Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Aleación de ley»

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(added links to annotations)
*[http://www.tor.com/2011/06/29/the-alloy-of-law-excerpt-2/ Chapter 2 Excerpt]
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-two/|Chapter 2 Annotation]]
== Chapter 3 ==
*[http://www.tor.com/2011/07/13/the-alloy-of-law-chapter-three/ Chapter 3 Excerpt]
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-three/|Chapter 3 Annotation]]
== Chapter 4 ==
*[http://www.tor.com/2011/07/27/the-alloy-of-law-chapter-four/ Chapter 4 Excerpt]
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-four/|Chapter 4 Annotation]]
== Chapter 5 ==
*[http://www.tor.com/2011/08/10/the-alloy-of-law-chapter-five/ Chapter 5 Excerpt]
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-five/|Chapter 5 Annotation]]
== Chapter 6 ==
*[http://www.tor.com/2011/08/24/the-alloy-of-law-chapter-six/ Chapter 6 Excerpt]
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-six/|Chapter 6 Annotation]]
== Chapter 7 ==
Marasi decides to visit Wax at his mansion where he is engaged with metallurgy, trying to discover the exact alloy used in the aluminum gun. Marasi informs Wax that Lord Harms is willing to bankroll Wax in his endeavour to rescue Steris.
The two of them attempt to reason the motives of the Vanishers and their operation and come to an astonishing conclusion. Meanwhile, Wax has Wayne on a mischievous errand.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-seven/|Chapter 7 Annotation]]
== Chapter 8 ==
Wayne manages to convince the information out of the two he interrogates and leaves with Brettin none the wiser.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-eight/|Chapter 8 Annotation]]
== Chapter 9 ==
Wax draws on his own Feruchemic ability to fall through the floor to the room below. Wayne follows and is badly burnt on the back from the explosion. Presumed dead, they use the cover as an opportunity to go after the Vanishers.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-nine/|Chapter 9 Annotation]]
== Chapter 10 ==
Wax returns after gleaning information from the local beggars. Wayne hands him the cigar box to which Wax responds by asking Marasi if she's heard of the name [[Miles Dagouter]].
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-ten/|Chapter 10 Annotation]]
== Chapter 11 ==
Wax and Wayne explain more about Miles to Marasi. Now understanding the full extent of the danger, Wax intends to send Marasi to some place safe - she objects of course - and Wax reveals he knows she is an Allomancer. It turns out that Marasi is a [[Pulser]]. She's not overly proud of that either, but Wax tries to convince her it is useful.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-eleven/|Chapter 11 Annotation]]
== Chapter 12 ==
Back on the train, Wax is still pondering what Miles' motives are when a distant scream alerts him moments before the bullet tears into the carriage. Miles is no ordinary criminal that would go to ground. Being a former lawman he was accustomed to hunting, and Wax had upset his plans.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-twelve/|Chapter 12 Annotation]]
== Chapter 13 ==
Marasi tends to Wax's wounds and they decide on a safehouse to avoid Miles should he attack again. They deduce that the safest place right now is Ranette's. Wax jokes that it might not be "safe" anywhere near Ranette.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-thirteen/|Chapter 13 Annotation]]
== Chapter 14 ==
| the [[High Imperial]] message on the [[aluminum]] pistol
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-fourteen/|Chapter 14 Annotation]]
== Chapter 15 ==
Wax has plotted where Miles will strike next. He needs a new shipment of aluminum since most of it was lost at the Yomen party and Wax deduces where Miles might strike the next Tekiel shipment. Wax is aware of Marasi's feelings but neither of them voice it aloud as Wax deters the conversation before it escalates.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-fifteen/|Chapter 15 Annotation]]
== Chapter 16 ==
Another quick change sees him in Tekiel guard uniform and he reports for duty with Wax as the "extra help" Lord Tekiel sent. A series of gunshots are the perfect distraction for getting Wax inside the Breaknaught. Faking a gunshot wound Wax is thrown into the Breaknaught by Wayne as the nearest place of safety for the "wounded" guard. Wayne then quickly shuts the door, the timer mechanism locking it and the train sets off with Wax still inside.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-sixteen/|Chapter 16 Annotation]]
== Chapter 17 ==
Wax pulls the string tight.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-seventeen/|Chapter 17 Annotation]]
== Chapter 18 ==
Marasi had hidden behind the train car, stashing the rifle when the Coinshot came after her. She notices Miles outside a tunnel and tries to overhear his conversation with the Coinshot. Wax appears from the mists, wearing mistcloak, a pair of revolvers, a shotgun rested on each shoulder, and a smile. Without a word he blasts Miles in the side with both shotguns.
*[[bws: annotation-the-alloy-of-law-chapter-eighteen/|Chapter 18 Annotation]]
== Chapter 19 ==