Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Las Lentes Fragmentadas»

==Chapter 16==
With one runner down and two robots remaining, Alcatraz sees the last runner about to fall as well. He sends out every bit of physical ability he can, but even that is not enough as he sees a row of rifles aimed at the runner. He sends his Breaking Talent as well, making the rifles explode. The robot is downed. There is still one more, however, and one more boulder will probably finish the dome since there is already a gaping hole in it. Alcatraz goes to the glass dome and releases power into it -- the boulder bounces off. He collapses in exhaustion. Kaz escapes with two of the runners, but Bastille makes a desperate run for the last robot. She manages to throw her teddy bear and knock it down, but she is shot unconscious and brutally beaten by the Librarians. Alcatraz orders the soldiers to watch for more tunnels and goes to question his mother.
==Chapter NCC-1701==
Editors, Keepers
