Diferencia entre revisiones de «El metal perdido»

sin resumen de edición
|setting=[[Scadrial]], [[Cosmere]]
|publisher=Tor Books
|released=forthcoming (20182019)
'''The Lost Metal''' is the tentative title for the fourth and final book set in [[Mistborn Era 2]].{{ref|name=sots14}}
Following completion of ''[[The Alloy of Law]]'' Brandon plotted out three more books, following the same characters, to finish the story. The last of these is ''The Lost Metal''.
It is estimated to be released in 2018Fall 2019.{{ref|name=sots16sots17}}
== Notes ==
{{bws ref|name=sots14|state-of-the-sanderson-december-2014|State of the Sanderson: December 2014|date=2014-12-18}}
{{bws ref|name=sots16sots17|state-of-the-sanderson-20162017|State of the Sanderson: 20162017|date=20162017-12-19}}
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