Diferencia entre revisiones de «Palacio de Kholinar»

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(needed these sections to fix broken links without making more stub pages)
'''Kholinar Palace''' is the seat of [[House Kholin]], [[Kholin princedom]] and the nation of [[Alethkar]].
ItThe Palace is located in the northern cornerPortion of the city of [[Kholinar]], atop a plateau, and connected to the Kholinar [[Oathgate|Monastery Dais]] by athe walkwaySunwalk.{{map ref|Kholinar}}
== Palace Guard ==
This is the force tasked with the imitate protection of the palace and the royal family in the city.
== Queen's Guard ==
The Queen's guard is a division of the Palace Guard that is tasked with the protection of [[Aesudan Kholin]] and [[Gavinor Kholin]].
== The Riots ==
After the Riots the queen recalls the city guard and the palace guard into the palace and anyone that enters the palace never returns. The Cult of moments Held Feasts in the Monastery Dais.
A portion of the Guards resist The lure of the unmade and are locked in a room. While in the room they claim time seemed to pass differently for them, feeling it has only been a few days not a few weeks from the riots
== Notes ==