Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Las Lentes Fragmentadas»

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== Chapter 4 ½ ==
Alcatraz and Bastille run up a set of stairs. Alcatraz breaks the stairs, keeping the Knights away for the moment, but also trapping them on the upper level. Kaz suddenly appears and tells them there is a vehicle waiting for them at Keep Smedry. [[Aydee Ecks Smedry|Aydee Ecks]], another Smedry cousin, is the pilot. The Knights are on them again, having found another way to their level, so Kaz engages his Talent so they can escape. Unfortunately, his Talent has been erratic lately, and they end up in the cave of a baledragon, who starts to attack. Kaz engages his Talent again, and Alcatraz sees a very brief vision of the Incarna wheel. They are now inside the dragon, in its stomach. Kaz transports them to Keep Smedry (after a brief visit to the bottom of the ocean), and they all climb to the top to a waiting glass butterfly aircraft, the ''Colorfly''. They all board her and take off.
==Chapter 42==