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The '''Order of Skybreakers''' was an order of the [[Knights Radiant]] on [[Roshar]].
== Historical ==
They were the last order to be accepted by their chosen [[Herald]], Nalan'Elin,{{epigraph ref|sa2|43}} and also the only one where the patron Herald became a Knight Radiant.{{book ref|sa3|106}}
== Known Skybreakers ==
* The patron of the Skybreakers was [[Nalan]], who is the only Herald known to have formally joined their Radiant Order beyond patronage.
* After losing his [[Honorblade]], [[Szeth]] is currently a Skybreaker of the Third Ideal.
* [[Ki]]
* [[Warren]]
* [[Joret]] (Squire)
* [[Cali]] (Squire)
* [[Zedzil]] (Squire)
* [[Ty]] (Squire)
* [[Helaran]] (Unbonded initiate)
=== The First Ideal ===
Also known as the Ideal of Radiance.
| Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.
| The First Ideal of the Knights Radiant{{book ref|wok|59}}
=== The Second Ideal ===
Also called the Ideal of Justice, this is a specific oath to seek and administer justice.
| I will put the law before all else.
| The Second Ideal of the Skybreakers{{17s ref|post|116397|text= What is the Skybreaker's Second Ideal?|date=12 March 2014}}{{qa ref|1050|3|Second oath of the Skybreakers|date=Mar 22, 2014}}
| I swear to seek justice, to let it guide me, until I find a more perfect Ideal.
| The Second Ideal of the Skybreakers (as spoken by Szeth){{book ref|sa3|92}}
=== The Third Ideal ===
Also called the Ideal of Dedication, this is a specific oath to dedicate oneself to a greater truth. A Skybreaker must first bond their highspren before taking this oath, and it is the minimum oath required before the Surge of Division is taught.
| I swear to follow the will of Dalinar Kholin. This is my oath.
| The Third Ideal of the Skybreakers (as spoken by Szeth){{book ref|sa3|121}}
=== The Fourth Ideal ===
This Ideal is also called the Ideal of Crusade, and requires that a Skybreaker undertake a personal quest and complete it to the satisfaction of their highspren. Once completed, the Skybreaker is elevated to the rank of master.
| I will cleanse the Shin of their false leaders, so long as Dalinar Kholin agrees.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
| The Skybreaker Crusade, as spoken by Szeth.
=== The Fifth Ideal ===
Called the Ideal of Law, this requires the Skybreaker to swear an oath that they will become a personification of law and truth. Nale is the only current Skybreaker to have achieved it, as per Oathbringer.{{cite}}
Called the Ideal of Law, this requires the Skybreaker to swear an oath that they will become a personification of law and truth. Nale is the only current Skybreaker to have achieved it, as per Oathbringer.
== Abilities ==
== Quotes ==
| And thus were the disturbances in the Revv toparchy quieted, when, upon their ceasing to prosecute their civil dissensions, Nalan'Elin betook himself to finally accept the Skybreakers who had named him their master, when initially he had spurned their advances and, in his own interests, refused to countenance that which he deemed a pursuit of vanity and annoyance; this was the last of the Heralds to admit to such patronage.
| [[Words of Radiance (in-world)|Words of Radiance, chapter 5, page 17]]{{epigraph ref|sa2|43}}
| There came also sixteen of the order of Windrunners, and with them a considerable number of squires, and finding in that place the Skybreakers dividing the innocent from the guilty, there ensued a great debate.
| [[Words of Radiance (in-world)|Words of Radiance, chapter 28, page 3]]{{epigraph ref|sa2|54}}
| The considerable abilities of the Skybreakers for making such amounted to an almost divine skill, for which no specific Surge or spren grants capacity, but however the order came to such an aptitude, the fact of it was real and acknowledged even by their rivals.
| [[Words of Radiance (in-world)|Words of Radiance, chapter 28, page 3]]{{epigraph ref|sa2|55}}
| 'You'd let it go, then?'<br>
'Storms, no,' Kaladin said. 'I'd find my own justice.'<br>
'Oh...' Syl settled on his shoulder. They walked for a long while, eventually approaching the warcamp. 'You're not a Skybreaker, Kaladin,' Syl finally said. 'You're not supposed to be like this.'<!--
| I watched you destroy yourself in the name of order, watched you obey your personal code when others would have fled or crumbled. Szeth-son-Neturo, I watched you keep your word with perfection. This is a thing lost to most people--it is the only genuine beauty in the world. I doubt I have ever found a man more worthy of the Skybreakers than you.
| [[Nale]], Words of Radiance{{book ref|sa2|88}}
== Trivia ==
* If [[Rashek]] were to have joined the Knights Radiant he would have made an okay, though not great, Skybreaker.{{qa ref|1093|4|If the Lord Ruler joined the Knights Radiant, what order would he fit in best?|date=Aug 20th, 2014}}
== Notes ==