Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Las Lentes Fragmentadas»

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==Chapter 1010==
On top of the wooden palisade, they observe the robots driving tall glowing rods into the ground around the city. Aydee speculates that they are some sort of glass device, but Kaz notes that the order of the Shattered Lens is running the war, and they eschew silimatic technology. Alcatraz powers up his Communicator's Lenses to talk to Grandpa, who can only give vague promises about coming to help. Whatever the purpose of the rods, they are disruptive to Alcatraz's glass and the connection goes out. Once again, Mallo seriously considers surrender as the robots move to start throwing boulders again. Suddenly, a group of Librarian soldiers appear and a quick skirmish ensues. The Librarians are defeated, but Mallo and Angola have been hit and are in a coma. Alcatraz asks who is in charge now, and since those of sufficient rank are gone or in a coma, the highest person of peerage assumes the role of acting king. That person is Alcatraz.
==Chapter 24601==