Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Los Caballeros de Cristalia»

→‎Chapter 10: fixed red link for brightsand; just threw it over to Silimatic, but it deserves something better, too lazy now to do it properly
m (→‎Chapter 10: fixed red link for brightsand; just threw it over to Silimatic, but it deserves something better, too lazy now to do it properly)
==Chapter 10==
Grandpa leads Alcatraz to a guarded room with a large metal box with chunks of glass at the corners. He explains that it is Transporter's Glass -- a box the same size is in Crystallia, and when both are activated at the same time by [[Silimatic|brightsand]], the boxes switch places. They transport to Crystallia, normally off-limits to outsiders. When they arrive at the room of the trial, the guards inform them that the trial has already begun and were not allowed in. Despite every reasonable attempt to talk their way in, the knights refuse entry. Grandpa then provokes Alcatraz so his Talent will activate, threatening to bring down the entire tower. The guards let them in and Grandpa explodes.
==Chapter 11==
Editors, Keepers
