Diferencia entre revisiones de «Reino Cognitivo»

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(Renamed section. Could be handy in case Brandon hints about another Cognitive region in the future)
(Added general info about inhabitants and moved Silverlight there)
The few regions in the Cognitive Realm revealed so far has shown major differences in composition and appearance, but there are common characteristics:
;Fluid-Solid reversal: Bodies of water in the Physical Realm appear as solid in the Cognitive, whereas land on the Physical Realm appear as a vast sea, the composition of which differs for each region. It has been implied that there are regions on the Cognitive Realm that don't have this reversal.{{qa ref|1108|17|ground/waterWoR inversionsigning in Omaha|date=Mar 13th, 2014}}
;A tiny sun: There appears to be a sun in the Cognitive Realm's sky, but it has consistently been described as being smaller than what each character seeing it is familiar with. The sun disappears in the space between worlds.
It is unknown how common those characteristics are on the Cognitive Realm of other cosmere worlds.
== Inhabitants ==
While everything in the cosmere has a Cognitive aspect, most sentient beings only perceive the [[Physical Realm]]. However, there are several ways to move one's consciousness, and even one's existence, away from the Physical Realm and thereby experience the Cognitive Realm. [[Worldhoppers]] do this in order to easily traverse the space between worlds via the Cognitive land. Furthermore, the souls of the dead appear in the Cognitive Realm before passing on to [[the Beyond]]. Through [[Investiture]], a soul can last longer in the Cognitive Realm, and some even hold on long enough to be considered [[Cognitive shadow]]s, souls that fail to pass on and are stuck in the Cognitive Realm.
There are beings that are considered native to the Cognitive Realm. These Cognitive entities, like the [[spren]] on Roshar, can even form whole civilizations and reside in cities built on the Cognitive land.
[[Silverlight]] is a human-inhabited city fully located on the Cognitive Realm. The city has several universities, and is where the cosmere scholar [[Khriss]] is based.{{au ref|selish}} Aside from [[Worldhopper]] residents who came from the Physical Realm of other worlds, there are also humans who were born and raised in Silverlight{{17s ref|post|513021|Arcanum Unbounded signing in Hoboken, NJ|date=2016-12-03}} and are therefore native to the Cognitive Realm.
The implications of humans being born in a Realm other than the Physical has not yet been revealed.
== On Roshar ==
== On Scadrial ==
Physical things on the Cognitive Realm on Scadrial appear shrouded in mist. Living things, as well as metallic objects, appear to glow. The Physical land appear misty and fluid, while bodies of water on the Physical Realm appear as solid, dark, smoky stone where mist-emitting plants grow.{{msh ref|2|2}} Worldhoppers have been known to travel by boat across the misty fluid of the Scadrian Cognitive Realm{{qa ref|1182|57|Arcanum Unbounded signing in Chicago, IL|date=Dec 6th, 2016}}, but Cognitive Shadows, Shard Vessels, and the souls of the dead appear capable of walking on the fluid.
It is possible to take the misty Cognitive aspect of an object on Scadrial's Cognitive Realm and use it away from its Physical location, as [[Kelsier]] does in [[Mistborn: Secret History]].{{msh ref|4|3}} How this can be done has not yet been fully explained.
It is unknown if the area of Cognitive land where the [[Ire]] are positioned during the events of [[Mistborn: Secret History]] is in Sel, though the Ire appear to be [[Elantrian]]s who are native to Sel. The area around the Ire building has tall jagged rock formations that look like trees.{{msh ref|5|2}}
== Silverlight ==
:''Main article:'' [[Silverlight]]
'''Silverlight''' is a human-inhabited city fully located on the Cognitive Realm. The city has several universities, and is where [[Khriss]] is based.{{au ref|selish}}
Not everyone on Silverlight [[Worldhopping|Worldhopped]] from the Physical Realm of other worlds, as some people there were born in the city itself.{{17s ref|post|513021|Arcanum Unbounded signing in Hoboken, NJ|date=2016-12-03}}
== Other Regions ==