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The '''Pits of Hathsin''' are a system of caves near [[Luthadel]] on [[Scadrial]] at the time of the [[Final Empire]] in which [[atium]] crystals grow.
The Pits also a [[skaa]] labor camp the [[Lord Ruler]] set up to mine atium crystals. It serves the dual purpose of punishing skaa criminals and concealing the location of the atium mines, as the prisoners cannot leave. During the events of the FInalFinal Empire, the Pits of Hathsin are the only known place where atium can be mined. [[Allomancy]] cannot be used to retrieve the crystals, because an [[Iron]]pull would cause them to shatter. As a result, imprisoned skaa are required to mine the rare metal by hand. All skaa in the Pits have small scratches along their arms from the jagged crystals. The Pits are overseen by [[House Venture]]. Each skaa has to find an atium geode every week; if they fail, they are savagely beaten to death.{{book ref|mb1|21}}
== History ==