Diferencia entre revisiones de «Día de la Traición»

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(→‎Speculation: speculation not necessary anymore)
(Added more to Cause)
The '''Day of Recreance''' was the final act of the [[Knights Radiant]]. They abandoned their [[Shardblade]]s and [[Shardplate]] and left their duties. For a long time it was unknown why this happened, but after the key to [[Dawnchant]] was deciphered, it was revealed that the Recreance occurred because the one generation of Knights discovered that the Listeners[[singers]], or parsh as they were called at the time where not, in fact, the original Voidbringer's,[[Voidbringers]] invadingwho theinvaded human lands,. butIt thatwas the humans were the Voidbringers, and who had invaded Roshar, and destroyed its native inhabitants, the [[Dawnsingers]], orancient ancestors of the current Listenerssingers. When the Knights found out that the humans had invaded Roshar because they destroyed their previous home with [[Surgebinding]], and that Honor had been hiding this from them, they renounced their vows and unbound their Nahel Bonds in an attempt to preserve this world. This act killed their bonded spren.
It is implied in one of the epigraphs to [[Words of Radiance]] that not all ten orders took part, but that one order hid themselves away instead:
This was later confirmed to be the [[Order of Skybreakers]].{{reference needed}}
In one of [[Dalinar's visions]].
The Knights Radiant somehow discovered that surgebinding had destroyed the world humankind first inhabited. In order to save the world, they decided to give up their powers so that Roshar wouldn't be destroyed like their first world was. When previous generation had learned this fact, Honor had counseled them that their cause was just. During the generation of the Recreance, Honor was deteriorating for an unknown reason and did not do so. According to the Stormfather: "But in the days leading to the Recreance, Honor was dying. When that generation of knights learned the truth, Honor did not support them. He raved, speaking of the Dawnshards, ancient weapons used to destroy the Tranquiline Halls. Honor … promised that Surgebinders would do the same to Roshar."{{book ref|sa3|113}} It is unknown why at least two orders abandoned their Shards to be misused and without saying why.
== Notes ==