance]] that not all ten orders took part, but that one order hid themselves away instead:
Synod, Editors, Keepers
